Chapter 172 Blood Pupil·Soul Shaking!

“Speaking of it, the inner disciple is getting worse and worse every year. If I say, our school should not open up to recruit disciples. The inner disciple must be promoted by Outer Sect, so as to ensure the quality of our disciples at Yujushan. !”

“Indeed, recruiting young Practitioners from the outside to enter the Inner Sect directly, although it can quickly increase our Yujushan inner disciple personnel, but the quality is suddenly lowered, just like the one just now, and I actually told me about it. See the ancestors!”

“The ancestors are in the sacred realm, and I have never met people below the fish-dragon realm. Unless they are truly talented and peerless, there may be a glimmer of hope to inspire the ancestors to meet.”

“Do you think that person looks like a peerless talent?”

“It’s not like!”

“I don’t think it is like it. I guess the so-called genius from some small place is too high for myself. Haha!”

The two guards were talking and laughing.

At this time, Su Zhan has also integrated into the team of those young Practitioners.

Many people glanced at Su Zhan.

Apart from the fact that some girls were attracted by Su Zhan Chuchen’s temperament, and after a few more glances, nothing else happened.

Of course, this was because Su Zhan didn’t activate the charm aura.

The protagonist’s halo effect was originally enhanced with his Cultivation Base Ascension effect. Now if he turns on the charm halo, those women in the main soldier realm will be unable to walk straight away.

That said.

Perhaps the charm aura can be used as a means of group attack in the future?

If when are you surrounded by a large number of female cultivators and want to kill yourself, once the charm aura is opened, the crisis will not be resolved immediately?

But then…

Thinking of what might happen, Su Zhan shook his head again and again.

That must be more terrifying than directly working on him!

Before long, he followed the young Practitioners to a small square in Xiaoyun Mountain.

Just stepped onto the square from the stone steps,

A young man in inner disciple costume came over and said, “You are here for the assessment this time, right?”

After he finished speaking, a light blue ball appeared in his hand: “This is a tool that can test whether your Cultivation Base is qualified and is enough to participate in the assessment. You only need to put your hands on it. If something happens, if it is not reached, it will trigger the mechanism in it, and a red light will appear.

Okay, you can come over now. ”

As soon as the voice fell, a Practitioner walked over.

Put your hand on top, stay for a second, and then walk past the young man.

A named Practitioner did the same.

Practitioners who can come here, of course, cannot be so stupid that the Cultivation Base is not enough to participate in the inner disciple assessment.

This procedure of Yu Beast Mountain is just in case.

inner disciple assessment?

Are these people here for assessment?

Su Zhan frowned slightly when he heard the young man’s words, but didn’t say much.

The last time he visited the Pill Sword Sect, he had known that these low-level disciples had no use to ask, they didn’t even know.

If you want to see the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain, you still have to start with that Yulong Realm Elder.

After all, the last time I saw the Sect Leader of Pill Sword Sect, I also relied on a golden robe Elder to lead the way.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan passed the test just like everyone else.

Later, he followed those people to the center of the square.

In the center of the square, there is a stone tablet on which is covered with text.

“This is the basic animal training method. Those of you who have no foundation can take a look. Although it is estimated that you can’t understand a few, it is better to see it than not. When Elder will test you, it may also come in handy. ”

The young man put away the blue bead and pointed to the stele.

As soon as these words came out, the disciples all looked towards the stone tablet one after another.

Su Zhan also glanced curiously.

“Ding! Complete the achievement task “Learning Beast Taming Technique for the First Time” and unlock the new halo [Protagonist Beast Taming Halo]!”

[Protagonist Beast Taming Halo]: As the protagonist, & occasionally riding a real dragon and phoenix, talking with the nine-tailed celestial fox and the like, it’s really normal, okay? After the aura is turned on, the success rate of Beast Taming Ascension, the majesty Ascension to Demonic Beasts, the affinity Ascension, the aura effect will greatly increase when facing the blood of the beast!

Hear the prompt sound of the system in my mind.

Su Zhan was stunned, a little speechless.

Was this halo started a little too hastily?

The aura of pill refining depends on how people do it anyway!

Does this open with a glance at the stele?

Moreover, why is this animal training method so rubbish?

This still needs to be learned?

Under the effect of the beast-taming halo, Su Zhan spent about two seconds digesting all the contents of the stele, and then looking at it, he already felt that these basic beast-taming methods were extremely simple.

Just now.

A ray of light descended from the sky near the stele.

He was an old man with a hawk nose. Just standing firm, a young Practitioner greeted him and said respectfully: “You are the Ye Elder in charge of the assessment? I am Lin Hao from the Lin Family in Sifang County. I have met Ye Elder. !”

“Lin Hao?”

The old man’s expression softened: “It turns out to be a famous genius in Sifang County. Not bad. I heard that you are only fifteen years old, and you have reached the pinnacle of the main state of the soldiers. This kind of talent, I am afraid that no one will be among the people in this assessment. It can be compared!”

After receiving Ye Elder’s praise, Lin Hao was overjoyed, but still kept a humble smile on his face: “Ye Elder is too much praise, I just–”

“This Elder, I am looking for your ancestor in an emergency, please take me over to see your ancestor.”

Su Zhan was too lazy to wait for these people to talk nonsense for a long time, walked over and said directly.

“You want to see the ancestor?”

Ye Elder’s gaze fell on Su Zhan, and he was taken aback for a while, then his face became cold: “Which family are you from? So ignorant of manners? Go back!”

Lin Hao also turned his gaze towards Su Zhan at this time, and reprimanded: “Didn’t you listen to what Dao Ye Elder said? Not happy yet—”

“You better not talk too much.”

Halfway through Lin Hao’s words, Su Zhan glanced at Lin Hao suddenly.

The murderous intent in his eyes was slightly revealed, and Lin Hao felt cold all over, and unexpectedly closed his mouth unconsciously, and did not dare to speak any more.

Damn it!

Like me, he is here for the assessment!

Why should I be afraid of him!

Lin Hao was angry, but recalled the killing intent in Su Zhan’s eye, but he abruptly endured it.

Looking at him coldly, he wanted to see how such arrogant people would be dealt with by Ye Elder!

At this moment, Ye Elder was already very unhappy when he saw that Su Zhan hadn’t retreated, and when he saw that Su Zhan threatened Lin Hao in front of him, he didn’t take him seriously, and he was furious.

“I will give one last chance, now kneel down, admit your mistakes, and I will allow you to leave Xiaoyun Mountain alive!”


Kneel down and admit your mistakes?

Want to kill me?

Even if you don’t want to take me there, it won’t be like this, right?

Su Zhan frowned, and said displeased: “I just want to see your ancestor. If you don’t take me, please inform me and say that Su Zhan wants to see him. Is it so difficult?”

“Su Zhan? What kind of shit is Su Zhan! I have never heard of it!”

Ye Elder showed his murderous intent and sneered: “Okay, okay! Since you are looking for death, then kill the chicken and the monkey today, let everyone know that I will end up arrogantly in Yushou Mountain!”

After speaking, his eyes suddenly turned pale blue.

Looking directly at Su Zhan’s eyes, a feeling of icy cold shocked Su Zhan’s spiritual consciousness!

“Why isn’t Ye Elder moving?”

“That’s right! Why doesn’t he do it! Isn’t he going to kill the chicken and the monkey?”

“Humph! What do you know!”

Hearing the discussion of those young Practitioners behind, Lin Hao let out a cold snort, and said with a hint of pride: “This is a pupil technique of Yu Beast Mountain, called Frozen World!

Don’t look at this kid now looking like nothing, in fact, his soul consciousness is already in extreme cold!

In just a few seconds, his mental consciousness will be completely destroyed by this ice-cold meaning. By then, although he is alive, he is just a walking corpse. It is better to live than to die! ”

So scary!

Those Practitioners changed their faces.

At this moment, Su Zhan wanted to laugh a little.

Facing Ye Elder’s pupil technique, he didn’t even bother to open his heart aura.

Mental Energy’s attack methods, such as pupil technique, refining the gods, etc., are based on the powerful advantages of Mental Energy.

At the moment, this Elder Mental Energy is far inferior, and he dared to use Mental Energy to attack him. Not only did it have no effect, as long as Su Zhan Xiaoxiao counterattacked, Ye Elder could be backlashed and had a headache for several days!

However, Su Zhan didn’t mean to fight back.

The next moment.

His pupils suddenly turned into bright red, reflected in Ye Elder’s pale blue pupils!

Suddenly, Ye Elder, who was still smiling with a sneer, appeared shocked!

Then, there was an uncontrollable horror!

Blood pupil·shaking soul!

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