Chapter 308 The Demon God’s Blood Was Born! (Fourth)

“The leader… is not his opponent?”

“This person is definitely not Human! Human flesh is short board! It is absolutely impossible to be so tyrannical!”

“What kind of clan he is! Think about what to do now!”

“It’s over, after vomiting so much blood, the leader seems to be seriously injured!”

“The leader fell towards this side! Catch the leader!”

A demon knight exclaimed, catching the demon leader falling from the sky.

“How about it?”

“How is the chief’s injury?”

“You speak!”

A famous demons immediately surrounded him.

The demon knight who caught the demon leader put his hand on the demon leader’s chest, and felt that the heart in it had stopped beating. He looked sad: “Leader, the leader is dead!”

The leader is dead?

How can this be!

The leader, the leader was beaten to death by that human!

All the demons were dumbfounded.

Suppress that human being, so how about we attack and siege?

The boss, you were beaten to death with one punch!

What should we do? ? ?

After the ignorance, those demons began to fear.

Even the leader of the demon clan can’t take a punch from Su Zhan, let alone them!

“I surrender!”

A demon knight shouted.


Su Zhan ignored him at all, and killed him with a punch!

Seeing Su Zhan rushing towards his side.

The original Demon Warriors who were neatly arranged all instantly became confused and fled for their lives.

As for the courage to resist.

After Su Zhan punched the demon leader to death, it was gone!

“No! No!”

“Senior forgive me!”

“I would like to gift my wife to senior!”

“I still have a daughter, please senior—”


Su Zhan, who was beating other demons, turned around angrily when he heard the demons begging for mercy, and beat him to death with a punch!

Does your wife have no points in her heart?

Give it to me?

And your daughter, looking at your crooked melon and jujube, it is estimated that it is also the kind of scary female ghost who can be directly at night!

This is so special, it clearly wants to harm me!


Too vicious!

With one punch, the vicious demon clan was killed, and Su Zhan continued to bombard and kill the other demon clan.

These demons just wanted to kill him, and he would naturally ignore those begging for mercy.

“Spare! I didn’t do anything to you! Forgive me—”


“Don’t fight, don’t fight, I surrender, I surrender!”


“Run away! Human Race is terrible!”


Punch after punch blasted out.

With every punch, at least one demons will be killed!

Of course, sometimes it may be a few or even dozens.

It happened to hit the place where the demons gathered, and the punches spread, killing them all!

Two minutes later.

Su Zhan killed all the holy realm demons and more than two hundred demons warriors, and stopped.

He didn’t chase the remaining Demon Warriors who fled far away, as well as ordinary Demon Race.

As a result, it is important to find the blood of the demon gods now, and there is not so much time to spend with these demon races.

Secondly, he was a good person, and good people should not be cut to death. Just like the more than 300 Demon Warriors, he only killed two hundred and ninety-eight.

“I’m still too kind.”

With a sigh, Su Zhan collected all the things of the demons.

It may be because the Demon Realm does not have empty jade.

These three-eyed demons do not have storage rings, but they do have storage bags, similar to storage rings.

After putting things away, Su Zhan took out Wan Jiantu and opened it.

“I have come to the Demon World, Greystone Demon Island, where do I go now?”

“You have arrived? Okay, wait for me to feel it!”

Heavenly Demon’s voice was slightly excited.

The black energy surging on the Wanjian map seemed to be using some secret technique.

After a while, Heavenly Demon opened his mouth and said, “It’s on your left side! Keep going forward, and then I will guide you to the exact location after I sense the vicinity!”


Su Zhan nodded, just about to leave, suddenly, his heart moved and he looked at the spatial passage in the sky.

“This space channel is here. If I can come in, wouldn’t the Demon Race also go out?

Although these demons are not strong, if the human race goes out without precautions, they are afraid that it will cause lives and deaths, and countless deaths and injuries!

Moreover, Tang Liuxue is not their opponent either! ”

“It’s very simple. With your strength, you only need to slam a punch with all your strength. The space channel is already very unstable, and it must be unbearable and completely collapsed!

After you finish taking the blood of the Devil God, when you want to go out, use the space I taught you to open Restrictions! ”

Hearing Heavenly Demon’s words, Su Zhan felt that it was feasible, and with his left hand, Extreme Thunder Mountain appeared in his palm, and he smashed towards that space channel.


The space channel is suddenly deformed and distorted!

Finally disappeared!

Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction, put away Extreme Thunder Mountain, and walked towards the direction of the Demon God’s blood.

Soon after he left.

A large number of demons came to the square in the black bamboo forest.

The five powerful demons headed by the demons swept across the stumped arms and looked at the tragic death of one of their fellow clan. They were extremely angry.

“Damn it! The human race we slaughtered as fat sheep, dare to take the initiative to kill our demon world!”

“This person is so strong! According to the living Heizhu tribe warriors, this person killed their leader with one punch!”

“What’s the matter! The Heizhu tribe was originally the weakest among the nine tribes of Greystone Devil Island! Although Ge Yun is also a leader, his strength is far beyond ours!”

“That said, even though that person killed Ge Yun with a single punch, as long as he is not the Holy King, under our joint efforts, there is only one dead end!”

“Yes, we have joined forces, and Ge Yun can’t even take half of our tricks, so why not be afraid of that trivial human race!”

“Speaking of which, when I left the tribe, I heard that Elder had already notified Lord Fred Sage Demon! He is the number one powerhouse in Greystone Demon Island. If he does something–”

“Shut up, you! Waiting for his old man to take care of this little thing?”

Among the several demon bosses, the strongest boss Nilang sneered: “Now our three-eyed demon clan is not what we used to be, and now we are a powerful demon clan with three holy demons!

The nearby sea area of ​​50,000 miles has already surrendered to our Three-Eyed Demon Race. If that Human Race dares to offend us, let him know the power of our Three-Eyed Demon Race!

High priest, he should be leaving soon, can you find the direction of his departure? ”

“Let me try.”

Next to Nilang, a demon old man in a black robe took out a dark tortoise shell.

Billowing magic energy poured into the tortoise shell from his hand.

The tortoise shell flashed black and floated in the air.

The old man of the demon clan made a seal on his hands, constantly changing, and chanting words at the same time.

Before long, he put away the turtle shell and pointed in the direction Su Zhan was leaving: “It’s there!”

“Okay! Warriors, let me crush the enemy!”

Nilang shouted, riding a unicorn, and rushed in the direction that Su Zhan was leaving!

Other demons also followed.

at this time.

Su Zhan stood by a water pool and asked the demon in the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram: “Are you sure, the blood of the Demon God is under here?”


Heavenly Demon’s affirmative voice sounded.


Su Zhan nodded, slashed out towards the water pool with both fingers and swords together!

Heaven and Earth Sword Technique, fiery phase!

A very strong flame Sword Qi flew out, slashing in the pool of water!


The pools, along with the hundreds of meters nearby, were cut open by this sword!

Under the scorching heat, the earth turned black!

The pool water, on the other hand, was mostly evaporated in an instant!

The remaining pool water flows along the huge gap cut by Sword Qi!

And Su Zhan also took out the spirit pen and portrayed in the air the special rune that Heavenly Demon had taught him before coming to the Demon World.

Those runes showed a strange blood red color.

There are seven in total.

When these seven runes have been portrayed as many as possible, they will plunge into the ground at the bottom of the dry pool.

The ground under Su Zhan’s feet began to tremble violently!

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