Chapter 328 Big Plan!

At the time of Su Zhan Closed Door Training cultivation.

Profound Sky Dynasty, in the western fringe area, somewhere in the mountains with rare human traces.

A mountain covered by a Gaoming hidden formation, inside the mountain.

In the artificially built stone temple.

“Is everything done to you?”

In the center of the stone hall, a tall black robe man’s eyes fell on the dark red robe old man who was kneeling in front of him, and asked.

“Report to the leader, it’s all done!”

The “dark ghost”, an old man whose status was equal to that of the Flame Demon in the Blood God Sect, raised his head slightly, revealing a wrinkled face that looked too old to be old, and said respectfully: “Within five days, we All three strongholds of Xuantian were paid by Sacred Land!

Moreover, the clues we left behind have also successfully fallen into their hands. ”

“Good! Great!”

Mo Tian, ​​the leader of the Blood God Sect of the Xuan Dynasty, laughed.

“Master, this matter, this matter…”

The old man had just spoken, seemingly afraid, but he didn’t dare to continue.

“What you’re afraid of, just say something, don’t mother-in-law!”

Motian waved his hand impatiently.

“The subordinates just said, why is the leader, why should we take the initiative to disclose the stronghold of our Blood Demon sect to Xuantian Sacred Land?”

The old man was very puzzled: “At first, I thought that the leader was going to use those small strongholds as bait, and secretly sent a large number of strong men to ambush, engage in an internal and external attack, and hit Xuantian Sacred Land by surprise. But now, those strongholds are all unprepared. Was annihilated, and did not see the leader’s backhand appear…”

“What’s next?”

Demon Heavenly Dao: “There is no back player, those strongholds were given to Xuantian Sacred Land by this seat!”

“Master, you gave our stronghold to Xuantian Sacred Land for nothing?”

The old man opened his eyes wide.

“Put a long line and catch a big fish.”

Motian shook his head: “Those are nothing, even compared to what I have to do, our entire Blood Demon teaching division is nothing.”

“The whole Blood Demon teaching is not a big deal?”

The old man was shocked and wanted to question, but he didn’t dare.

“Dark ghost, you have been with me for hundreds of years. I, Motian, never do business at a loss, you know. Sacrificing Blood Demon to teach branch education is nothing. As long as Su is killed, it is worth it. .”

“Su Zhan… is the third saint son who is said to be rare in 100,000 years?”

“It’s him. This person’s talent is too terrifying. When he entered Xuantian Sacred Land, he was just an ant with the fourth change of the ichthyosaur, but now, a few months later, he has grown into a powerful man in the sixth-order holy realm. Now, he can even kill the holy demon!”

Motian took a deep breath: “Our Blood Demon sect seems to be safe, but in fact, it’s time for life and death!

With this perverted talent, within a hundred years, it will become Deva!

At that time, no one in the Eastern Wasteland can check him. We, Blood Demon, will be slaughtered by him!

Instead of waiting for a chronic death, it is better to sacrifice the division of the Profound Sky Dynasty to eliminate this huge hidden danger!

This is also the instruction of the great Blood Demon god! ”

“At the cost of the entire Profound Sky Dynasty Blood Demon teaching division, eliminate Su Zhan?”

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: “But the leader, even if our division of education is completely destroyed, how can we eliminate that Su Zhan?”

“It’s very simple, just let him come to me by himself!”

Motian laughed: “Now that he has Sacred Land asylum, it is of course unrealistic for us to find him, but what if he comes to us?”

“This… Could it be that the leader arrested his family?”

The old man hesitated.

“No, the barbarian land called Tiannan has long been planted by the people of Xuantian Sacred Land. I don’t know how much eyeliner we can. We may be able to successfully capture his family and threaten him to come, but it is bound to attract Mo Wentian. , Tang Wujian is such a great saint king, that is no different from looking for death.”

Motian shook his head: “Actually, it’s very simple. Just let Xuantian Sacred Land believe the information and finally determine where I am. They will inevitably concentrate most of their power to kill me, and I, wherever they are. The unexpected stronghold would just be waiting for Su Zhan to send him to the door.

Su Zhan penetrates the bone to our Blood Demon, just tell him the exact location of this stronghold, and he will definitely come! ”

“The leader, it’s simple to say, the people of Sacred Land and Su Zhan are not fools, they will believe?”

“Believe it or not, it depends on how you do it.”

Motian sneered and said: “This seat threw the entire Blood Demon sect away. They followed the vine and wiped out each stronghold. They have won many battles. How can you not believe it?

Of course, I can’t let them go too smoothly. I have already arranged it. To convince the old foxes in Sacred Land that more sophisticated planning is needed and there is still time.

As for Su Zhan, there is no need to worry, and when the information he received is consistent with the information obtained by Sacred Land, this stronghold is not just a special case specifically told to him, and no one will doubt it. Of course, the person who transmits this information is very important. .


Let the Ye family go! ”

“The Ye Family? They penetrates the bone for our Blood Demon, and I’m afraid they won’t cooperate with us!”

“You don’t need to cooperate, just tell them the news. The Ye family is almost shocked by Sacred Land now. They got the news from Blood Demon. They must have been on pins and needles. Go to war with our Blood Demon teacher, what can we do?

You can only report to Sacred Land. Since you have to report to Sacred Land, why not do it? ”

Motian lowered his head and glanced at his own hands, and infinite hatred appeared in his eyes: “Tang Wujian thought that cutting off my Motian hands would make me stay away for a lifetime, he was wrong!

Not to mention losing my hands, even if my Motian Cultivation Base is abolished, it can still stir the situation!

This time, in my plan, everyone is out of their own best interests, and follow their own minds to do what they think is the best action!

Everyone becomes my pawn and plays for me without knowing it!

Just wait for Su Zhan to be in front of me, let me swallow it in one bite!

The only disciple died at my hands!

At that time, I would have to see if Tang Wujian’s old thing would fall into madness!

Haha, think about it, it’s very happy! ”

After listening to Motian’s words, the old man was stunned for a long time before he gave a deep salute.

“The leader is worthy of being the ‘ghost talent’ under the seat of Blood Demon, who is known as the unparalleled conspiracy, and his subordinates can follow the leader. It’s a blessing for Sansheng!”

“Okay, let’s go! The follow-up plan for this matter, if you need to do it, I will notify you. If you don’t need to do it, don’t ask anymore.”

The cold light flashed in Motian’s eyes.

“One month before the Eastern Wasteland Saint Child Banquet, the rewards of the Saint Child Banquet are generous. With Su Zhan’s talent, after the Saint Child Banquet, his strength will inevitably rise, and he will definitely become the young master of Xuantian Sacred Land. !

At that time, we will have no chance to teach Blood Demon!

Therefore, before the feast of the Holy Child, Su Zhan.

Must be Death! ”

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