Chapter 347 Holy King Lin Yan!

“Lin Yan breakthrough the Holy King Realm?”

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “Now that he is in the trial of the saint son, why would he choose this place to breakthrough?”

“The rules of the Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland domain. As long as the Cultivation Base reaches the Saint King, they will no longer be the Saint Child, but the Young Master. Son of God, join!”

The young Son suddenly realized: “But if it were to break through during the Son’s trial, then it would be different! This is not forbidden!

However, this Lin Yan is also exceptionally talented, and he wants to make a breakthrough!

I don’t know if he can succeed!

If he succeeds, no one will be his opponent anymore in this race in the canyon! ”

“With that said, Lin Yan would have been prepared long ago?”

Su Zhan thought.

Lin Yan himself is a genius who can fight more and more small Realms. If he breaks through to the Saint King Realm, I am afraid that his strength will not be an ordinary Saint King!

Such a powerful opponent…

Perhaps it is suitable for practicing swords?

It just so happens that I have also made breakthrough to the eighth level, and you can see how much my strength has improved with my all-out efforts!

Even if it’s not Lin Yan’s opponent, it shouldn’t be too weak, right?

Su Zhan thought for a while, and thought it was a good idea.

Sword training, you can’t just practice against the air, you have to have someone with comparable strength to accompany you!

Obviously, this Lin Yan is a suitable person!

Thinking like this, he discerned the direction and walked towards the approximate location of Lin Yan.

Of course, he did not deliberately speed up. It will take a while for Lin Yan to break through. On the way, there may be some flame jade medals to search for. You can search for Lin Yan while practicing swords.

The two are not in conflict.

When the young Saint Seen saw Su Zhan leave, he was a little afraid to choose a completely different direction from Su Zhan to continue searching for the jade tiles.

The saint child tries, concedes defeat, and gives all the jade cards of own to the opponent, and it does not count out. As long as the time is not up, you can still continue to look for the flame jade cards.

But if he was wounded and caused the Saint King from above to come to rescue, he would be out of the game with regret.

And even if the Holy King does not come to the rescue, he will lose his ability to protect himself against those Demonic Beasts in the Chase Canyon after being injured.

Therefore, this saint child will hand over the jade card to Su Zhan so decisively.

In the Chalu Canyon, the sudden vision of heaven and earth also shocked all the holy children.

“Spiritual Qi in the heaven and earth over a thousand miles has been aroused! Someone is breaking the boundary!”

“If it’s just breaking the small realm, the Spiritual Qi will be about the same. There will never be such a powerful law fluctuation! This is a realm!”

“All the saints are already in the holy realm. If you break through the great realm, wouldn’t they be the holy king? Oh my god! Someone is racing to break through the holy king in the canyon!”

“It’s Lin Yan! The most turbulent thing in this world is the Law of Fire! Among the six top Sacred Land saints, Lin Xuan is the only one who specializes in the Avenue of the Law of Fire!”

“I hope he breaks through and fails, otherwise, he is born with the Holy Sense, and he can perceive the area of ​​tens of miles in a single thought, and we can’t hide it!”

Panicked voices sounded all over the Chailu Canyon. Except for the top sage sons, everyone else was anxious and frightened.

at this time.

Above the chase canyon, a holy king is also shocked.

“Lin Yan wants to break into the Saint King?”

“In the Chasing Canyon, there are all holy realms. He is the holy king alone, which is too unfair!”

“That’s right! If he breaks through to the Holy King, then what is the suspense of the first one?”

Every saint king is very dissatisfied.

The Eastern Wasteland dynasty, ranked number one among the six top Sacred Lands, Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land Elder has an ugly face, the holy yuan is rushing, and the voice spread for thirty miles, toward the skyfire Holy Lord over there and said: “Skyfire Holy Lord, Fang Cailin Yan took the fire source pill from Sacred Land, right?

It is said that this pill is specially used by your Sacred Land to help you break into the Holy King Realm. Only the Holy Lord has the right to allocate this Medicine Pill. In other words, this Medicine Pill was given to Lin Yan!

You arranged him to make a breakthrough in the Chasing Canyon!

Skyfire Holy Lord did this, is it afraid of our Eastern Wasteland Holy Son Qiujian God! ”

Compared with other Sacred Lands who dare not speak up, Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land Elder’s tone is extremely domineering, and there is no scruples in his words.

The Holy Lord of Skyfire glanced at the Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land Elder and smiled lightly: “Lin Yan has reached the peak of the holy realm. I have given him the Fire Origin Pill to make breakthroughs. Isn’t this normal?

However, I did not specifically ask him to break through in the Chase Canyon. Perhaps it was because he suddenly sensed the opportunity of breakthrough. After all, the Holy Realm broke into the Holy King, and there were many difficulties. Now that there is an opportunity, of course, he must break through without hesitation. Is it still going to be missed?

Moreover, breaking through in the Trial of the Holy Son does not violate any regulations. In that case, what is your temper, Lu Elder? ”

Lu Elder of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land’s face sank: “You are not afraid that other saints will take this opportunity to attack Lin Yan!”

“If other holy children think they can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of Thunder Tribulation when they break into the holy realm and enter the holy king, I don’t mind.”

Tianhuo Holy Lord smiled slightly: “Furthermore, the formation that Lin Yan just set up is called Sifang Vajra. There is nothing else, and the defense is very strong. I think until Lin Yan successfully breaks the border and takes the initiative to withdraw the formation, there should be nothing. A person’s attack can reach him within a kilometer.

Of course, these are just in case. I believe that all the saints will not take advantage of others to sneak attacks when they break the border. You should know how to measure. ”

“But a fake Heavenly Dao holy soldier, I’m not rare in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, so I will give it to Lin Yan this time!”

Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land Lu Elder had an ugly face and was annoyed, but he couldn’t find any rebuttal words, so he simply put on a disdainful expression.

The other holy kings also looked ugly when they heard the words of the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire.

“In this trial of the Saint Child, the only one who is likely to compete with Lin Yan for the first place is the Qiu Sword God, but now that Lin Yan has broken through, no one can compete with him!”

“The first has nothing to do with us. It’s just that the Holy Queen of Breakthrough will give birth to the Holy Sense. Coupled with Lin Yan’s invincible strength in Chasing Deer Canyon, with his character, it is estimated that he is too lazy to find the Flame Jade Medal, so he will directly find each Holy Child to snatch it. !

By then, the results of our Sacred Lands will be very unbearable! ”

“It’s really unlucky! My Quyang Sacred Land finally produced a very strong son. I thought I could enter the top ten with my strength. There is no hope now…”

The saint kings were extremely depressed.

At the same time, above the sky, the saint king realm robbery clouds also began to converge.

It didn’t take long for the thunder to descend.

As the previously recognized first saint son of the Eastern Wasteland domain, the Saint King Realm Jie Leigen couldn’t exert too much pressure on Lin Yan.

Three hours later.

The robbery cloud dissipated, and the heaven and earth vision dissipated.

The shadows of those laws that had been watered by the power of Heavenly Dao’s laws fell from the sky and returned to Lin Yan’s Purple Mansion.

Feeling the force of that tyrannical law of flame flooding every piece of blood and every bone of his body, Lin Yan suddenly got up.

A flame came out all over the body, raising the temperature of 500 meters in a radius!

He clenched his fist slightly and felt that his own strength had gained a great Ascension. Lin Yan was extremely confident in his heart, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Su Zhan, no matter how strong your talent is, I am now the Holy King!

Among the Sons of Eastern Wasteland, no one is my enemy!

Soon, you will understand what a terrible existence you have offended! Hahaha! ”

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