Chapter 352 Nameless Dao Sword!

Why am I sinister and vicious when I haven’t done anything?

Li Xuqing froze for a moment, and immediately realized another meaning in Su Zhan’s words, and sensed that Su Zhan’s divine power that had already begun to descend was showing an ascending trend again.

He trembled in his heart and said hoarsely: “Wait! Su fellow daoist must have misunderstood me! I don’t have the slightest idea against you!”

“Then why are you watching and not helping or leaving?”

“I, I, I…”

Li Xuqing’s face flushed from suffocation.

A Lin Yan, I was terribly scared.

Now you are more terrifying, do I dare to leave?

Besides, if I ran away, you have to ask me why I ran. Is it a guilty conscience?

Your uncle!

It’s useless to say it!

Depressed and dying, Li Xuqing almost cried, but couldn’t think of a good answer.

“Such a simple question, you can’t answer it for so long, it seems that my inference is correct, you really want to—”

“No! Sue fellow daoist don’t get me wrong! The reason why I don’t leave is, yes…”

Li Xuqing was sweating profusely, and suddenly remembered something, and when he palmed his hand, a small flower shining with lavender light on the index finger appeared, exuding an amazing Spiritual Qi.

“I want to give this vein-nourishing spirit flower to fellow daoist Su to express my guilt!”

“Nourishing veins spirit flower?”

Su Zhan took the purple light flower and carefully sensed the medicinal power in it.

Li Xuqing hurriedly explained: “Su fellow daoist, this vein-nourishing spirit flower can warm the sacred veins, repair the injuries of the sacred veins, and can also make the sacred veins stronger, and even help the breakthrough of the Holy King Realm!

Originally, I planned to take it at the time of the breakthrough saint king to increase the chance of breakthrough success, but now that I met Su fellow daoist at first sight, then I will give it to you Su fellow daoist! ”

This flower can nourish the holy veins and increase the chance of breaking into the holy king?

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the Vessel-Nourishing Linghua, after looking for a while, he put it away, and glanced at the restless Li Xuqing, he was surprised: “What’s wrong with you Li Fellow Daoist? Don’t be afraid, Lin Yan has already been beaten by me. Go, he can’t hurt you anymore!”

“…Many, thank you!”

Li Xuqing forced a smile.

Lin Yan was beaten away by you, but the problem is.

You are so terrible than Lin Yan!

One sword can slash the heavenly holy king…

I am a small ninth-order holy realm, can I not be afraid?

Li Xuqing didn’t dare to say more than half a sentence in his heart.

“Well, since it was a misunderstanding, let’s go, fellow daoist Li!”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Hearing this, Li Xuqing, as if being amnesty, left the three flame jade plaques and hurriedly fled.

After Li Xuqing left, Su Zhan also left here.

Although the Flame Jade Medal he got now is a full forty-six, logically speaking, it should be difficult for others to surpass him.

After all, there are more than two hundred saints in the Chasing Canyon, and one person has won forty-six flame jade medals, which is already a lot!

However, everything is just in case.

The treasure that is ranked first is a fake Heavenly Dao sacred soldier, so there can be no slack in the slightest!

Thinking about this, Su Zhan looked for a direction and continued on.

However, he had only walked out less than twenty miles, and a white figure stopped in front of him.

It was a teenager who looked about his age, wearing a gray and white blouse with a wooden sword slung around his waist.

Seeing Su Zhan, he grinned and cupped hands saluted: “Brother Su, in the next Autumn Sword God, I just saw you fighting Lin Yan from a distance, and hurried over, but I didn’t think it was a step too late.

Brother Su, your strength is beyond my expectation. You actually defeated the holy king Lin Yan, it is even more unlikely that I will be your opponent!


Qiu Jianshen paused and said seriously: “I have always been addicted to swords like fate, born with a psychic sword body, nine-aperture sword heart, condensed natal sword, and cultivation has been 72 years, and I am invincible of my peers in kendo.

But at the auction house that day, my swordsmanship was actually attracted by Brother Su, which shows that Brother Su is also a true genius of swordsmanship.

Therefore, I want to compete with Brother Su! ”


Su Zhan was a little surprised: “Do you know that if you can’t beat me, you’re better than a sword?”

“Compared to the sword, not to the other!”

Qiu Jianshen apologized: “You and I only use the sword in your hand, with the holy yuan, the power of the law, and other things such as the divine body, the mysterious technique, the treasure… etc., are not available, only the sword!

Of course, I am a tenth-order holy realm, so to say that is a bit too much…but I am helpless.

Brother Su, the Cultivation Technique you cultivated is probably the inheritance of ancient mythological characters, right? Even if I am Tier 10, the power of the Saint Yuan dare not say that it is better than you, hope Brother Su can forgive me!

If I lose, I have twenty-nine flame jade medals on my body, all of which belong to Brother Su. If Brother Su loses, I don’t want anything! ”


Su Zhan thought for a while, and felt that there was no harm. In addition, he was also very curious about how strong this kendo genius in the Eastern Wasteland domain was for tens of thousands of years, so he directly agreed.

“and many more!”

Just when the two were about to start their hands, Lu Elder of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land stopped in front of Qiu Jian Shen with a gloomy face, and said angrily: “His Royal Highness, although you are invincible in kendo, even Lin Yan is not his. Opponent, how can you be so reckless and take the initiative to challenge Su Zhan?”

“Lu Elder has been worried. I just discussed kendo with Brother Su. We will only use the holy yuan and the sword in the hand. Of course I am not as good as the strength, but if it is kendo, I may not lose!”

“Only better than Kendo…”

Lu Elder was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt relieved, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Su Zhan, he smiled and shook his head.

Obviously strong, but you want to use your shortcomings and avoid your strong points, and compare your swordsmanship with the Qiu Jian Shen?

Really ignorant!

With that in mind, Lu Elder smiled and left, feeling that the Qiu Sword God would undoubtedly win.

After Lu Elder leaves.

Qiu Jian Shen’s eyes condensed, and the wooden sword was horizontally placed in front of him: “Brother Su, what I cultivated is one of the most powerful Sword Techniques in the Eastern Wasteland domain, the nameless Dao Sword!

Taoist, Yin & Yang, life and death, heaven and earth, are Tao!

You, be careful! ”


Su Zhan nodded, and the Liuli Kongming Sword appeared in his hand, looking at Qiu Sword God with a little expectation.

And at this time, the wooden sword of the Autumn Sword God was also unsheathed!

That wooden sword has no front and no light, and three words are engraved on the body of the sword: Autumn Sword God

It looks like an ordinary wooden sword used by the world to play with children.

However, at the moment when this wooden sword was unsheathed.

Su Zhan can clearly feel that the world has changed!

A trace of Sword Qi, born out of the air, whizzed around the two!

With a radius of five miles, everything was shattered by the gradually converging Sword Qi storm!

In the center of the storm, Qiu Jian Shen and Su Zhan stood at a distance of two hundred meters, each surging Sheng Yuan power.

“The first sword!”

Three words were spit out, Qiu Jian Shen suddenly pierced towards Su Zhan!

A Sword Ray train runs through the space and shoots towards Su Zhan!

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