Chapter 355 Three feathers sky fire fan, Bai Yan is overwhelming! (Fourth)

Sixteen-year-old eighth-order holy realm?

I’ve been in cultivation since the beginning.

Sixteen years.

Open pulse realm, Qi Sea realm, Ning Yuan realm, soldier main realm, Yuan Dan realm, fish dragon realm, holy realm…the eighth stage of the holy realm!

There are seven big Realms and dozens of small ones!

How can sixteen years be enough?

The talent of kendo is unparalleled in the past, and the talent of cultivation is also outrageous to this point… I want to ask.

Brother Su, are you really human? ? ?

Qiu Jian felt that his mentality had collapsed. After a long time, he gave a wry smile: “I thought I was the son of Sacred Land, the strongest in the Eastern Wasteland domain. People or things.

But when I saw Brother Su today, I knew what a frog at the bottom of a well is!

Ugh! Brother Su, let me leave first…”

“So anxious, don’t talk anymore?”

“No, no.”

Qiu Jian shook his head repeatedly.

It’s not that I don’t want to talk.

But you crush me no matter what, how do you talk this day?

Continue to talk, I’m afraid my Dao heart will be unstable!

Qiu Jian sighed and left in a daze.

“Qiu Jian is really a good person. If there are more such good people to compare swords with me, while my kendo Ascension is so fast, the treasures are also soft.”

Seeing Qiu Jian leave, Su Zhan was a little emotional.

Choosing a direction at random, he continued on.

The trial is not over yet, of course he can’t leave the Chasing Canyon.

at this time.

Above the Chasing Canyon, watching Su Zhan and Qiu Jian parting all the time, those holy kings only wake up like a dream!

“Autumn Sword God, exploding with a psychic sword body, he still can’t stop Su Zhan’s sword!”

“That sword is a blend of the three swords of the Qiu Jian God Insight from the nameless Dao Sword! It’s too strong!”

“Although the Wuming Dao Sword is mysterious, Su Zhan’s Sword Technique is obviously more powerful in the holy realm stage!”

“It’s weird, what exactly is Sword Technique? Why can it be expressed in a different form every time Su Zhan uses it?

Moreover, in what form it is expressed, it has the power characteristics of that form… This kind of mysterious Sword Technique is really unheard of! ”

“Could it be that Xuantian Holy Lord has sneaked into the Deva realm and created this Sword Technique?”

“Break into the Deva realm? How is this possible! Moreover, even Deva can create such a mysterious Sword Technique?”

Those holy kings were so shocked that they spoke.

Tang Wujian laughed: “Su Zhan’s Sword Technique is called the Sword Technique of Heaven and Earth, and it is a sword that transforms the world and the universe!

It is his own Sword Technique! ”

Sword Technique, create your own Sword Technique?

As Tang Wujian’s voice sounded, all the holy kings fell silent for an instant, with incredible expressions on their faces, and even gave birth to a feeling of dreaming that the whole world is not real!

However, the mere sacred realm has created such a mysterious Sword Technique!

One sword evolves into the universe!

Just now, Lu Elder of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land said that the Autumn Sword God is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Sword Fairy, so what he said.

Isn’t Su Zhan a living sword fairy? !

One after another, he looked at Lu Elder.

Lu Elder looked ugly when he felt those people look towards him.

“Lu Elder, you just said that my apprentice Su Zhan could not take the third sword of the Qiu Shenjian, what do you say now?”

Tang Wujian smiled.

“This, this, this…”

Lu Elder’s forehead bounced with blue veins. After holding it for a long time, he said: “It is impossible for a person of the same generation to surpass the kendo talent of the Qiu Shenjian. As for Su Zhan… it can only show that he is not a human!

He might be reincarnated and born again!

Yes, yes, it must be so! ”

Hearing such illogical, nonsense words.

Many holy kings nodded in agreement.

Although they don’t believe in the reincarnation of the power, but now it is even more incredible. Even Su Zhan’s metamorphosis can exist, and the rebirth of the power seems to be reasonable…

The fire in the eyes of the Holy Lord flickered, and he had already begun to consider whether to send someone to retrieve Su Zhaoyue.

Look for a fart!

It is important to establish a relationship with Su Zhan first!

With such a perverted help, are you afraid that you won’t find a strange fire in the future?

The big Elder of Anyuan Sacred Land turned black at this time.

I knew that Su Zhan was so perverted, let alone let Li Xuqing get along, so he had to get a little relationship with him even if he was kneeling!

In this way, when Su Zhan achieves Deva in the future, will he walk sideways in the Eastern Wasteland domain?

It’s a pity, regret is useless…

With a sigh, the big Elder of Anyuan Sacred Land was very depressed.

At noon on the second day.

The trial of the Son is over.

A holy son returned to the ground above the canyon.

All their faces are dull.

After everyone arrived, they began to count the flame jade tiles.

“Zhao Xun, one!”

“Xu Hai, zero pieces!”

“Hu Ling, two!”

In this trial of the saints, the results of the saints are much worse than the previous ones.

“Su Zhan…”

The Elder of Skyfire Sacred Land subconsciously wanted to report the number, but when he saw Su Zhan walking up with a big sack, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he was immediately held back.


Su Zhan picked up the sacks and dropped them to the ground: “I won’t count them after more than 500 pieces. You can count them!”

“Yes, Su Shengzi!”

The saint king of the mid-heaven rank, facing Su Zhan, subconsciously placed himself in the status of a lower rank, and responded respectfully.

Afterwards, the saint king began to count.

“Su Zhan, five hundred and seventy-eight!”

Hearing the words of the Saint King, Su Zhan was not surprised.

In fact, this is because he feels that he has taken the first place after surpassing 500, and he did not spend too much time looking for the flame jade medals. Otherwise, even if he gathers more than 800 jade medals in one day, it is not unreasonable. It can be done!

The other holy kings glanced at each other, and they all showed wry smiles.

It’s no wonder that their Shengzi’s grades are so poor. Su Zhan has won more than half of the jade medals. Can their grades be good?

However, because the Trial of the Holy Child only looks at rankings, there is no lower limit that must be reached. Even if there are only two jade medals, if most other people only have one, then the name will not be bad.

So all the Sacred Land Saint Kings just complained.

Soon, all the Saint Child Jade Cards were counted, and Su Zhan was undoubtedly number one.

The second place was Qiu Jian. After losing all the jade medals to Su Zhan, he got 27 jade medals and ranked second.

Although he won the second place, Qiu Jian still felt a little depressed in his heart.

This f*ck, I’m afraid I’m the only second place in history whose results are several dozen times different from the first place, right? ? ?

It’s really outrageous…

The Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire didn’t care about this, and when he palmed his hand, a feather fan appeared.

There are three feathers, one is red, one is white, and one is lavender.

“Su Zhan, this three-feather sky-fire fan is an imitation of my sky-fire Sacred Land Heavenly Dao saint soldier, five flame fan!

There are a single strong red fire attack, a white flame attack that covers a wide range, and an extremely difficult to destroy, such as the purple flame attack of the bone gangrene, three magical powers! ”

The Heavenly Fire Holy Lord handed the Heavenly Fire Fan to Su Zhan, and said with a smile: “Although this thing is not like the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, it takes months or even years to be used, but it also takes about half a month to sacrifice. !

Of course, your current Cultivation Base is not enough. You can use this fan when you break through to the Holy King, and then practice for half a month! ”

Holy King?

Sacrifice for half a month?

Who waited so long!

Different treasure halo, open!

Su Zhan thought in his heart, opening the aura of the strange treasure, and in an instant, the surface of the sky fire fan that he could not infuse the holy yuan into, shined brightly.

In the silly eyes of the Holy Lord and the holy kings.

Su Zhan gently slapped it.

A white flame, rising from the sky, sweeping the world!

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