Chapter 357: The Myth of Martial Dao!

Lu Elder had just finished speaking, and he hadn’t waited for the Holy Lord of Skyfire to answer.

The holy king of the Kamikaze Dynasty has taken out a transparent spirit orb and said, “Although my wind spirit orb is far inferior to the heavenly luck jade plate, it can sense the special movement of half of the Eastern Wasteland domain, but if it is three square kilometers There is a very violent spiritual Qi change in the world within one hundred thousand miles, and it can also be roughly sensed.

If what I expected is not bad, in the endless waters east of the Jiyang Dynasty, there may be Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers appearing! ”

Skyfire Holy Lord frowned and said nothing.

Tang Wujian also spoke: “Tianhuo Holy Lord, you know the tragic scene caused by the confrontation of our human race Sacred Land tens of thousands of years ago. According to our previous regulations, if there are relics that do not belong to the dynasty of the six top Sacred Land realms, Secret treasures, resources are present in the world, and they should be distributed together!

Thousands of years ago, my Xuantian Sacred Land found a place full of elixir and spiritual fruit in a foreign space. In accordance with the regulations, I took turns in charge of the five Sacred Lands. Holy Lord of Heaven, don’t break the rules for small gains! ”

“Several words are serious.”

Everyone who saw the top six Sacred Lands was aware of it, and the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire smiled lightly: “My Heavenly Fortune Jade Plate does indeed sense the great changes in the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, but you should know that this is not necessarily a good thing.

Perhaps, the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier was born.

Or maybe, there are extremely strong Demonic Beasts, and the demon has come out of the ancient seal!

I haven’t kept your thoughts from you all the time, I just plan to go first to see if it is good or bad! ”

Lu Elder nodded and said, “That’s right, let’s go together!”

“Go together, let’s go together!”

Skyfire Holy Lord’s gaze flashed, and suddenly he turned towards the other two Sacred Land sons besides Lin Yan and said, “You follow me!”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the two Saints of the Tenth-level Saint Realm, the Skyfire Holy Lord waved his hand and released the Skyfire Sacred Mountain that Su Zhan had seen once, with the two Saints and the other two Skyfire Sacreds. Land Elder is gone!

Lu Elder also said: “Qiu Shengzi, Mo Shengzi, you two will go with me!”


Qiu Jian and another Eastern Wasteland son also followed Lu Elder and left.

Seeing this, other holy kings also took their own holy sons to go.

Su Zhan was slightly surprised and said, “Master, why do they carry the Saint Son, isn’t this a drag?”

“Because some secret realms are very special, the cultivation of the holy king realm cannot enter, or entering will cause the secret realm to be destroyed. After all, the law of the holy king realm has poured into the flesh, which is fundamentally different from the holy realm. The Son of God went, just in case.”

With that, Tang Wujian waved his hand, and the Infernal Sacred Sword turned into a tens-meter-long giant sword. He landed on the sword and said, “Su Zhan, Yang Qian, let’s go. This may also be your chance!”


Su Zhan came to the Infinite Sacred Sword, and Yang Qian followed closely behind.

Afterwards, the Infernal Sword turned into a Sword Ray, tearing the sky away!

Half a day later.

The Infinite Sacred Sword arrived in the sea to the east of the Jiyang Dynasty.

This is also the boundary of the entire Eastern Wasteland domain.

Standing on the Infinite Sword, it was an endless ocean.

It is said that in the entire spiritual world, the area occupied by the endless sea has reached half, and the remaining half are the major continental plates, that is, the major domains.

“Sure enough, there is a secret realm present!”

Tang Wujian’s eyes fell on the huge island in the sea about a thousand miles away, and he sensed that the Spiritual Qi in that place was more than a hundred times that of the outside world, he said in surprise.

At the same time, the speed of the swordless holy sword is one point faster!

When Tang Wujian and others saw the island, the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire who was walking in the front and the island were only a hundred miles away.

Seeing that the island is not covered by a special array, any Cultivation Base can be entered. The Heavenly Fire Holy Lord was overjoyed, his body turned into a ray of flame without warning, his speed increased several times, and he shot towards the island!

The flame rushed out less than twenty miles before being stopped by dense sword shadows falling from the sky, and transformed into a human form again.

The Holy Lord of Skyfire smashed all the sword shadows above with a punch, turned his head and glared at Lu Elder: “What do you want to do!”

“It’s nothing, I just think that Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land is the first Sacred Land, and of course the first to arrive at the secret realm! Haha!”

Lu Elder laughed, abandoning Qiu Jian and the other saint son, and the speed soared away!

The Holy Lord of Skyfire was furious: “Laughter! This seat has tolerated you for a long time. You don’t know what is good or bad, but you dare to get an inch! The palm of the sky fire, covering the sky!”

A virtual press with one hand, the Spiritual Qi in the sky gathers and turns into a huge horrible palm the size of hundreds of miles!

The sky is covered and the sun is shot down!


That piece of sea water has been pressed down!

Even a few Demonic Beasts in the sea burst instantly under this pressure, and blood stained the Red Sea!

“In the entire Eastern Wasteland domain, only the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord can defeat me. I am not afraid of you!”

Lu Elder snorted coldly, pierced upward with both fingers and sword.

“Nameless Dao Sword, fourth style!”

As his finger pierced out, the Spiritual Qi of the world ten miles around his body, and even the sea, were drawn to form a huge water sword, facing the terrifying giant palm.


The space trembled, and the giant palm and the water sword dissipated almost at the same time.

Skyfire Holy Lord’s right hand trembled, Lu Elder was also beaten down hundreds of meters, almost falling into the sea, his face turned pale.

The two seem to be evenly matched.

“Both of them have lived for thousands of years, why are they still so impulsive?”

“Stop it! It’s no good for anyone to lose or lose!”

“Isn’t it just a ruin, why bother to fight for it?”

When the two started their hands, other top Sacred Lands also chased up and persuaded them.

Although the big Sacred Lands will also compete secretly, they never hope that strong men like the Holy Lord and Lu Elder will be seriously injured.

Because today’s Eastern Wasteland domain is still facing the threat of the demons, the top powerhouse is needed to stabilize the situation!

Skyfire Holy Lord and Lu Elder are standing thousands of meters apart, both looking at each other coldly without saying a word.

Seeing this in other Sacred Lands, no one really dared to cross these two strongest people on the scene to go to secret realm.

For a while, everyone stood in a stalemate.

Just now.

Above the sea, a hundred-meter-long flood dragon full of light blue appeared!

The Jiaolong moved forward in the water at great speed, and behind it was towing a huge ship.

Hundreds of men and women are vaguely visible on the ship.

On a high platform at the bow of the ship, a young man and an old man stood with their hands in their hands, looking at the Holy Lord and the others.

The youth frowned slightly: “Uncle San, it seems that taking treasure is not as smooth as I expected.”

The old man smiled and said: “It should be those Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland domain. They should not dare to attack us if they reported the name of the Five Elements Daozong in Lintian domain.”

“This is the best way, after all, after traveling for more than fifty years, this secret realm, but the biggest opportunity I have ever encountered!”

The young man looked at the giant island with his eyes burning: “The Hundred Meridian Spirit Gathering Formation is not only successfully arranged, but it also seems to have been conceived for tens of thousands of years!

If the legendary Hundred Vein Tongshen Pill is really bred, I will gather one hundred and eight divine Veins, add the Divine Veins and Divine Body, and I will definitely become a Martial Dao myth in the future! ”

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