Chapter 376 Sword Immortal Is Not As Good!

Looking at Su Zhan who stretched out a finger and arbitrarily moved the Heavenly Golden Sword to shuttle and kill.

Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the Sage King, and Mo Wentian, the number one powerhouse in the Profound Sky Dynasty, suddenly felt a bit collapsed…

After twelve years of painstaking practice, Su Zhan mastered it at a glance.

This is so special!

If it hadn’t been for his strong strength and strong control over his body’s qi and blood, Mo Wentian would have vomited blood!

Su Zhan is too abnormal! ! !

It’s not just him.

The other holy kings were also dumbfounded at this time.

As the saint king of Xuantian Sacred Land, they of course recognized that it was the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation at a glance.

Sword formations are often more difficult to cultivate than simple Sword Technique!

Although they haven’t tried it, but ask themselves, if they are allowed to cultivate the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation, it will probably take at least 20 to 30 years!

But now.

It was less than ten seconds before the Holy Lord Mo Wentian handed the Jade Slip of the Heavenly Golden Sword Array to Su Zhan!

Less than ten seconds.

I realized the sword formation… this is simply f*ck outrageous!

Emperor Tianxuan stood there blankly, his mind was blank, he only felt like he was dreaming.

The strong from other forces, although they don’t know the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation, but when you look at Mo Wentian’s reaction, you can think of what happened with your toes. All of them were shocked in their hearts and wanted to say something. But I don’t know how to say it.

no way.

This kind of abnormality is no longer in words.

If they have to speak.

There are only two words: Fuck!

at this time.

Su Zhan used the Heavenly Golden Sword Array at will, feeling that it was more powerful than the Heavenly Fire Fan, and closed it with satisfaction.

The remaining eleven Heavenly Golden Swords merged into that one Heavenly Golden Master Sword, reshaped into the size of a finger, and returned to his palm.

This Heavenly Golden Sword has its own internal space, which can automatically absorb and store the other eleven Heavenly Golden Swords, which is very mysterious.

“Thank you Holy Lord, the golden sword is very useful this day!”

Su Zhan’s palm, the Heavenly Golden Sword was put into the ring of the Heavenly Cave, he cupped hands.

Very easy to use?

Indeed, in your perverted hands, there is no useless or unusable things!

Mo Wentian said helplessly, “Su Zhan! Easy to use is easy to use, but your only sword formation…”

“Oh, I just want to try the power of this sword formation. I don’t mean anything else, and I didn’t destroy my belongings. It should be no problem, right?”

Su Zhan looked puzzled.


Mo Wentian was speechless for a while.

Who said you destroyed your property?

I just wanted to ask you how you got it!

Forget it, I’m afraid it’s even more sad to ask…

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian sighed and patted Su Zhan on the shoulder: “You are now the young master of Xuantian Sacred Land. You need to be a little young master in your work, at least what you will do in the public. You can tell me first so that I will be prepared.”

“That’s it!”

Su Zhan nodded, expressing his understanding, and said: “I think there are some omissions in the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation. I plan to go back and repair it–Holy Lord, what’s wrong with you?”

With that said, seeing Mo Wentian holding his forehead back two steps, Su Zhan helped a bit and asked with surprise on his face.

“I, I, I…”

Mo Wentian held back for a long time: “Forget it, don’t tell me in the future!”



The sword formation that has been passed down for thousands of years, you just want to repair it as soon as you speak.

Why don’t you have any points in your heart?

I am afraid that my depressed qi and blood will accumulate and cause internal injuries!

Mo Wentian sighed a little tired.

My disciples are excellent, which is a good thing.

But it’s always so perverted and outrageous. To be honest, his heart, the Holy Lord, is also very tired!

There is no harm without comparison.

Nothing more…

Mo Wentian waved his hand: “Everyone, the less subjective ceremony is over, let’s go away!”

Is this gone?

Those guests are a little dazed.

Immediately, they squeezed towards Su Zhan one by one.

“Young Master Su, I am the head of the Chen family. I have a daughter who is sixty years old. I have long admired Young Master Su. Would you like to see Young Master Su?”

“Your daughter is vulgar and vulgar, how can the young master see it!

Young master, I have a granddaughter, who is only five years old now, but she is very good, we can get engaged first, and wait ten years before we get married! ”

“A group of guys who only know how to sell their daughters! Young Master Su, I have a son who admires your demeanor very much, I want to follow Young Master you, even if you are just a book boy, I am willing!”

The voices of wanting to make friends sounded.

Su Zhan glanced at those people, his face turned black.

Sixty years in Fang?

Are you kidding me? ? ?

And that five-year-old, your uncle, none of the beasts are so beasts!

Book boy?

That’s a fart!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan waved his hand, and said in a bad mood: “Get out of the way!”

Seeing that Su Zhan seemed to be really angry, those people didn’t dare to disobey each one, and quickly retreated.

Su Zhan is now the young master. It can be said that in the entire Profound Sky Dynasty, except for Emperor Profound Sky, Mo Wentian, in terms of identity, he is the highest.

Of course, there is also a prince of the Profound Sky Dynasty, who is also considered to be tied.

Naturally, these family forces dare not stop them.

“Master, what’s going on in the Five Elements world?”

Walking to Tang Wujian, Su Zhan asked.

“I have already told the Holy Lord that it will take about ten days before the space channel can be reopened!”

“Ten days…Alright, I can just increase my own strength!”

Su Zhan nodded, and said towards Tang Wujian: “Since the Young Master Ceremony has ended, then I will also leave.”

“Well, you should be prepared. Although you understand the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation, you are not very proficient after all. Please practice more during this time!”


Su Zhan replied, leaving with Tang Liuxue who was still in a trance and seemed to be still in shock.

Seeing that Su Zhan had left so soon, those powerful men were a little disappointed.

“I heard that Su Shengzi’s talent is amazing and the swordsmanship is superb. I think it may be an exaggeration. Only today did I know that Su Shengzi, no, Su Young Master’s talent is simply stronger than the rumors!”

“Don’t say anything else, just say that there is no need to go through the sacrifices, and the only holy realm can inspire the false Heavenly Dao holy soldiers. This is unprecedented, and I am afraid that there will be no one in the future, right?”

“It’s incredible! If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that there really is such a perverted kendo talent in the world?”

“This son’s kendo talent is too outrageous, I even suspect that he is the reincarnation of the legendary heavenly sword fairy!”

“Don’t doubt it, it must be! Because human beings are not so perverted!”

Sounds of exclamation sounded one after another.

“Sword Immortal reincarnation?”

Tang Wujian turned his head, glanced at those people, shook his head, and smiled.

“My apprentice Su Zhan’s talent in kendo, I am afraid that the sword immortal will be ashamed of it!”

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