Chapter 380 The Wood Spirit Race!

Elder Mu Lingda suddenly got up and slapped the table: “What! You can’t do it!”

As soon as the voice fell, an aura that was stronger than the average Zhongtian Saint King erupted from him, and pressed towards Su Zhan!

At the same time, the other four Elders also stood up abruptly and looked at Su Zhan with unkind eyes.

“Big Elder! Elder! What are you guys doing!”

Mu He was shocked: “The envoy saved us!”

“Save you? Humph! My Wood Spirit tribe has clear rewards and punishments. After I interrogate him, I will find out his true identity. Those who deserve the reward will still be rewarded. You don’t have to worry about it!”


“Get out!”

Mu Lingda Elder with big sleeves, a force pushed Muhe more than ten meters away, and fell to the ground!

“Listen! I don’t care who you are! Even if you save my Mu Ling tribe, it is impossible to want Saint Liu Mu Xin!”

Elder Mu Ling walked towards Su Zhan step by step, and every step he took, the oppressive force became stronger: “Now, I will give you two paths.

1. Obediently, let’s catch it. Our Wood Spirits always make sense. After verifying your identity, we won’t do anything to you!

Second, you are fighting stubbornly against our wood spirits!

You choose it yourself! ”

Speaking of the flowers, Elder Mu Ling had arrived less than five meters in front of Su Zhan’s body.

Sure enough, good people may not always get good rewards.

I escorted these people back safely, but in turn wanted me to get caught?

En will revenge… It’s so vicious!

It was sensed that none of the five wood spirits Elder in front of him were weak.

Moreover, this place is located in the center of the Wood Spirit Clan, and there may be many strong people around. Su Zhan took a deep breath, directly inspiring the Sun, Moon, and Star divine body!

Divine light emerged, and three kinds of heaven and earth visions filled the entire Great Hall!

One hundred and eight divine veins, inspired by the blood of the demon god, and a faint shadow of a true dragon appeared above!

At the same time, a violent aura that resembled a Primordial Demon was also exuding!

In an instant, in everyone’s eyes, Su Zhan no longer looked like a mortal, but a Primordial Demon God!


In palaces and the like, everything below the holy realm is kneeling on the ground with weak legs.

Under the mighty power, they could barely raise their heads and looked at Su Zhan in horror!

The holy realm, that is, the seventh-order wood spirit, is not much better.

My legs trembled, and my heart was terrified!

Even the five eighth-order wood spirits had a feeling of heart palpitations and subconsciously retreated one step.

Mu Lingda Elder’s face changed slightly: “Wait! This may be a bit misunderstanding!”

With supernatural power, Su Zhan’s eyes fell on Elder Mu Lingda: “Just now, you gave me two ways, now, I also give you one way, take me a punch!”


Su Zhan’s body is shining with stars, and the Star is running infinitely!

The overbearing Qian Tianyang Sacred Yuan also gathered in his left hand through his divine veins, and the mark of the extremely thunder mountain shone, and the lightning and the stars were intertwined, covering Su Zhan’s left hand!

He suddenly made a fist and blasted it out!


There is a trembling sound in the space ahead!

That punch of force tore through the space, leaving a trace visible to the naked eye, and blasted on the terrified wood spirit Elder!

Although Elder Mu Ling had already used all his strength and wanted to defend, in front of this punch, it all collapsed like a bubble!


The big wooden spirit Elder’s body flew upside down, just falling back on the main chair!

The entire chest area was sunken, and random blood mixed with internal organs spurted out of his mouth, his body twitched a few times, and he immediately died!

The other four Elder Mu Ling saw this scene, and they just stood up and prepared to rush towards Su Zhan’s body with Elder Mu Ling and sat back.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as his buttocks touched the chair, the four wood spirits equivalent to the level of the Saint King of the Human Race stood up again like an electric shock.

As soon as his legs were bent, Su Zhan knelt down with a thump!

“The ambassador! The ambassador forgive me!”

“We are innocent! We are just ordinary Elders, and the big Elder wants to disadvantage you God, we can only obey him!”

“Right, right, right! I actually believed in the identity of the envoy for a long time! Like the envoy, the temperament is dusty, and he is not a bad person at first sight!”

“Holy Willow Muxin! By the way! Holy Willow Muxin! God’s envoy spares our lives, I will go get the Holy Willow Muxin!”

One after another begging for mercy sounded.

Su Zhan glanced at the wood spirit Elder, coldly said: “Nonsense! You just wanted to shoot me! Otherwise, why are you coming to me for?”


The four wood spirits Elder glanced at each other and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“It seems that you are really going to kill me—”

“Do not!”

Before Su Zhan finished speaking, a wood spirit Elder had a creepy feeling, and exclaimed in shock: “I actually wanted to offer the wood spirit holy wine I have treasured for many years to the divine envoy!”

As the wooden spirit Elder spoke, he took out a pot of spirit wine.

Holy wine of wood spirit?

Su Zhan took it over with some curiosity.

“Divine Envoy, this wood spirit holy wine is brewed from the top grade holy willow leaves. It has an effect on Cultivation Base, physique, and improvement. I have been saving for many years, but I have not been willing to drink it. Take it when rank Realm!

Now it is dedicated to the Lord God Envoy! ”

The wooden spirit explained cautiously.

Seeing this scene, the other three wood spirits, Elder, also took out treasures one after another as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

“My Lord God Envoy, this ten thousand-year-old iron wood armor is extremely defensive, and I hope the Lord Envoy will accept it!”

“Lord God Envoy, it is true. The first time I saw Lord Envoy, I felt that Lord Envoy was the savior sent by God to save our wood spirit race. This is the sacred fruit of the wood spirit. There are three in total, all of which are given away. To the ambassador, thank the ambassador!”

“Big Elder does not distinguish between black and white, slandering Lord God’s Envoy, he deserves his sins, this thing is holy willow wood, although the value is not as good as the heart of the holy willow wood, but it is also an excellent wood attribute material!”

Several Elder wood spirits held the treasure in both hands and waited nervously.

Just as Su Zhan was about to speak, another powerful aura rushed from behind.

He turned around and saw that he was a wood spirit old man with a dark green staff in his hand and a long robe.

“High Priest!”

When this old man appeared, many wooden spirits in the palace screamed subconsciously.

“Huh! I sensed the movement here outside, but I didn’t expect someone to come to our Wood Spirit Clan to be presumptuous!”

The high priest glanced at the wood spirit Elder who was in the main seat, and then said angrily at the four kneeling wood spirit Elders: “You are the wood spirit Elder, representing the dignity of the wood spirit, how can you kneel down for a foreign race!

Look at the big Elder, he is not afraid of danger, sits in the main position, even if he vomits blood, he has no intention of giving in!

This is the truly indomitable wood spirit tribe! ”

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