Chapter 391 Go to the Starlight Forest!

With the sound of the Water Spirit King, all the fire spirit powerhouses in the Great Hall were desperate.

The second Prince Huo Ling who was pushed aside opened his eyes in disbelief, feeling that the world was not real.

Forget the King of the Spirit.

The Water Spirit Clan has always been on good terms with the Fire Spirit Clan.

The King of Water Spirit is even more of a relative to him!

But the Water Spirit King actually betrayed the covenant with the Fire Spirit Race and surrendered to that Human Race?

The Spirit King is the most noble existence in the entire Five Elements world.

But now, the two spirit kings are actually facing a human race that is recorded in history books like ants…

The second prince was desperate in his heart, and some doubts rose up in life.

at this time.

Su Zhan’s gaze also fell on the Water Spirit King, and said: “I don’t even know you, you are going to offer me treasures?

Or do you have a plan to attack me together while I relax? ”

“Master, don’t get me wrong!”

The King of Jin Ling was horrified, and quickly explained: “It’s true that the Fire Spirit King really hates the Lord God Envoy. He also said that he united with my Jin Ling Clan to murder Lord Lord God Envoy!

However, his request was rejected by me righteously! ”

King Jin Ling put on a look of righteousness and extermination: “The Lord God Envoy is a God Envoy, and we should respectfully worship and obey the Five Elements Spirit Clan. How could I murder the Envoy?!

The Fire Spirit King is just wishful thinking, my Jinling Clan will only surrender to the gods! ”

The Water Spirit King also nodded quickly: “The King of Gold Spirit said that it is true that the Lord of God has come to the Five Elements world from outside the sky. That is the glory of our Five Elements world spirit clan!

We serve God so that it is too late for the adults. How can it be against you, the Lord?

My Shui Ling clan is loyal to the Lord God Envoy, and I still hope the Lord God Envoy will learn from him! ”

“Master Su, they”

The earthling high priest saw this scene and leaned to Su Zhan’s ear: “Most of them know what you did in the earthling city, so they are like this!”

“What did I do in Earthen City?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “I didn’t do anything in Earth Spirit City! I just served the Wood Spirit Race and did some good deeds. Could it be that they were attracted by my personality, so they took the initiative to surrender?”


The corners of the earthen high priest’s mouth twitched.

If it is a charm to kill someone when you say a word of disagreement, then it should be!

Feeling slander in the heart, but lip service: “Su Gongzi makes sense!”

King Jin Ling and King Water Spirit felt that Su Zhan’s words were a little weird, but they quickly agreed.

“The envoy said it is wonderful, wonderful!”

“My God Envoy said it is good, good! Great!”

Su Zhan glanced over the two spirit kings, and for a while, he was a little emotional: “Unexpectedly, there will be good people like you in this cruel, vicious, and sinful Five Elements world.

Since you took the initiative to offer the treasure, then I reluctantly accepted it.

Of course, I am not the kind of person who takes people’s things for nothing. These things are not available in the Five Elements world, so let’s exchange them! ”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, Sheng Yuan surged, taking the top grade Gengjin and Mingjing Liulishu from the air, and at the same time waved his hand, a pile of debris fell in front of the two spirit kings.

There are treasures, Cultivation Technique, and Medicine Pill, magic talisman.

It’s all junk stuff.

Even if you sell it, you can’t sell it for a few dollars. It happened to take this opportunity to lose these tasteless things.

“Thank God for your reward!”

The two spirit kings rejoiced in their hearts.

Start collecting treasures one by one.

In fact, to them, these things are not precious or important.

The important thing is that Su Zhan accepted their treasures, and at the same time, gave them back!

This is a manifestation of friendship!

This also represents.

They finally didn’t have to worry about falling asleep in the palace, and suddenly a fierce man broke into the city directly and beat them to death with a punch!

Life is guaranteed, and they are naturally happy.

The two spirit kings knelt on the ground, the big stone in their hearts fell, and they looked sideways at each other, both of them saw the admiration in each other’s eyes.

Sure enough, everyone is smart.

The choices made are exactly the same.

The two spirit kings smiled at each other and began to collect treasures.

While they were collecting things, Su Zhan was also looking at the best Gengjin and Mingjing Liulishu.

The best Geng gold looks like it is not much different from ordinary Geng gold, but its density is higher. It weighs more than 30,000 catties just the size of a brick!

If it is obtained by a Practitioner of the Yuan Dan realm, I am afraid that I can’t even hold it, let alone use the real Yuan to receive the storage ring, I can only stare at it!

Of course, this weight is nothing to Su Zhan.

After a few glances at the top grade Gengjin, he received the ring of the cave, and the holy yuan poured into the storage bag.

The mouth of the bag opens, revealing the transparent water inside.

Mental Energy poured into the storage bag, and after checking that it was correct, Su Zhan also put it away.

When he got two Five Elements materials at once, he was in a good mood.

However, Eternal Flint is obviously more important than the original materials of Xuantian Sacred Land, such as the best Gengjin and Mingjing Liulishu!

“Two spirit kings, do you know where the fire spirit king is?”

“Return to God, Fire Spirit King is still in the Starlight Forest!”

King Jin Ling first opened his mouth and said: “I have sent someone to monitor him. If Lord God Envoy wants to defeat Fire Spirit King, I can lead the way for Lord God Envoy!”

“I can too!”

The petite Water Spirit King also quickly said: “The Fire Spirit King is brutal and inhumane. He proposed the actions against the Wood Spirit Race!

Moreover, among our four great spirit races, the fire spirit race that he led was the most cruel against the wood spirits! ”

The High Priest of the Earth Spirit was also a little angry and said: “The King Water Spirit is right. Although the three spirit races of Earth Spirit, Jin Ling, and Water Spirit are somewhat inconsistent with Wood Spirit, they are not ascending to the extent that they want to destroy the Wood Spirit Race!

It is nothing more than the Fire Spirit King picking up the gap, saying that the Wood Spirit tribe wants to monopolize that space channel, and that there are treasures everywhere outside the space channel. We can all get divine fruit and live forever!

That’s why this disaster caused the Fire Spirit King really deserved to die! ”

It turned out that the culprit who caused Mu Ling to be so miserable was actually the Fire Spirit King?

It is indeed possible to think about it!

His son also kills me as soon as he meets. There is a saying that there is a father who has a son!

In addition, the attitude of the two spirit kings and the high priest of the earth spirit towards the fire spirit king… It seems that this fire spirit king is really evil, and he is the number one cruel person in the Five Elements world!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan’s tone became cold: “Then you two will lead the way! Now my Five Elements material is only the eternal flint, and I have enough time to go to that forest!”

“Yes, Lord God Envoy!”

The two spirit kings nodded respectfully,

Afterwards, I exchanged a few words about the location and journey of the Starlight Forest. It took time to let the Earthling High Priest go back to the Earthling Race.

Su Zhan released the Yanbing Saint Chariot and led the two spirit kings towards the Starlight Forest.

Seeing Su Zhan leave, the second prince collapsed to the ground, his eyes blank and a trance.

Although Su Zhan didn’t kill him, he knew in his heart that soon, he, the Fire Spirit Prince, would become a lonely man…

Moreover, even if he inherits the Fire Spirit Throne, he does not have the strength of the Fire Spirit King. In this position, he will not have any other benefits except that it will be more dangerous!

It’s not as easy and comfortable as being a prince!

“It’s over, it’s all over…”

The second prince stared blankly at the direction Su Zhan was leaving, muttering to himself bitterly.

at this time.

In the Starlight Forest.

The Fire Spirit High Priest said to the Fire Spirit King sitting on the throne of the temporary Great Hall: “Spirit King, there is no message from the other two clans.”


Fire Spirit King frowned slightly, very unhappy.

“Several days have passed, King Jinling, King Shuiling hasn’t prepared the army yet?

Their efficiency is too low!

Don’t you know that the soldiers are very fast? If I were them, I’m afraid they have already hit Fire Spirit City! ”

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