Chapter 550 Sword Diagram Fusion!

“Su fellow daoist, these things are not secrets.”

Sixth Luo shook his head and said: “Back then, the human race of the spirit world invaded the demon world, and there was a battle in the demon world, and eventually all fell.

As a Heavenly Demon, do you know that these things are not normal? ”

“Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon?”

Su Zhan was a little suspicious: “Since you are the Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations, and you said that all the people of our human race have fallen in the Demon Realm, how can you be sealed in the Eastern Wasteland for more than 100,000 years?

Moreover, even if the life span of the Demon Race is longer and the body is gone, the Demon Soul can still live for so long? ”

“Back then, when your human race invaded the Demon Realm, many of our Demon Emperors were furious and joined forces to besieged and killed.

However, Martial God Ye Xing and puppet Emperor Li Yan are both very tricky characters. In addition, our Demon Realm is not monolithic, and each has its own scheming.

The war lasted for a full ten years before the human race who invaded the Demon World was completely wiped out. Of course, there were also some fish that slipped through the net and fled the Demon World early. ”

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo appeared to look back: “In that battle, our Demon Realm suffered a heavy loss, but at the beginning, I thought that the Eastern Wasteland domain powerhouses were all out, and it was a good time to invade.

So when the last space passage that the Deva Realm can pass through was destroyed by the puppet emperor with our demon corpse-refining puppet, I forcibly entered it.

However, to my surprise, Emperor Puppet actually left behind.

In the Eastern Wasteland domain, he still has disciples who have reached Deva’s inheritance waiting!

Adding the powerful puppets left by the puppet emperor and the other two Deva, my body was destroyed.

But I cultivated a special magic skill, my body collapsed, and the soul was still there. They couldn’t do anything with my soul for a while, so they trapped me in that Kunpeng secret realm, and suppressed me with the power of Kunpeng god feather. Under the ground.

Moreover, I also found the strange fire of The Underworld Youyan, wanting to obliterate my devil soul.

But what they didn’t expect was that my demon soul was indeed seriously damaged, but they also assimilated The Underworld’s flames, relying on The Underworld’s undead abilities, plus one of my demon clan’s secrets, forcibly. Over hundreds of thousands of years!

Speaking of which, I also want to thank you fellow daoist Sue. ”

Sixth Luo smiled: “If you didn’t take away the Kunpeng god feather, and Blood Demon taught those wastes, you might not be able to release me!”

“Is it really?”

Su Zhan frowned slightly: “Then why do you want me to go to the Demon Realm so eagerly?”

“For rebirth!”

Sixth Luo said: “I am a demon. Although it is possible to forcibly seize the flesh of your human race, it is impossible to restore my strength in that way.

Moreover, it is extremely uncomfortable, I still need a demon body to seize the house.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about all of this fellow daoist Su, I know where there is a suitable body in the Demon Realm. After I succeed, I promise Su Xiaoyou all will be honored one by one! ”

After speaking, it seemed that something had been thought of, Sixth Luo continued: “It’s not just Deva puppet, the strongest magic power, Ye Xing Martial God corpse, Su Fellow daoist, although you are the blood of the Devil God, but very light, you should be able to feel it. Come on?

Now I go to the Demon Realm, I can give you some more Demon God’s blood, plus the strongest Demon God’s Secret Art I got at the beginning, it fits perfectly with the Demon God’s bloodline. !

Su fellow daoist, although you have the Star God Body Tempering fist, it is just a boxing technique, which does not conflict with your cultivation, a secret technique of erupting magic power, and your chaotic real magic power…

Now that you have got the Martial Dao of Ye Xing’s Martial God, you should see that this magic skill is actually very inferior, right? ! ”

Su Zhan didn’t answer, his brows frowned and thought.

Heavenly Demon Sixi Luo is not false. With his current Martial Dao mood, he can easily see the shortcomings of the true magic power of Chaos.

Originally, he also planned to revise it after returning to the Eastern Wasteland domain to make up for it.

But no matter how much it is modified, it is impossible to make a Cultivation Technique completely different, crossing a large level.

And during this time, he also really realized the power of magic power, at least in terms of bursts, it was stronger than most Cultivation Techniques in the spirit world of the same level!

Of course, the side effect is that it affects the mind, is prone to bloodthirsty, and falls into Devil Dao, but there is a psychic aura, these are not problems.


Are Sixth Luo’s words really credible?

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, and his holy thoughts poured out, turning into a huge sword that was as black as ink.

“Sue fellow daoist, what are you doing?”

“It’s nothing, just try it.”

As soon as the voice fell, the soul slashed and the sword slashed!

Heavenly Demon’s face immediately became distorted.

However, after only a second, it returned to normal and said: “Sue fellow daoist, your Mental Energy is not better than mine.

Slashing the soul and chanting the sword can’t hurt me, it just gives me a sting, and Su fellow daoist, I can get out of the Ten Thousand Swords Picture a long time ago, but I haven’t broken the shackles and escaped.

I also told everything frankly. Isn’t this not enough to show my sincerity? ”

Su Zhan did not speak, and used the Soul Slashing Sword a few more times, and found that although Sixth Luo looked painful, he did not damage the Demon Soul, so he gave up.

It seems that I usually have to cultivate more gods, or else I will have no deterrent against this Heavenly Demon.

As for the journey to the devil, if you can really get those things, it would be a pity not to go.

But Sixth Luo is a demon after all, and he can’t believe what he said.

Su Zhan thought about this in his heart, and said, “I can go to the Demon World again, but your promises must be fulfilled before I will take you where you want to go and restore your physical body.

Go if you agree, forget it if you don’t. ”

“Then it’s settled.”

Sixth Luo nodded.

“By the way, Su fellow daoist, these two sword pictures, you only need to fit them together and they will merge on their own. Don’t worry about me. I won’t take the opportunity to escape. This is my sincerity.”


Su Zhan nodded, and said no more, directly unfolding the Heavenly Sword Diagram and the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram, and fitting them together.

It was as if some kind of chemical reaction had occurred. The two dim sword pictures suddenly burst into bright rays of light because they were not actively stimulated!

Do not!

Not light!

It’s Sword Qi, it’s Sword intent!

Under those Sword Qi Sword intents, Su Zhan’s Yanbing Saint Chariot was instantly pierced with holes!

Immediately afterwards, the two sword images merged to form an explosive force diverging towards the surroundings.

The entire Yanbing Saint Chariot was blasted abruptly!

A piece of ruins fell in the air.

Su Zhan was a little depressed, standing in the air, watching the two sword pictures merge.

With his physical strength, these Sword Qi Sword intents certainly can’t hurt him.

But a good flying treasure was blown up like this, and it was a bit uncomfortable to change anyone.

Now, I can only hope that there will be a qualitative change after the fusion of the Heavenly Sword Diagram and the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram.

The power is strong enough to make up for the depression of the treasure being bombed.

Su Zhan thought secretly in his heart, and also paid close attention to the fusion of the two sword pictures.

About ten minutes passed.

Those Sword Qi Sword intents converged, and a dazzling light burst on the surface of the sky sword map, and then dissipated.

And just two pictures of swords.

at this time.

There is only one pair left!

Finally, the integration is successful!

Su Zhan looked forward with expectation, stretched out his hand and grabbed it at Jiantu.

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