Chapter 554 One millionth, there is always something?

Deva… very easy to kill?

The several top Sacred Land Holy Lords looked at each other, all of them speechless, somewhat unacceptable.

There is no Deva in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain. It claims to be able to integrate Qi into the heavens and the earth. It is perfectly round and long live!

It can be said that in the eyes of most people, there is no big difference from the gods!

This is the existence of this horror!

When it came to Su Zhan’s mouth, it turned into “very easy to kill”? ? ?

This is so special!

When will Deva be combined with the words “very good to kill” to form a sentence?

The hearts of those Holy Lords were shocked, and their breathing stopped temporarily.

Not just the Holy Lord.

The rest of the saints, Elder, heard Su Zhan’s words, and they opened their eyes and mouths wide, and they were shocked beyond words.

They wanted to say something to express their shock, but they couldn’t say it.

Because Deva is already too high in their minds.

And Su Zhan, as a holy king, killed Deva…

This is beyond their scope of cognition!

Just like a kid in a slum, if you give him ten dollars, he will jump up happily and thank you constantly.

But if you give him one billion, he will be shocked, but he won’t be able to react.

Because this is beyond his scope of cognition, not only he hasn’t seen it, but also he hasn’t heard it, or even dreamed of it!

But now, it is this kind of thing that others say that they think it is inferior and false even as a story, and it is actually presented in front of them!

It’s too ridiculous…

Those people stared at each other in a daze, shocked and speechless.

Five or six seconds passed.

Mo Wentian swallowed a mouthful of water, his voice was dry, and he stammered: “Su, Su Su, you, now, really, can you really kill Deva?”


Su beheaded nodded.

“you you……”

Mo Wentian was stunned for a while before he smiled bitterly, “I didn’t expect that you have become so powerful…”

Su Zhan smiled: “I have worked so hard to cultivate, and it is normal for me to grow a little bit in strength.”

This statement came out.

The somewhat bewildered Holy Lord who had been shocked by Su Zhan’s ability to kill Deva before returned to their senses and rolled his eyes.

Cultivation assiduously.

Eight hours of hard cultivation a day…

Let’s hehe!

As for the slight increase in strength…

Is that a little bit special for you?

A little bit is to kill Deva directly? ? ?

The Holy Lord was slandered in their hearts.

Whenever I think of them, they would Closed Door Training for a few years, or even more than ten years, and Ascension is just that little bit.

This kid Su Zhan, less than twenty years old, is estimated to be able to kill Deva before they have been closed for a long time.

Nearly a hundred Holy Lords are very depressed, and some complain about God’s injustice.

Even Mo Wentian was holding his chest, feeling very uncomfortable.

Take a few deep breaths.

He only slowed down, and said with a bit of heartburn: “Su Zhan, let’s not talk about other things.

First talk about the succession of the Holy Lord.

This is the Xuantian Spirit Sword, you hold it. ”

After speaking, it seemed that for fear that Su Zhan would not agree, Mo Wentian directly stuffed the Xuantian Spirit Sword into Su Zhan’s hand.

“Holy Lord, you are not dying, and you are not bad, why are you eager to pass the position?”

Su Zhan did not take the Xuantian Spirit Sword, which symbolized the identity of the Holy Lord of Xuantian, and was surprised.


Mo Wentian glanced at Su Zhan a little bitterly.

I’m afraid your kid will run out of nowhere in the future, and there will be no one to find you!

Moreover, my Xuantian Sacred Land finally got out of your perverted to outrageous, outrageous to perverted monster, it can be called the most talented monster in the history of the spirit world.

If you don’t succeed, can I rest assured?

If this is.

In the future, what kind of temples, what Dao Sect, what Great Sect, etc. in the Central State and Primordial Lands will abduct you and become their boss? ? ?

I still have to be pissed off!

Thinking like this in his heart, Mo Wentian quickly said, “Su Zhan, I’m actually dying, take it!”

“Really? I don’t believe it.”

Su Zhan was suspicious: “Unless you die to show me.”

Mo Wentian: “…”

at this time.

The saints below were full of envy, and even looked at Su Zhan jealously.

If the Holy Lord of their Sacred Land is like Mo Wentian, they must pass the position of the Holy Lord to them.

Then they must be happy!

You know, to become the Holy Lord, you think you have great power!

Sacred Land’s power, resources, and treasures can be mobilized, and all kinds of heavenly daughters can be married in the name of Sacred Land. Who dares not?

Unfortunately, their Holy Lord is not Mo Wentian…

The holy sons sighed.

Those Holy Lords also noticed that their faces were hard to look.

“Why are you sighing? Of course I won’t pass it to you, do you think you are Su Zhan?”

“You idiot! If you are Su Zhan, daddy will give you the Sacred Land token now, begging you to succeed the Holy Lord!

But you don’t look at it either, do you have Su Zhan tithe? ”

“From the Holy Lord, your Sacred Land saint son actually has one-tenth of Su Zhan?”

A Holy Lord heard the words of the Li Holy Lord and exclaimed: “Tianjiao! Even Qiu Jian, dare not say that Su Zhan has one-tenth talent, right?

You Sacred Land, this is about to take off! ”

“Ahem, missed mouth, missed mouth…”

The one who left the Holy Lord was embarrassed: “This holy son of my family is dull. It is estimated that Su cut one percent of him, no, one thousandth, one ten thousandth…”

After talking about a few figures, thinking of Su Zhan’s heaven-defying talent, I felt a little exaggerated from the Holy Lord.

In the end, he hesitated without daring to say: “One in a million, there is always some?”

“Some, some, hahaha!”

The surrounding Holy Lord laughed.

Those holy sons blushed too much, and never dared to give birth to the thought of talent.

On the high platform.

Seeing Mo Wentian choked by Su Zhan to speak, he looked like he was about to succumb to death.

Tang Wujian also helped: “Su Zhan, being the Holy Lord has many benefits, why should you shirk it?”

“Many benefits?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “What are the benefits?”

“First of all, it is Cultivation Technique!”

Tang Wujian said: “I know that Su Zhan, you have been to the holy shrine, but Xuantian Sacred Land, some martial arts secrets can only be passed on to the contemporary Holy Lord, and there is no such thing in the holy shrine!”

Su Zhan waved his hand, put away the six Heavenly Dao sacred soldiers, and threw out a lot of cultivation jade slips at the same time: “I brought some cultivation techniques and other preparations to enrich our Sacred Land. Library.

According to the ranks, the lowest among them is the upper Saint King rank, and a few volumes are already at the Heavenly Dao rank.

Xuantian Sacred Land doesn’t seem to have Heavenly Dao Cultivation Technique yet, right? ”


Tang Wujian’s face became stiff, and he immediately continued: “There really is no…but Su Zhan, becoming the Holy Lord also means power!

You can mobilize all Sacred Land holy kings!

Moreover, other Sacred Land will treat you politely too! ”

“My puppet Seventeen should be better than many holy kings. As for treating each other with courtesy…”

Su Zhan’s eyes swept away, passing over the Sacred Land Holy Lords, and asked, “Isn’t it, I’m not the Holy Lord, so you won’t treat me politely.”

But dismissive, scornful, and even hostile to me, wanting to kill me? ”

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