Chapter 556 Master, you continue (third more)


Su Zhan looked at An Yuan Holy Lord in surprise, then thanked him.

After taking the Xuanyu, he tried to inspire it, and found that its effect was very mediocre in the Heavenly Dao level, and it was considered the most inferior defective Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, so he put it away.

Although it’s not a very good thing, but someone gave it away for free, it must still be accepted.

Anyuan Holy Lord saw Su Zhan accepting the mysterious jade, he was delighted, smiled with a smile on his face and reminded and hinted: “Young Master Su really allocated this mysterious jade!

We, Anyuan Sacred Land, gave the only piece of Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, which is called the Eastern Wasteland’s supreme level, to Young Master Su, which is not a waste of value! ”

“Well, thank Anyuan Holy Lord for your kindness.”

Su Zhan smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

See this scene.

The smile on Anyuan Holy Lord’s face instantly solidified.


Why did you leave?

Don’t you want to return a gift to Sacred Land?

The Vajra Holy Lord gave out a Vajra bead and got a golden phoenix sword. It was my turn.

What the hell is it just taking it and leaving? ? ?

Originally full of expectation, thinking about what Su Zhan would take out, the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier would give back to own Anyuan Holy Lord, at this moment, the whole person was stunned.

“Wait for Young Master Su!”

Anyuan Holy Lord was really unwilling, and asked cautiously: “Young Master Su, have you forgotten something?”

“Forgot what?”

Su Zhan turned around and thought for a while, cupped hands smiled and said, “I see, Anyuan Holy Lord must be saying that you have Anyuan Spiritual herbs unique to Anyuan Sacred Land, right?

I have also heard that it is said that only you can grow around the special spiritual spring of Sacred Land in Anyuan.

Originally, I thought this was a unique treasure of your Anyuan Sacred Land after all, and I didn’t particularly want it, so I didn’t speak, but now you have taken the initiative to say it.

Then when you go back, let someone send dozens of white plants over!

I thank you so much in advance! ”

Anyuan Holy Lord was dumbfounded, and quickly said: “No!”


Su Zhan raised his brows: “Could it be that you gave me this piece of Profound Jade for other purposes?

Do you want me to give you higher value treasures back?

Unexpectedly, your motivation is so impure! ”

“No, no, no!”

Upon hearing this, Anyuan Holy Lord was suddenly frightened, and said in shock: “I never meant to do that!”

“Then why are you stopping me?”


Anyuan Holy Lord with a bitter face: “I want to send some Anyuan Spiritual herbs to Young Master Su…”

“Sure enough, as I expected, then I will trouble you.”

Su Zhan smiled, turned and left.

“No trouble, no trouble.”

An Yuan Holy Lord squeezed a smile.

When Su Zhan completely turned around, the smile on his face dissipated and he turned into a bitter face again.

Originally wanted to make a fortune.

As a result, I didn’t say anything about Ju Ling Xuan Yu Bai, and I had to add a bunch of Spiritual herbs!

This is so special!

It’s a loss to grandma’s house!

I knew this, I took the initiative to give me a fart!

Anyuan Holy Lord wants to cry without tears, his face is depressed.

And the other Holy Lord, who was just about to follow his example, sending things in exchange for Su Zhan’s treasure, saw this scene, and quickly dispelled the idea.

Sure enough, Su Zhan was the same Su Zhan.

As long as you don’t give him the treasure in vain, it’s already a blessing.

Still thinking about making a lot of money from him?

Earn a fart!

A Holy Lord secretly said in his heart, looking at Anyuan, the Holy Lord looked a little gloating in his eyes.

“By the way, Vajra Holy Lord.”

After walking away a few steps, thinking of something again, Su Zhan turned back and said to the Vajra Holy Lord: “I heard that your Vajra Holy Body is the best at refining body.

In Sacred Land, is there a top forging field in Eastern Wasteland? ”


Vajra Holy Lord instantly guessed Su Zhan’s meaning, and said: “I heard that Young Master Su is also the way of cultivating the body. If Young Master Su doesn’t dislike him, he can also go to our Vajra Sacred Land and use our forging field for cultivation cultivation.”

Su Zhan smiled: “That’s right, you don’t need to send someone over. You stay here for one day. Tomorrow, I will go to Vajra Sacred Land with you. While refining treasures, I can also cultivate a kind of physical training boxing.”

“It’s all arranged by Young Master Su.”

Vajra Holy Lord cupped hands agreed.

Afterwards, the banquet was held as usual.

It took three full hours before many Sacred Lands were scattered.

Above Xuantian Square, only Su Zhan, Tang Wujian, and Mo Wentian were left.

Su Zhan also released Ye Qingyu in the Moyu Ring Cave at this time and introduced: “Holy Lord, Master, this is my friend Ye Qingyu. She is going to enter the Sacred Land cultivation in Xuantian, I have already I promised her, you see if you agree.”

“Agree, Yulong Realm, just can become a core disciple.”

Mo Wentian didn’t bother with such trivial matters, and directly said: “Miss Ye, wait a moment, I will immediately ask someone to come and take you to choose Immortal Cave. As for the core disciple, it will be delivered within two days. You are in Immortal Cave.”

“Holy Lord, Elder.”

Ye Qingyu also saluted respectfully with cupped hands. After hesitating, her face turned red and said: “In the words of Immortal Cave…Su Zhan, I remember that there are still many open spaces in the sky, or I will live in the sky?”

This statement came out.

Tang Wujian was stunned for a moment, and said quickly: “This can’t work, Zhan Tianfeng is where the holy son lives, and you are not—”


Mo Wentian coughed slightly, winked at Tang Wujian, patted Su Zhan on the shoulder, and smiled deeply: “Su Zhan, how can you say seventeen? It’s normal to have this intention, of course I Understandable.

It’s okay to make an exception, just live together! ”

“How can this work!”

Tang Wujian was anxious: “I don’t agree!”

“Don Elder, I am the Holy Lord, can I just agree?”

Mo Wentian glanced at Tang Wujian with some confusion.

In the past, Don Elder was not so blind!

This clearly shows that Su Zhanye’s relationship between the two is not normal, why does he have to stop him?

Just when Mo Wentian was puzzled.

Su Zhan also opened his mouth and said: “Emperor…Miss Ye, you are a girl after all. Living in Zhantian Peak will damage your reputation, and it will not be easy to marry in the future.”

Ye Qingyu smiled and said, “It’s okay, isn’t you there!”

“I can help with other things, but how can I help with things like marriage?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “It seems that the empress, you are in love, married, these emotional cognitions are still too low, maybe not one-tenth of mine, otherwise, I would not say such a thing.

As far as I know, in the spiritual world, the reputation of girls is still very important.

If you live with me, this will definitely have a lot of negative effects on you. Even if you marry in the future, it will become difficult! ”

I have a low awareness of feelings?

I just haha!

It’s at least several floors higher than your wooden head!

Ye Qingyu saw Su Zhan’s look that I knew, and said annoyed: “Then it will be fine if I don’t marry in the future!”

“Not to marry?”

Su Zhan sighed: “Emperor, your age should not be too young. If you don’t get married now, it will be a question whether anyone will be there in the future-hey, where are you going?”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ye Qingyu stomping his feet with shame, turning his back and leaving.

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and asked Tang Wujian a little puzzled: “Master, I’m not wrong!”


Tang Wujian’s mouth twitched.

I thought that I was already stupid enough.

Unexpectedly, my apprentice is even stupid than he was back then!


Although this surnamed Ye and Liuxue are rivals, I still have to teach Su Zhan these things, otherwise Liuxue will definitely be pissed off by him in the future!

Tang Wujian thought about this and cleared his throat: “Ahem, Su Zhan!

You have no talent for cultivation, but in terms of emotions, you still need to be a good teacher—”

“Forget it, Master”

Before Tang Wujian finished speaking, Su Zhan already shook his head.

“I almost forgot, Master, you have been bachelor for two thousand years.

Even the last time I went to the Puppet Emperor Ruins, that green Yulan didn’t seem to admire you very much.

I ask you what’s the use?

Hey Master”

After speaking, seeing Tang Wujian’s face flushing and pulling out the Infinite Sacred Sword, Su Zhan’s face was astonished: “What are you doing with the sword?

Do you want to practice swords with me? ”


Hearing this, Tang Wujian, who had been irritated and somewhat irrational, seemed to be poured from his head to the soles of his feet by a basin of cold water, his hands and feet cold, and he instantly calmed down.

I almost forgot, this kid can kill even Deva!

I want to beat him up, I’m afraid I will be beaten by him in turn!

Tang Wujian’s face flushed, holding the Infinite Sacred Sword in his hand, in Su Zhan’s surprised and puzzled eyes.

He held back for a long time before he was a little annoyed and said, “Can’t I like to draw the sword?

I pull it out, hey, I put it in again, hey I pull it out, and put it in again… What if I have to pull out a million times today!

I just like to draw swords. Isn’t that okay? ! ”

“One million times a day? It would take more than ten times to draw the sword in one second!

It will be possible to do it without stopping for a moment!

Unexpectedly, Master, you are so hard in cultivating kendo! ”

Su Zhan was a little surprised. Immediately, Sheng Yuan surged and took Ye Qingyu, who had not walked far, directly back, saying:

“Emperor, my master said that today he will draw a million swords, there is something to say.

Reading the book a hundred times is right for you, and Kendo is the same.

Don’t you also practice swords? You are here watching the master draw his sword. One million times is only a day.

If you look at this day, you will definitely get a lot of new kendo insights! ”

After finishing speaking, Su Zhan turned his head towards Tang Wu Jiandao, who was completely dumbfounded at this moment: “Master, you continue to pull, don’t worry about us.”

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