Chapter 604 Return to the Spirit World!


Benson was so frightened that everyone was stupid, and he quickly roared, “How stalwart is that Su Zhansu senior?”

He is the object of worship of our Purple Demon tribe. How can we be disadvantageous to Su senior?

As for the clan king… he wants to kill Su senior, and he has been beheaded by Su senior now! ”


The holy demon general was shocked: “The clan king is dead? Or was he killed by Su Zhan?

How can this be!

Su Zhan is still in the spirit world! ”

“Nonsense! Su senior is right in front of you!”

Benson said angrily: “Hurry up and kowtow to Su senior! Don’t you want to live anymore!”

“Pray Su senior for forgiveness!”

Although the saint demon general was still unacceptable in his heart, he also knew that Benson would definitely not dare to make fun of the clan king’s life and death!

In other words, the clan king is really dead!

It was killed by this black-robed man in front of me!

And this black-robed man is the Su Zhan he is looking for!

Although I can’t think of breaking my head, why the spirit world’s Su Zhan will appear in the demon world.

Also beat their clan king to death!

But at this time, he couldn’t care about so much, and could only beg for mercy in panic.

Let’s live it first.

Su Zhan looked at that spatial passage, then looked at Bansen and other demons, a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Su Zhan’s thoughts, Benson was terrified and quickly said: “Su senior! Even if you kill us, this territory will soon be occupied by other demons!

They will use this space channel to invade the Eastern Wasteland of the spiritual world!

But as long as you are willing to let us go, our Purple Demon tribe is willing to swear by Heart’s Demon, if we step into the spiritual world, we will not die!

I beg senior, you see that we also have relatives and friends, and don’t want to fight. We are just forced to spare us our lives when ordered by the clan king to do so! ”

After that, Benson also knelt on the ground, feeling uneasy.

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on him, and he pondered for three seconds, feeling that it would be useless to kill them.

It would be better to let the Purple Demon tribe guard the periodic space passage here like the three-eyed demon tribe he had conquered at the beginning. Perhaps it would be better for the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Moreover, this spatial passage is only Saint Demon level after all. When he returns to Xuantian Sacred Land and refines a few half-step Deva level puppet guards, there is no need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, he nodded: “I am not a bloodthirsty person. Since you said that, I am willing to give you a chance.

But if you break your promise, I will come to the Demon Realm again and wipe your Purple Demon tribe from the Demon Realm. ”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Benson heaved a sigh of relief, and moved towards Su Zhan, who had already walked into the space channel, grateful thanks: “Thank you Su senior for not killing!”

Spirit world, Eastern Wasteland domain, Xuantian Sacred Land.

Holy Lord Mo Wentian, holding the Xuantian Spirit Sword in his hand, was facing a half-step Heavenly Demon.

Around him, Tang Wujian, Che Heng… the holy kings all found their opponents to fight each other!

Farther away, Xuantian Sacred Land Elder, deacon, principal… core disciple, inner disciple, and even seedlings!

All fighting!


The mountain collapsed.

The earthquake cracked.

The river dries up.

The trees burn.

The palaces and pavilions are broken!

Sanwanli Xuantian Sacred Land Realm.

It is already a mess at the moment!

A corpse is arrogant!

The blood flowed into the river that was instantly evaporated by the secret method of the demons, and gathered into a river of blood!

Everyone in Xuantian Sacred Land, even Lei Shi Xiaobai, is fighting at this time!

Fight for survival!

Thirty thousand demons still besie Xuantian Sacred Land, there is no way to retreat!

Of course, the Demon Race’s offensive is not very smooth, and even the number of Demon Race’s corpses is more than that of Xuantian Sacred Land!

After all, Sacred Land has many formation conveniences. When the difference in strength between the two is not too great, with the power of formation, it has a huge advantage!

“Holy Lord Xuantian, although you and I seem to be at a stalemate right now, do you know that”

The half-step Heavenly Demon was also the pioneer leader of the Purple Demon Tribe. Coldly said, “There is the entire Purple Demon Tribe behind me!

Soon, more than ten half-step Heavenly Demon will come!

You surrender now and hand over Su Zhan, it’s still too late!

Otherwise, wait for my back-up to kill you, none of you will want to live! ”

“You have support, don’t we have it!”

Mo Wentian’s eyes were cold: “Don’t forget that this place is the Eastern Wasteland domain. When the Profound Sky dynasty’s royal family’s reinforcements arrive, you also have no chance to return!”

“It’s so reckless!”

The Demon Pioneer leader said angrily: “Okay, I want to see, how long can your big formations stop us!”

After that, he took the lead to attack the formation barrier in front of Mo Wentian.

When he shot, Mo Wentian also greeted him.

Although there is a formation protecting the core area within five thousand miles of Sacred Land, if he does not take action to stop these demons, the formation will also be broken quickly, and there will be no barriers to protect at that time!

The other people in Xuantian Sacred Land obviously also knew this truth, and they tried desperately to kill the enemy one by one.

But even so.

Half an hour later, Xuantian Sacred Land had a total of 26 formations, and 22 of them were also destroyed.

Even the core formation has been breached!

Losing the shelter of formation, the battlefield situation suddenly changed!

The already stronger Purple Demon Tribe demon tribe instantly took advantage.

“Hahaha! The formation is broken, let me see what else you are fighting with me!”

The pioneer leader of the Purple Demon tribe laughed triumphantly: “The ants of Xuantian Sacred Land, just now, I gave you the opportunity. No use!”

“Kill Su Zhan…”

Tang Wujian said angrily: “If Su Zhan is here, it’s your turn to be presumptuous!”

Hearing this, the other Elders sighed.

Some despair in his eyes.

If Su Zhan is here, he should be able to save Xuantian Sacred Land, right?

But… it’s not that good.

Although Su Zhan can kill Deva, according to what this demon clan said, what Purple Demon tribe is extremely strong, and the ten half-step Heavenly Demon add up, maybe even Su Zhan has to retreat temporarily?

Xuantian Holy Lord Mo Wentian clenched the Xuantian Spirit Sword in his hand, took a deep breath, his eyes firmly said: “It’s not over yet, the victory or defeat is still unknown!

But no matter what, I want me to surrender to your demons and dream! ”

“Well, since you are like this—huh?”

Before he finished speaking, the Demon Pioneer leader felt something and looked back.

Seeing the spatial fluctuations around the huge space passage about thirty miles away from him, he smiled on his face: “Have you seen, the reinforcements of our Purple Demon tribe have arrived, and where are your reinforcements?”

When the other demons of the Purple Demon tribe saw this scene, their confidence increased greatly, and all of them were filled with joy.

But Mo Wentian sank in his heart.

Originally, it was a battle with a very small win rate.

Nowadays, the Demon Race has reinforcements. Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he also has to admit that Xuantian Sacred Land, today I am afraid it is really going to be over…

Tang Liuxue, Tang Wujian, Ye Qingyu, Lei Shixiao Bubai, Zhang Ling…Everyone in Xuantian Sacred Land, their eyes fell on the space passage that belonged to the Demon Realm.

At this moment, they are all a little desperate.

Just when they were desperate and ready to fight to their deaths to find a way out.

A figure wearing a black robe and her face shrouded in black mist.

Get out of the black hole vortex formed by that space channel!

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