Chapter 610 Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire, Meet Su Zhaoyue Again (third more)


The door opened.

Tang Liuxue looked at Ye Qingyu, who was obviously well-dressed, half-shown, and looked very charming, a little dazed.

And Ye Qingyu was even more daunting than her.

what’s the situation?

Didn’t you say that we are going to sleep together tonight?

Why is Tang Liuxue here?

Could it be said that Su Zhan unexpectedly, actually…

Like three people together?

It’s too much! ! !

Ye Qingyu was shocked and said in disbelief, “Why are you here?”

“Of course I am!”

Tang Liuxue took it for granted: “His Royal Highness let me sleep here, why are you here so late?”

Ye Qingyu’s face was a little ugly: “It was Su Zhan who asked me to come and sleep together.”

“His Royal Highness really asked you to come over?”

“This can be fake!”

Ye Qingyu said with no anger: “Get out of the way, I’m going in and ask Su Zhan, but I didn’t see it. He is usually like a piece of wood, he actually likes, likes…”

As he said, Ye Qingyu blushed and his voice became quieter: “I like to do this kind of thing!”


As soon as he thought of Ye Qingyu’s entry, what he pretended to be in the morning immediately revealed the stuffing, Tang Liuxue quickly said: “Miss Ye, the night is very good today, why don’t we enjoy the moon together!”

“You watch the moon with me?”

Ye Qingyu was a little stunned, his eyes full of shock when he looked at Tang Liuxue.

At this point, Tang Liuxue had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: “Yes, or else–”

“Don’t go!”

Ye Qingyu shook his head very resolutely, and there was a trace of caution in his eyes looking at Tang Liuxue.

did not think of.

Su Zhan’s guardian Daoist still likes women… It’s terrible!

“Su Zhan, Su Zhan!”

Ye Qingyu shouted and squeezed in directly from Tang Liuxue’s side.

If it is hard to stop.

With Tang Liuxue’s strength, Ye Qingyu could of course be easily stopped.

But Ye Qingyu had a special relationship with Su Zhan after all, and she couldn’t rely on her strength to overwhelm others.

Seeing Ye Qingyu had entered the room, Tang Liuxue had to turn around helplessly.

“Where is Su Zhan?”

After walking around the room, he didn’t find Su Zhan, and Ye Qingyu asked in confusion.

“The devil mountain that placed him in the palace is no longer Zhan Tianfeng.”

Ye Qingyu’s heart moved: “Then last night?”

“I slept here alone last night…”

Tang Liuxue had no choice but to speak out.

“Sleeping here alone…hahaha!”

Ye Qingyu was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Tang Liuxue was immediately unhappy: “What are you laughing at?”

“It’s okay, Su Zhan, the bad man, let you sleep alone, and Big sis cares about you.”

After all, Ye Qingyu was a female emperor. Although his age was almost the same as Tang Liuxue’s, he was far more mature than Tang Liuxue.

At this moment, seeing Tang Liuxue’s innocent look, thinking that she deliberately angered herself in the morning, Ye Qingyu raised the corner of her mouth and revealed a smirk: “What’s the point of sleeping alone, come over and let Big sis undress you? ,sleep together!”

“No, no need!”

Tang Liuxue panicked: “Miss Ye, go to sleep! I’m leaving first, goodbye!”

After speaking, she left in a little panic.

“Huh! Little girl film, dare to lie to me!”

Ye Qingyu smiled triumphantly.

The snow-white chin lifted up, touched his chin with his hand, and thought: “I have to cultivate quickly, otherwise I will really become a family in the future. Isn’t it shorter?

And Su Zhan…Such a beauty, let her sleep alone in the bed.

You deserve it! ”

With a smile, Ye Qingyu also walked down to Zhan Tianfeng.

Tonight, I can finally sleep peacefully.

It took another four days.

Su Zhan cultivated the Demon God Technique to Xiaocheng.

Cover Heavenly Demon’s hand reach to fifty miles!

After trying to cover the power of Heavenly Demon’s hand, he stopped cultivation.

If he was given another ten days, it would not be a problem to cultivate the first level of Demon God Art to Dacheng.

But the problem is that there is no time now.

It was only more than half a month before the opening of the Fengling Ruins.

And within more than half a month.

He also needs cultivation Sword Technique, Fist Technique, Movement Technique, Jing mysterious technique… and finds a Cultivation Technique for Seventeen.

In addition, Xuantian Sacred Land also needs him to make puppet protection.

Of course, this matter can be said after he returns from Fengling Ruins. Anyway, he is not ready to leave the Eastern Wasteland directly.

The first thing right now… Let’s create a Cultivation Technique for Seventeen!

After all, this guy can’t even beat him now, but it’s a bit rubbish, and let it go, let the seventeen grow up slowly, he doesn’t know that it will be the year of the monkey!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan returned to the Immortal Cave of Zhantian Peak and began to create Cultivation Technique for Seventeen.

In fact, logically speaking, the puppet emperor should master the special Cultivation Technique that the puppet can cultivate.

It’s just that the inheritance Su Zhan got was only one of the puppet emperor’s back roads, and only a very small part.

The true inheritance of the puppet emperor is naturally in the hands of the puppet queens.

Therefore, he had to create it himself.

Fortunately, Ye Xing Martial God gave him all his things.

There are so many Cultivation Techniques, and a mixture of them should be able to produce something suitable for Seventeen Cultivation.

After sinking his heart, Su Zhan began to study hard.

Creating a Cultivation Technique is extremely difficult.

It definitely can’t be done in a short while!


Su Zhan also spent a full two hours before he succeeded!

With the palm of his hand turned over, a roll of Jade Slip appeared, and he threw it to the seventeen who had been waiting in front of him with a look of anticipation: “This is my fusion of the holy king’s Nine Cycles golden body, Vajra supreme body, and golden spirit forging body. Three kinds of Cultivation Techniques, plus some Martial Dao insights that I have created.

It’s called’Sky Puppet Golden Body Jue’!

It’s suitable for Meridians like you without human race, and the body structure is not the demon race, the puppet cultivation of the demon race.

Do your exercises, go to the Fengling Ruins this time, if you have the right materials, I will bring them back and give you a re-Ascension. ”

“Yes, thank you Master!”

Seventeen was a little excited, and took over the purely metallic puppet Cultivation Technique tailored for him.

He took the initiative to return to Su Zhan’s Moyu ring hole and began to cultivate.

Complete the Seventeen Cultivation Technique.

Su Zhan also started to Closed Door Training cultivation.

Seven days later.

He ended Closed Door Training, and Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, Star God Body Tempering Fist, Wind Thunder God Wing, all reached Dacheng Realm!

Soul Slashing Nianjian has also gained some gains, and the overall strength has been greatly increased.

“At the moment, I, whether it is speed, strength, explosiveness, endurance…almost all have become stronger, but it’s a pity that the time is short and I haven’t been able to break into the extreme position.

But now I can’t continue to delay here, there are still the last ten days, I must rush to the Fengling Ruins early, after all, Luoshui is quite far away from the space channel I control! ”

As he said, Su Zhan remembered something again, and his heart moved slightly.

Luoshui Fengling, although he is not a purebred Tianfeng, he does have the blood of Tianfeng.

As for Tianfeng, besides the strongest spatial supernatural power, the most famous one should be Tianfeng Divine Fire, right?

That is also a very strong fire!

Su Zhaoyue, didn’t she dream of collecting these strange fires?

Maybe, I can go and ask her if she wants to be with me…Huh?

somebody is coming?

Just thinking about this in his mind, Su Zhan sensed that someone had come to the foot of Zhantian Peak.

Huge holy thoughts surged out.

After sensing the familiar breath of the girl, he smiled slightly.

Just thought of it and came.

The heart is sharp, nothing more than that.

Feeling happy, but also a little curious, Su Zhan’s body turned into an electric light and disappeared into the Immortal Cave on the top of the mountain.

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