Chapter 618 Sue fellow daoist, you are going to be out of luck!

Actually chose Five Elements Daozong?

Upon hearing this, the eyes of those who invited Su Zhan were disappointed.

The two Elders of Five Elements Dao Sect were pleasantly surprised, and the older one quickly said to Su: “Fellow daoist is really good-looking!

Our Five Elements Taoist school has a long history, and the Taoist skills are extremely exquisite, fellow daoist, you will definitely benefit from our Five Elements Taoist school! ”

As he said, he turned his head and cupped hands towards the disappointed people: “Everyone, since this fellow daoist has chosen our Five Elements Taoist school, I hope you don’t fight with us.

Disperse as soon as possible! ”

This sentence implies a warning.

Five Elements Daozong alone has three Deva, and Sect Leader Han Xuan has reached the level of the Second Tribulation Deva a long time ago!

In addition, Five Elements Daozong is a veteran Sect, and the incense has lasted for more than 100,000 years, and its power in this area is not small.

Those people are just Rogue Cultivators without power, even the two Deva, after hearing this, they had to shake their heads and sighed and left.

It’s a fat sheep.

But since Five Elements Daozong has succeeded, they can’t grab it anymore, otherwise, the gain will not be worth the loss!

Watching those people disperse.

The two Elders of Five Elements Dao Sect are both smiling.

“Little brother, have you ever heard a story?”

At this moment, another voice sounded.

He is a young man wearing a moon-white Confucian gown and a Confucian hairpin.

The young man was holding a volume of books in his left hand, looking at it, passing by, and said casually: “The weasel invites the chicken home to eat for the New Year.

Chicken eats rice, it eats chicken.

Know the gains and losses. ”

“Who are you, dare to talk nonsense—”

The older Five Elements Taoist Elder was furious and was about to reprimand.

But after being glanced at by the young man, a feeling of horror suddenly appeared in his heart, and he dared not say anything further.

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the young man, the divine light flashed in his eyes, and he realized that he couldn’t see through the young man at all, like a mortal without Magic power.

He had some doubts in his heart, and smiled on his face: “You may be mistaken, fellow daoist, they are not weasels, and I am not a chicken.”

“Good words are hard to persuade the damn thing, good luck to you.”

The young man didn’t stay much, shook his head, and continued to walk forward.

“Okay, let’s leave, this fellow daoist will go with us!”

The older Daoist smiled kindly: “My last name is Shen, I don’t know how you call fellow daoist?”

“My last name is Su.”

“It turned out to be Sue fellow daoist!”

The elder Daoist smiled and glanced at Su Zhaoyue beside Su Zhan, and found that Su Zhaoyue had just entered the Saint King, and he didn’t care about it at all.

Don’t even bother to ask the name.

They are all dying, why do you know so much?

The thought of Su Zhan throwing billions of sacred stones at the auction made his heart itch!

“Senior Brother Shen, it’s getting late, we should also leave.”

The younger Daoist smiled.

“Then go!”

The two looked at each other, all smiles.

Originally, buying a treasure map of Fengling for Five Elements Daozong Sect Leader was a hard work.

But now I have encountered a fat sheep, it is a huge fat difference!

If Master Sect Leader knew that they brought back such a fat sheep, wouldn’t he be happy to go to heaven?

The more they thought about it, the more proud they were, and after a few more conversations, they left with Su Zhan.

During Su Zhaoyue’s period, he opposed several times.

But they were all ignored by Su Zhan.

She had no choice but to follow Su Zhan.

Soon, a few people walked out of Luoshui City.

Shen Daoist waved his hand and threw out a topless cart of the Holy King’s level.

Several people rode on a large cart and continued to travel hundreds of meters in the air.

After a while.

It is five or six hundred miles away from Luoshui City.

The surname Shen Daoist smiled and said, “By the way, look at fellow daoist Su, you are so rich at a young age, I want to come, identity Bufan!

I don’t know fellow daoist where do you come from? ”

“I’m from Xuantian Sacred Land.”

“Xuantian Sacred Land?”

The Daoist surnamed Shen and the young Daoist looked at each other, both of them were a little puzzled.

They have never heard of the mysterious Sacred Land in the great power of the spirit world, but it can be called Sacred Land… Could it be that there is a hidden super power in the Martial Dao mythology?

The two were slightly surprised!

Shen’s Daoist’s attitude immediately became more respectful, and he cautiously said: “Able to be named Sacred Land, it seems that fellow daoist Su is really your identity, Bufan!

I just don’t know, the Xuantian Sacred Land you are talking about, is it the Sacred Land in the Central Region, the Archaic Land, or the Sacred Land in the Blood Moon? ”


Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s the Eastern Wasteland domain.”

Eastern Wasteland domain?

The surname Shen Daoist was taken aback, and then he was relieved.

I thought it was a big man, it turned out to be a mud leg in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

I don’t know how long the Eastern Wasteland domain has been down. Even if it’s all these shit Sacred Land, they are not afraid of the Five Elements Dao Sect!

In other words, the identity and background of this surname Su is basically zero, so don’t worry about getting people who can’t be offended!

With this in mind, Daoist Shen did not turn his face immediately, but smiled and said, “It turns out to be the Eastern Wasteland domain!

But Su Fellow daoist, I heard that the Eastern Wasteland domain is very barren, but Su Fellow daoist, you can easily take out billions of sacred stones. Could it be said that although you are a member of the Sacred Land in the Eastern Wasteland domain, in fact, you have been a teacher A super power in other domains?

So it can be so generous? ”

“of course!”

Before Su Zhan had time to speak, Su Zhaoyue knew that these people were investigating Su Zhan’s virtual reality, and she quickly said, “Su Zhan is his Master, but he is a Deva of the Nine Tribulations!

Do you understand the myth of Martial Dao? ”

Nine Tribulations Deva!

Shen Daoist’s face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Su Zhan in disbelief.

“Su Zhaoyue, what nonsense are you talking about? Be honest. This is the truth I learned in elementary school.”

Su Zhan said truthfully: “My master is just a holy king, and there is no Deva in the Eastern Wasteland domain. I am also just an ordinary holy son, and I don’t have any special identity background.

As for these sacred stones…I picked them up when I was wandering outside, or were given by kind people.

Hmm…I have better luck and have more opportunities. ”

Master is just a holy king?

These are all due to good luck and more opportunities?

Billions of sacred stones!

This is special, the chance is great too!

Shen Daoist’s eyes were a little red, showing jealousy.

Why, some people are so stupid that they will answer whatever they ask, but they are so lucky?

Could it be that stupid people have stupid blessings?

The surname Shen Daoist became more and more angry in his heart, turned his head, and winked at the same jealous young Daoist.

The meaning is very simple: this person is not threatening, you don’t have to wait until you return to Daozong, you can do it now!

The young Daoist knew, turned around and looked at Su Zhan.

And the speeding car in the sky stopped abruptly.

The surname Shen Daoist looked at Su Zhan, and he smiled: “Su fellow daoist, your luck has been good for a lifetime, but today, you will be out of luck when you meet me!”

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