Chapter 650: Invitation!

Watching that girl’s figure disappear from the field of vision.

Su Zhan was stunned.

Never thought of it.

He is a dignified one-hundred-billion-aura owner, the most talented person in all ages, and he beats the existence of Deva of the Five Tribulations.

Was he actually kissed again?

This is really… too Losing face!

Besides, when did he suffer?


Next time, we must let Su Zhaoyue return with the profit!

Secretly thought of it.

Su Zhan smiled slightly.

He also turned and headed towards Xuantian Sacred Land.

After a little half a day.

Su Zhan returned to Xuantian Sacred Land.

Go directly to Xuantian Great Hall.

With his current speed and Cultivation Base, even the Saint King would not even notice his return.

Therefore, when Su Zhan suddenly appeared in the Xuantian Great Hall.

Elder, the number of holy kings who were discussing certain things, was taken aback.

Holy Lord Mo Wentian was full of surprise, and walked down from the main seat: “Su Zhan, you are back!

How is everything going well? ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Mo Wentian flipped his palm and took out a storage ring: “By the way, Su Zhan, this is Sacred Land taking your two Heavenly Dao sacred stones, totaling 2 billion. You can count them.”

“no need.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “This time I went to Lintianyu to gain a lot. Let’s keep the Sacred Land Ascension for these two billion sacred stones!”

“How can Su Zhan do it!”

Mo Wentian shook his head: “One yard is one yard, you must accept it!”

With that said, he directly stuffed the storage ring into Su Zhan’s hand.

Xuantian Sacred Land.

Has received too much favor from Su Zhan.

Now it is not incapable of taking out these two billion sacred stones.

Mo Wentian naturally can’t take Su and cut two Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers for nothing!

Seeing Mo Wentian’s resolute posture, Su Zhan didn’t refuse.

Two billion sacred stones are unnecessary for him.

If there is a day when Xuantian Sacred Land needs it, he will not be stingy.

Seeing Su Zhan accepting the sacred stone, Mo Wentian also let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately, remembering what Su Zhan had just said, he curiously asked: “By the way, Su Zhan, you just said that you have gained a lot. Could it be that you have gained more from Lintianyu this time than two billion sacred stones?”

“It really needs more.”

“How much is it?”

“Only one or two hundred million sacred stones!”

Su Zhan said truthfully.

This is still not counting the treasures and materials of Gen Yan and Heavenly Demon that have not been sold into sacred stones, otherwise, there will be two to three billion sacred stones!

Even the top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier can buy two of them!

As Su Zhan’s voice fell.

The entire Xuantian Great Hall is quiet!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Obviously was shocked by that huge number!

Those holy kings Elder stared at Su Zhan in a daze, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong!

After all, the net worth of an ordinary holy king may not be more than ten million holy stones!

Even if they are far better than the average Saint King Rogue Cultivators, or the top Sacred Land Saint King Elder, who has a rich wealth of the Saint King of the small power, they can have 20 million Saint Stone wealth, they are already considered to be the best!

But now.

Su Zhan earns 20 billion sacred stones in one trip?

Is a thousand times their net worth!

How can this be! ! !

Mo Wentian was also buzzing at this time, feeling like he was dreaming.

Take a deep breath.

Three seconds passed.

He was only slightly stabilized and shocked. He stuttered and asked, “Su, Su Zhan, are you sure it is one or two billion, not one or two billion?”

“Can I make a mistake about this?

Of course it is! ”


Be confirmed.

Mo Wentian took a breath.

Opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Zhan.

Faintly regretted.


He thought that Su Zhan’s previous words were polite and perfunctory.

Unexpectedly, what this kid said is true!

What a special Su Zhan, he really doesn’t care about these two billion sacred stones!

I had known that Su Zhan had gained so much, his brain was broken, and the strong fortress would cut 2 billion sacred stones for Su?

Isn’t it good to keep building Xuantian Sacred Land?

Mo Wentian was a little upset.

But now they are all given out.

Of course there is no reason to get it back.

He had no choice but to stop thinking about it, and curiously said: “Twelve billion sacred stones!

Su Zhan, what big chance did you encounter this time? ”

“In fact, it’s nothing. Those sacred stones have nothing to do with the opportunities I got. They are all obtained by me helping others, others helping me, and killing some bad guys.”

“Kill some bad guys?”

Mo Wen Tian Yin guessed what, and asked: “Those bad guys are also Deva?”


“Oh, it turned out not to be!”

Mo Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time a little lost.


Where is Deva so easy to kill?

Although Su Zhan has the power to kill Deva, Deva is also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

After all, Su Zhan is only a holy king, and at the most he wants to come and fight against the weakest ones——

“It’s Heavenly Demon.”

Just as Mo Wentian was thinking about this, Su Zhan’s voice rang again.

Suddenly, Mo Wentian’s face froze.

The whole person looked like a petrified person, staring at Su Zhan with wide eyes, motionless.

The other holy kings Elder, the same is true!

Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Five times through the horrible existence of Heavenly Tribulation!

For that kind of existence, killing all of them in Xuantian Sacred Land is as easy as crushing an ant!

But now, this kind of terror was actually killed by Su!

Su cut him.

What a saint king! ! !

Mo Wentian and the others stared at Su Zhan blankly, trying to say something, but couldn’t say it.

At this time, they were so shocked that they had temporarily lost their ability to organize language!

Seeing them like this, Su Zhan also explained: “Of course, thanks to the strength of the senior Feng Ling at the Feng Ling Ruins.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to easily kill the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon.

At least… it’s impossible to do it with one punch and two swords! ”

Originally, the shock in Mo Wentian and others’ hearts had slowed down, but when Su Zhan’s last words were heard, the corners of their mouths twitched again.

It can’t be done with one punch and two swords, which means it is still possible to kill Deva of the Five Tribulations!

In the mere Saint King Realm, Five Tribulations Deva, this f*ck is too outrageous!

Ten seconds passed.

Those holy kings were relieved.

Looking at Su Zhan’s gaze, there was already awe!

That is also respect for a strong man!


Under the leadership of Mo Wentian, those holy king Elder also asked Su Zhan what happened to Lintianyu.

Su Zhan didn’t conceal it either, so he talked to them casually.

Although his narrative is very simple.

But the simpler it is, the more it fits the event itself.

And those events.

Whether it is conquering the Five Elements Dao Sect, or beheading the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, or encountering the ancient Fengling…

They all shocked them!

Everything they didn’t even dare to think about!

Have been talking for ten minutes.

Su Zhan briefly finished the experience, paused, thinking of another purpose of coming to Xuantian Great Hall, he said: “Holy Lord, there is one more thing to trouble you.”

Mo Wentian was still in shock, and it took several seconds to react, and quickly asked: “What’s the matter, just say it!”

“I would like to ask the Holy Lord to invite all the Sacred Land-level forces in the Eastern Wasteland domain, including the monster race and those neutral forces, so that they can meet in Xuantian Sacred Land half a month later.”

“Invite all Sacred Land-level forces in the Eastern Wasteland domain?

Including monsters and neutral forces? ”

Mo Wentian hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly, “Su Zhan, this Sacred Land, it’s easy to talk to those neutral forces that are both righteous and evil.

Our Xuantian Sacred Land is now the first Sacred Land after all, so it’s okay to ask them to send someone over.

But the power of the monster clan… we can’t say anything! ”

“It won’t work to send someone over, you must let all the power leaders come, as for the unmovable power…”

Su Zhan’s brows frowned slightly, and he thought about it for a while and said: “So, Holy Lord, you issue an invitation in the name of Su Zhan, and I gather everyone for the long-term peace of the Eastern Wasteland.

If anyone doesn’t want to come, it is against my proposal, that is, against me!

And since I am issuing an invitation for the long-term peace of the Eastern Wasteland domain, on behalf of the Eastern Wasteland people’s hope for a peaceful life.

That’s against me…”

Su Zhan paused, his tone aggravated.

“It is against all the people in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

It is against humanity!

That kind of people.

The sin is so heinous, sin deserves death! ”

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