Chapter 687 Exploring Talent!

Their people?

I’m afraid I’m already working in mining and saving money to go home…

Qin Xiaoshu muttered in his heart, and said helplessly, “Lord, this is not my fault.

They themselves failed the assessment criteria, Mental Energy and explosive power are not up to standard, so what can I do? ”

“Mental Energy and explosive power are not qualified?”

Xu Tianyue, the poster of the Tianshulou, frowned, somewhat unbelievable: “How is this possible?

Others don’t say that Lin Ping is already devastated and Deva late stage.

Even he can’t meet the general standard of Yi Ji Deva?

Could it be said that the Deva strength gap between Zhongzhou Territory and Lintian Territory is so big?

This shouldn’t be!

are you……”

Xu Tianyue’s tone increased by one point: “I asked you to set a loose assessment standard. Did your kid set me the standard of the Second Tribulation, or even the Third Tribulation Deva?

Otherwise, how could there be no more than one! ”

“Owner, you may not believe it…”

Qin Xiaoshu glanced sideways at Su Zhan, and the corners of his mouth twitched, “This is the standard of assessment.

It’s not about the Second Tribulation Deva, the Third Tribulation Deva.


Su Zhan! ”

“Su Zhan?”

Xu Tianyue was puzzled and looked at Su Zhan: “What does the Deva assessment have to do with Su Zhan?”

“It’s a big deal!”

Qin Xiaoshu said: “Those Deva and Su fellow daoist are acquainted, let Su fellow daoist speak for help!

As a result, fellow daoist Su said directly that my assessment standards were not good.

Taking his grades as the standard, the result… the original poster, you also know.

Those four guys, I am afraid they are already on their way home…”

“The Deva standard is not good, take Su Zhan a Saint King as the standard?”

Xu Tianyue was even more puzzled: “What nonsense are you talking about?

With Su Zhan’s score as the standard, wouldn’t it be easier to pass the assessment? ”

“Owner, you think too much…”

Qin Xiaoshu said speechlessly: “By the standards of Su Zhan, let alone those devastated Deva, even if it is our three-story building, it is afraid that not half of them will pass the assessment!”


Realizing the meaning contained in Qin Xiaoshu’s words, Xu Tianyue was suddenly startled and his eyes widened: “What do you mean…

Su Zhan Mental Energy and explosive power are already comparable to the Four Tribulations Deva? ”

“That was not what I meant.”

Xu Tianyue’s expression eased: “I said, a holy king, the strength is comparable to Deva, how is this possible——”

“I mean, Su fellow daoist is now as powerful as five calamities, no!

Perhaps, most of the Five Tribulations Deva are not as strong as him! ”

Qin Xiaoshu said seriously.

As he said these words.

Originally, he was a little bit self-deprecating, and felt that he was thinking too much, that the Saint King could not contend with the Four Tribulations Deva’s Xu Tianyue suddenly stunned.

The whole person stood there blankly, staring at Su Zhan blankly.

Even though.

He is Deva of the Seven Tribulations, but he has never heard of anyone who can compete with Deva of the Five Tribulations in the Holy King Realm!

even if.

The spiritual world does not know how many tens of thousands of years, the recognized first powerhouse, the inanimate sword emperor who can make all other myths bow to his head, can’t do it!

Could it be that.

In front of him, the boy who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The talent has actually surpassed the Wusheng Sword Emperor!

How can this be! ! !

The heart was so shocked that the host of the Tianshu Tower, Xu Tianyue, suddenly thought of something, and his voice trembled a little: “Su, Su Zhan, I can, can you touch your hand?”


**’S hand?

What kind of perverted request is this? ? ?

Su Zhan was shocked immediately.

Looked at the Tianshulou poster with a guarded look: “Lord, you may have misunderstood, I am not that kind of person!”

“No, no! I mean…”

Xu Tianyue realized that Su Zhan had misunderstood something, and his face turned black: “I mean, I want to carefully probe your talents and the like!”

“Oh, OK!”

Su Zhan did not refuse this time.

Sometimes, it’s better to show your talent while hiding it.

Besides, with his cultivation speed, any talent will soon be unable to hide.

Since Xu Tianyue wanted to investigate, he didn’t care.

Of course, regarding the blood of the Demon God, as well as some deeper levels, such as the various components of his divine body, he was also slightly isolated by the Saint Yuan, and did not want Xu Tianyue to fully explore it.

Seeing Su Zhan stretch out his left hand, Xu Tianyue also doubled his fingers and lightly tapped on the back of Su Zhan’s hand.

A mysterious force entered Su Zhan’s body from his fingers.

That force stretched from the back of Su Zhan’s hand to his arms, shoulders, internal organs, and limbs.

With that force stretched.

The expression on Xu Tianyue’s face is constantly changing.


This kid is so strong, even stronger than a normal pure body cultivator!


He is still a god vein!

Divine body and veins, there is a great chance of achieving Martial Dao myth in the future!

The power of the holy element is already comparable to the Three Tribulations Deva!


What level of Cultivation Technique does he cultivate!

It’s too ridiculous!

No, his bone age…

How can this be! ! !

Detecting the exact age of Su Zhan, Xu Tianyue, who was already full of shock, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were about to bulge out!

The whole person suddenly turned to the side!

The dignified Seven Tribulations Deva actually fell to the ground!

“Owner, what’s wrong with you!”

Qin Xiaoshu was shocked and quickly helped Xu Tianyue up.

Xu Tianyue still maintained that stunned look, it seemed that he had temporarily lost the ability to think, and was sitting in a daze.

Three seconds passed.

He suddenly slapped the stone table!


The stone table that had reached the level of the high-grade Saint King’s artifact was directly broken by him!

Xu Tianyue didn’t care at all, and laughed wildly: “Hahaha! Hahaha!

There is this!

The seven super powers are a fart!

Zhongzhou Tianchao is a fart!

Taishang Tianzong is also a fart!

At most three hundred years later!

Zhongzhou domain, should respect the Tianshulou! ”

Qin Xiaoshu on the side saw the appearance of the host who had always been quite stable, and he was immediately stunned, and muttered, “It’s over.

The poster is afraid that his old man is crazy…”


You are crazy, your whole family is crazy! ”

Xu Tianyue cursed angrily. Immediately, he thought of something and said to Qin Xiaoshu: “Wait later, you will inform me all the guards of the cultivation sites, book buildings, and animal gardens on the third floor.

After that, on the three floors, no matter what, the highest priority is the spirit card of Mr. Twelve!

In addition, inform the construction chief and let him prepare for the construction of Mr. Twelve Immortal Cave!

Everything uses the best materials that our Tianshulou can produce!

correct! ”

With that said, Xu Tianyue suddenly looked at Su Zhan and said with a smile: “Su Zhan!

Although there is no Mr. Twelve Immortal Cave on the third floor, it’s not impossible if you really want to live in!

If you don’t mind, you can treat the Immortal Cave of Xiaoshu as your own, I have absolutely no objection! ”

Qin Xiaoshu: “???”

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