Chapter 689: Unlocking Chess Path Halo!

Xu Tianyue looked silly, and his face was speechless: “Su Zhan, don’t you know.

Is the chess set at the intersection of the chess line?

The center of the chess grid cannot be placed! ”

“Oh, that’s how it is!”

Su Zhan took back the chess piece: “Unexpectedly, the way this chess is played is different from my hometown’s. If that’s the case, you might as well teach me, Lord Xu.

Taught me that I can play chess with you when I have free time. ”


Xu Tianyue said speechlessly: “Maybe you can learn the rules of chess, but the chess is so complicated, you have never dabbled, so you can’t understand any of my moves.

In this case, the game is meaningless. ”

As he said, Xu Tianyue flipped his palm and took out a Jade Slip to Su Zhan: “This is the basic book of chess. You understand all of these first, let’s play the game again!”

“Okay, let me see.”

Su Zhan took Jade Slip, Sheng Nian entered it, and looked carefully.

Ten seconds later.

“Ding! Complete the achievement task ‘Learning Chess for the First Time’ and unlock the new halo [Protagonist’s Chess Halo]!”

Protagonist Chess Path Halo: After turning on the halo, Ascension has a great understanding of the chess path, playing against others, with the ability to “see through” and “analyze”!

There is a high chance that you can see the intention of the opponent’s move, and at the same time, any move of the opponent will be clearly analyzed, and the brilliant moves will be absorbed and integrated into your own chess perception!

In addition, any move during the game will be blessed by the halo, and move towards the best move!

In my mind, the long-lost voice sounded.

Su Zhan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

There are hundreds of billions of protagonists in the halo, let alone a chess master.

Even poetry saints, Xiao saints, painting saints…what a mess.

He didn’t panic either.

no way.

With the protagonist’s halo, you can do whatever you want.

Feeling happy, Su Zhan directly opened the aura of chess!


The previously obscure chess knowledge becomes extremely simple!

This feeling.

Similar to the headache of doing addition and subtraction within ten in kindergarten, when you get to high school, you don’t have to think about it at all, just write the answer at will!

Su Zhan now has similar feelings when looking at this book of basic chess books.

Before turning on the gospel halo.

It took him ten seconds to read about one-thousandth of the contents of the volume.

After turning on the halo.

He took another ten seconds.

Read the rest!

It is said that after reading it, in fact it is to scan it again, but as long as he has read it, those words will automatically become his insights!

Ten seconds later.

He put down his book, and was a little disappointed at Xu Tianyue, who was about to put away the chessboard, said: “Okay, I have learned how to play chess.

We can start. ”


Xu Tianyue looked suspicious: “Have you finished reading the basics of chess?”


Su Zhan nodded, and put the chess piece in his hand at random on the board.

Seeing this, although Xu Tianyue was still a little unbelievable, Su Zhan could understand all the basic content of the game in less than a minute, but at this time it was also a suspicion on the chessboard.

Fight against Su Zhan.

With Xu Tianyue, he settled down.

In Su Zhan’s eyes, a ripple immediately appeared on the chessboard!

It seems to be completely activated!

When he dropped the second son again, he could clearly feel that an impact force followed his hand straight into his mind!

That is the Mental Energy shock!

Every step of the way will trigger a mental energy shock!

This is just the beginning!

As the two settled more and more.

Su Zhan was surrounded by a black man.

When he looked at that place, he found that those chess pieces had changed!

Become a line of desperate soldiers who are besieged and desperate!

And he actually established a connection with these soldiers, as if empathizing!

When these chess pieces were eaten.

He could clearly feel that the mental impact on his mind had suddenly increased!

Look at the chessboard again.

Has become a battlefield!

Thousands of troops fight together!

Dead Mountain and Blood Sea!


Yan Shen Jue works!

The spiritual aura is on!

Su Zhan’s mental consciousness came out of the battle, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

No wonder, Qin Xiaoshu is so scared to play chess with Xu Tianyue.

This is no longer a simple game!


Contains mental energy training, test of will, the way of formation… every step of the way seems simple.

But in fact, if one step is wrong, it is possible to fall into a chessboard battle.

Become a pawn, the player in the game!

Not an outsider, a chess player!

Moreover, once you fall into it, it will cause great damage to your spirit!

Even if Su Zhan activated his mental aura in time, it took more than ten seconds to fully recover!

The tingling sensation in the brain disappeared, and Su Zhan’s gaze at the chessboard became serious.

“Su Zhan, are you okay?”

At this time, Xu Tianyue flipped his palm, took out a Medicine Pill, and smiled: “You can play against me for so long. It’s already pretty good. I’m very satisfied.

If you take this Medicine Pill, Mental Energy will recover soon, let’s go!

After you study hard, come to the game again! ”

Su Zhan glanced at Medicine Pill and found that the grade is not low, even if he sells it, he can sell millions of sacred stones. He took the Medicine Pill, put it away, shook his head and said, “I’m fine, continue.”

“you sure?”


Su beheaded nodded.

Seeing this, Xu Tianyue’s eyes showed a touch of admiration.

Determined, not afraid of dangers!

Unexpectedly, while Su Zhan’s talent is heaven-defying, he is also so good at the same time.

In that case, let it be as he wishes!

Anyway, if Mental Energy is damaged, he can heal it casually, it’s nothing!

Thinking about this, Xu Tianyue chuckled and continued to settle down.

But as he continued to settle down, the smile on his face gradually faded and he began to get serious.

Su Zhan’s progress is so fast!

Ten minutes later.

End of the first game.

White occupies two-thirds of the chessboard on the chessboard and wins by a big advantage!

Although he won, Xu Tianyue didn’t feel much joy at this time, but looked at Su Zhan with shock.

In a game, he could clearly feel that Su Zhan’s chess moves were advancing by leaps and bounds!

Do not!

The rapid progress is not enough to describe!

It’s just too abnormal!

When he dropped his last son, he even had an illusion that Su Zhan was not much worse than him!

A person who has just learned the rules of chess, has grown to such an extent in a game!

It’s too ridiculous!

Xu Tianyue was shocked, looked at Su Zhan, and tentatively said: “Come again?”


Su Zhan nodded, closed his eyes slightly, and under the influence of the chess path halo, all the players in the game were analyzed in Su Zhan’s mind in an instant!

In that game, all the losers between him and Xu Tianyue were selected for improvement!

And Su Zhan’s chess path, Realm, is also growing rapidly!

The second round begins.

Su Zhan still took the lead.

But this time, he has already incorporated those techniques that Xu Tianyue had just shown in the game, and his level has only improved a lot!

It was Xu Tianyue who indulged him, and he began to ponder carefully during the game.

He already regards Su Zhan as a real opponent!

After half an hour.

End of the second round.


Xu Tianyue wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled a sigh of breath. He looked at Su Zhan incredulously: “Your chess talent, mental energy talent and even formation talent are all top-notch!

No, the top is indescribable.

It can be said to be unparalleled in the world!

However, your Mental Energy is too weak after all. If you play two games with me, you can’t bear it anymore, right?

Let’s go back!

I have a hunch, if you study hard for a month or two, maybe you can really beat me! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Owner, your premonition is wrong.”

Xu Tianyue chuckled: “Young people, with infinite potential, don’t belittle yourself–”

“The next game, you will lose!”

As Su Zhan’s voice sounded again, Xu Tianyue’s words stopped abruptly, and his smile suddenly stiffened.

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