Chapter 695 Xiaobai, do you want to try the taste of hot pot?

These six days.

Relying on the aura of comprehension, first Heavenly Dao body, and his own extremely strong talent.

The law of space and the law of vitality were all cultivated by him to the Great Perfection of the Holy King Realm!

The first level of Demon Art!

Heavenly Dao-level Movement Technique Feng Lei Ji Dian has also started!

Even that volume of the first Heavenly Dao Sutra had been read seven or seven eighty-eight.

But the more I watched, Su Zhan became more annoyed.

Dalei volcano is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, this Heavenly Dao Sutra also considered the possibility of incorporating Dalei Volcano into the cultivation body, and added a special secret technique that is also the Heavenly Dao level: Baimai Lianbao Jue!

Communicate the power of the whole body with one hundred and eight pulses!

In addition to relying on the power of refining treasures to increase yourself, you can even make yourself display the magical powers of treasures!

If the Hundred Vein Refining Treasures is used to refine the Tianleiji Volcano, then there is no need to show the body of the Tianleiji Volcano, and Su Zhan can mobilize the lightning and flames in it to form an attack!

This is a much more powerful secret technique of the same kind than the psychic refining treasure he obtained in the Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land!

However, Dalei volcano is good at everything, the only downside is that it needs too much material!

Su Zhan roughly estimated that it would take at least 70 billion sacred stones to gather the materials to cast Dalei Volcano!

Touching the storage ring, and for a bit, I found that I would be able to collect about 40 to 50 billion sacred stones even if I lifted the sky.

Su Zhan sighed.

It seems that if you really want to refine Dalei Volcano, you still need to help others and do more good deeds. In this way, more people’s thanks and gifts will make it possible to collect this huge sum of money!

Fortunately, if you do more of the materials you can buy, you will naturally get together slowly, but there are some special materials that are priceless and marketless, which is troublesome.


I just arrived in Zhongzhou and I don’t know where these materials are.

But Qin Xiaoshu is Mr. Eleven, who has been in Zhongzhou for many years, maybe he knows?

Thinking of Qin Xiaoshu, Su Zhan’s heart moved, and he stopped cultivation and walked straight out of Immortal Cave.


Shiqizheng was covered in golden light and cultivated Tiankui’s golden body. Seeing Su Zhan came out, there was a slightly stiff smile on his face: “I can fight the Five Tribulations!”


The divine light in Su Zhan’s eyes flickered, falling on Seventeen.

Seeing that the majestic energy similar to the human sacred yuan in the seventeen spiritual heart wood veins is indeed much stronger, he nodded with satisfaction: “You stand still, I will try.”

After that, Su Zhan directly operated the Demon God Art that greatly increased his power!

The blood of the devil is excited!

Suddenly, a trace of demonic energy loomed over him, and a Primordial Demon God loomed behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the imprint of Tianleiji Volcano on his left hand shone, and the Star God Body Tempering punched out!

Seventeen was unwilling to show weakness, and also made a fist with his right hand, the Sky Puppet Golden Body Art urged to the extreme, that fist, like pure gold, collided with Su Zhan’s fist!


The entire Koizumi Peak trembled!

Su Zhan retracted his fist, and the seventeen “dangdengdeng” stepped back six or seven steps in a row, and the golden light on his body flashed wildly. After two seconds, he gradually stabilized!

“Master, I am not your opponent!”

A trace of anthropomorphic horror appeared in Seventeen’s eyes, and he obviously did not expect that Su Zhan’s physical body could actually repel his puppet body made of meteorite gold!

“It’s still too weak. Cultivate well. In theory, your upper limit can be invincible below the Supreme Deva!”

Su Zhan thought for a while, waved his hand, and threw out a lot of high-rank elixir: “You have the spiritual heart and wood veins, but these elixir can absorb part of it, let’s take it!”

“Thank you, Master!”

Seventeen was ashamed: “Seventeen should guard the master, but in the end–”

“I don’t need your guard.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “However, for some things in the future, I’m lack of skills, you can do it for me.

Let’s not talk about it. I’ll cultivate, and I’ll see how Xiaobai’s nest is doing. ”

After that, Su Zhan squirmed and came to the mountainside, wanting to see Xiaobai’s new nest, and then went to the three-story building to find Qin Xiaoshu.

When I just came to the mountainside, I saw the Lingquan whose water level had dropped a lot, as well as the little white Jiao who was turning over in the Lingquan while taking a sip from time to time.

Su Zhan was stunned, and immediately annoyed: “Xiao Bai! Who let you take a bath in the spring?

Also, with such a big sip of Lingquan, you have drunk so much?

Don’t you know that it takes time for Lingquan to regenerate? ”


Xiaobai quickly got up from the spirit spring and said innocently, “I didn’t have a bath!

Didn’t you let me find a nest by myself?

I used to live in the water at the Fengling Ruins!

I feel that this Lingquan is very suitable for my nest! ”

“Do you like to use Lingquan as a nest?”

Su Zhan’s face sank: “This spiritual spring is meant to nurture so many spirit trees, creatures, and my usual use of Koizumi Peak.

Are you a nest?

Privately occupying my spiritual spring, and plausibly, you have already entered an evil way!

If this continues, I am afraid that sooner or later, he will become an extremely cruel evil scorpion, harming one party, and slaughtering creatures!

It’s unavoidable that you will endanger the common people in the future, it is better to use it as a hot pot stew today, and it will save others cheaper! ”

“No! Master don’t!”

Although my heart was full of doubts, I didn’t know how my swimming in Lingquan was connected with the crime of being extremely cruel and endangering the common people.

But when he heard the word hot pot, Xiao Bai suddenly thought of Xuantian Sacred Land, the miserable end of that abyssal snake!

Frightened his body trembling, he immediately jumped out of the spirit spring, begging for mercy in horror: “Xiao Bai knows it was wrong!

Xiao Bai must correct it, and will only use the Spiritual Qi cultivation from Lingquan in the future, and never swim in it! ”

“You know it’s wrong?”

“Know that!”

Xiaobai nodded quickly.

“Okay, I think you committed the first offense, this time the hot pot will be avoided, and the next time, I will let Seventeen stew you!”

With a warning, Su Zhan just wanted to leave.

Suddenly, thinking of the words Zhao Nian had said to him a few days ago, his heart moved and stopped.

“Master, also, is there anything else?”

Xiaobai asked with trepidation.

“Well, it suddenly occurred to me that you also need to cultivate, you also need the spiritual spring, and you also have the freedom to bathe in the spiritual spring!”

“Master, you… let me go! I really know I was wrong!”

Xiaobai was even more frightened when he saw Su Zhan’s appearance. For fear that Su Zhan would deliberately let it make another mistake, he would stew it for a reason!

“Do you think I’m lying to you?”

Su Zhan’s face was displeased: “I never lie, and, I mean, this spring of spirit is too small for you to be a nest.

But that direction”

Su Zhan stretched out his hand, pointed in the direction of Daquan Peak on the map in his memory, and said, “There is a Daquan Peak, and there is also a Spirit Spring on it, which is much larger than that of Xiaoquan Peak!

You can go there.

Not to mention taking a bath, even if you pee in it every day, I have no opinion at all! ”

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