Chapter 697 Demon King senior, is this water temperature suitable? (Fourth)

Cultivation experience?

What’s the use? Is it comparable to Ye Xing’s Martial God’s Martial Dao perception?

Su Zhan shook his head.

But this day thunder and flint is a must!

With my strength, it should be possible to win.

Thinking of this in his mind, Su cut his way: “What about the remaining two things?”


Qin Xiaoshu groaned: “After the Sacred King’s Contest, the battlefield of the little gods and demons has just opened. In the battlefield of the little gods and demons, a Void Sword Emperor who has dominated the Zhongzhou region with space kendo for thousands of years has fallen.

If you get his relic, maybe you can get Void Meteorite! ”

“Little Gods and Demons Battlefield, Void Sword Emperor?”

Su Zhan was stunned: “What are these?”

“The battlefield of the little gods and demons is actually a place where digital myths and the Nine Tribulations of the Demon World in the ancient times fought against the Heavenly Demon. It has a history of more than 100,000 years.

It was jointly controlled by the Supreme Heavenly Sect and the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty, and later evolved into a place of experience for the outstanding sage kings of the Zhongzhou region.

There are many opportunities, treasures, and elixir, but they are also dangerous!

As for the Void Sword Emperor… According to legend, he is a half-demon sword emperor. In the ancient times, 150,000 years ago, he once created the Sword Technique without distance, and the spatial swordsmanship was all over the world!

However, it is said that he and Yao Ji, the emperor of the Demon Realm are unclear, and even with the power of the law of space, the emperor of the Devil Yao Ji was forcibly taken into the Central Region by force.

Demon Emperor Yunluo couldn’t bear it, and led a group of Heavenly Demon to attack the Central Region. Although the human race finally won the battle by virtue of its geographical advantage, it was also very tragic!

The Void Sword Emperor also fell to that place, and that place became the battlefield of the later little gods and demons!

The reason why it is called the battlefield of the little gods and demons is because there is another place in the spirit world.

Of course, I know all this from some essays, and I don’t know how true it is. ”

Void sword emperor, capture the empress Yao Ji?

Su Zhan’s face was weird.

With that said, Yunluo is really miserable!

His wife was taken away, and finally snatched it back, and finally betrayed him… Isn’t this plot too bloody? ? ?

But speaking of it, Sword Emperor Void was born 20,000 years earlier.

Otherwise, with Ye Xing’s Martial God and Puppet Emperor Li Yan, he would have dared to capture the Devil Emperor’s wife for an era, and would he still dare to attack the Devil Realm together?

In that case, perhaps Ye Xing Martial God and others will not end up as a guest.

With some regret in his mind, Su Zhan immediately said with some doubts: “Are Zhongzhou Tianchao and Taishang Tianzong fools?

Now that he has controlled the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

Could it be that they can’t search for the treasures of chance?

Still keep it to other holy kings? ”

“Su Zhan, then you are too small to look down on the mind-bearing attitude of the top spirit worlds of Zhongzhou Tianchao and Taishang Tianzong.”

Qin Xiaoshu smiled and said: “They shoulder the fate of the entire Zhongzhou region, and even the human race of the spirit world!

How can you compete with the juniors for this opportunity?

Moreover, fighting over and over, it is not good for anyone to fight for it, there is no need to hurt peace for a ruin.

The Supreme Heavenly Sect and the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty, instead of forcibly sweeping the battlefield of the little gods and demons, they strengthened the formation Restrictions!

Only allow entry under Deva!

At the same time, fierce beasts of wild blood, seedlings of ancient elixir, various Cultivation Techniques, treasures, etc. were thrown into the battlefield of the little gods and demons!

In fact, the battlefield of the little gods and demons can also be said to be a chance exploration place for the Saint King of Zhongzhou Territory! ”

“It turned out to be so.”

Su Zhan smiled slightly.

It seems that the myth of the spirit world may not be as unbearable as Devil Emperor Yunluo said.

If it is really a group of small-bellied intestines, conspiracy villains, how can they shoulder the fate of the human race?

Thinking about this, Su Zhan’s mood suddenly improved a lot, and he asked with a smile: “Elder Brother, what about the last one?”

“The last thing…”

Qin Xiaoshu’s eyes flashed, he hesitated for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and gritted his teeth: “If Su Zhan, you can really get the first two materials, the last brother, I can get it for you!”

“Can you get it?”

Su Zhan was taken aback, and then hesitated: “But I have looked for information. There are very few bamboo leaves born in Tianlei bamboo. In a sense, Tianlei bamboo leaves are more rare than Tianlei bamboo!

Tianlei bamboo is one of the most famous sacred trees in the spiritual world!

I’m afraid that I can’t get it. Can you get it for me? ”

“Su Zhan, since I said it, of course there is a way!”

Qin Xiaoshu said, “However, although I am your senior, I can’t give you this kind of thing for nothing!”

“of course.”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and after some hands, the small bottle of toothless spirit blood appeared in his hand, and he said: “In this way, I will exchange ten drops of spirit blood for your Heavenly Thunder bamboo leaves.”

“Spirit blood? What is that, I don’t want it!”

Qin Xiaoshu glanced at the small porcelain vase and felt that this thing was worthless at first sight. He shook his head and smiled: “Su Zhan, brother, I don’t want anything else, I want you to make a promise.”


Su Zhan wondered: “What is it?”

“If you really become the supreme spiritual world in the future, you can’t forget brother me, and let me hug my thighs at that time!”

“Brother Eleven, what are you talking about, even if you don’t say it, of course I won’t forget you.”

Su Zhan shook his head and said, “What kind of promise is needed?”

“That’s different.”

Qin Xiaoshu said, “Just say it’s okay!”


Su Zhan didn’t think much, nodded immediately.

Qin Xiaoshu smiled.

Su Zhan’s abnormality, there is no accident in the future, he will definitely become the strongest in the spirit world, and he will not lose the promise of trading the sky thunder bamboo leaves for the first person in the spirit world!

“By the way, Su Zhan, I was also going to the second floor to inform you about the Saint King Dabi. Now that you know it, there is one more point.”

Qin Xiaoshu thought of something, and said: “Our Tianshulou can only send a holy king as an example to participate in the Grand Competition in Zhongzhou City. Originally, it must have been Zhao Nian.

But now that you are also a two-story holy king, you will need to show your strength a little bit when you climb to Tianfeng Square on the second floor tomorrow, so as to conquer Zhao Nian and the holy kings on the second floor. ”

“Okay, I know.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Did not take this matter too seriously.

In this spiritual world, under Deva, there should be no creatures to be his opponents, and Zhao Nian will naturally be no exception.

Afterwards, he chatted with Qin Xiaoshu a few more words.

Su Zhan bid farewell and came to Xiaoqianshulou again.

Go directly to the third floor and come to the area where the mental energy image is hung on the third floor.

The twelve gentlemen in his hand were inspired by the jade medal, the Restrictions space in front of him suddenly opened, and he also walked into the image of artistic conception.

There is nothing else in the picture, only a god with thunder dragon entwined, standing between heaven and earth, controlling the power of thunder and lightning!

In the lower left corner of the picture scroll, there is also a line of small print: Ancient Lei Di Picture!

This also belongs to the power of refining the gods and manifesting the holy supernatural powers, but Su Zhan’s Realm is still too low. Although relying on the mental energy aura can enter the spiritual world of Lei Ditu and temper the amount of cultivation Mental Energy, it is still unable to manifest the holy Lei Di.

He noticed this picture last time, but last time he rushed to study the Heavenly Dao Sutra of the Dalei Volcano, and found that it was impossible for him to manifest the Holy Thunder Emperor, so he temporarily gave up.

Now that the power of law and the secret technique of Cultivation Technique are almost cultivated, it happens to be familiar with this ancient Lei Di map first, so that in the future, Deva will be achieved, and it will be easier to show the Holy Lei Di!

His gaze stayed on the Lei Di Tu for two seconds, Su Zhan opened the spiritual aura, holy thoughts poured out, and directly entered the ancient Lei Di Tu’s spiritual world!


The thunder rumbling all around!

Su Zhan at this time had already come to a dim world.

This world is boundless, but no matter where it is, it is full of the power of thunder and lightning!


A huge bucket of thunder and lightning fell.

Su Zhan sat on the ground and resisted the thunder and lightning with the incarnation of Mental Energy Sanctuary.

When thunder and lightning penetrated his body, his understanding of Lei Di Tu was also deeper. At the same time, after Mental Energy was consumed, he would become stronger when he recovered!

Just like ordinary people running push-ups and so on, to exercise the amount of Mental Energy!

Of course, this is also because the ancient Lei Di Tu is still too advanced for him, otherwise he can smash the Qing Yang directly like the Insight Qing Yang Sacred Tu in the past, and carry the extremely strong Mental Energy impact at one time. Accelerate the comprehension!

Just when Su Zhanpan was sitting on cultivation Mental Energy.

Xiao Bai has also reached Daquan Peak.

The Lingquan at Daquanfeng is located next to the Zhaonian Immortal Cave on the top of the mountain. It is five to six hundred meters long and wide!

Bigger than many ponds!

It’s very easy to identify, which is why Xiaobai found out at a glance.


Xiao Bai’s eyes fell on the spirit spring below, his eyes lit up, and he swooped down.

But there are still about two hundred meters away from the ground of the Lingquan below.

An invisible barrier appeared, exuding an impact, pushing its twenty to thirty meters long body away!

Defense formation!

“This kind of formation, it’s better to be arranged by the master!”

Cursing his mouth, Xiaobai’s paws flashed with golden light, and he waved directly down!


The space vibrated suddenly!

Three golden claws bombarded the barrier!


The whole Daquanfeng shook!

The defensive formation wailed, unable to withstand this force, and it shattered directly!


Xiaobai swooped from above and fell into the spirit spring!

“The master is right, this spring is so big, it is the most suitable for my nest!”

Swimming freely in the spirit spring, Xiao Bai was very excited, playing with the water with his tail.

“Where is the evil animal, dare to break into my big spring peak!”

Zhao Nian was awakened from the Closed Door Training, his face full of anger appeared near Lingquan, his eyes fell on Xiaobai, and he said angrily: “It turned out to be a water dragon!

How dare to make trouble in my spiritual spring?

Okay, today, my Zhao Nian will be—”


Before the words were finished, Xiaobai’s Second Jietian Demon’s momentum broke out!

Suddenly roared!

The exhaled breath forms a gust of wind!

Zhao Nian’s body was blown so hard that he could not stand firmly, so he could only block the front with his hands, and his body was low, so that he was not swept away by the gust of wind!


The strong wind uprooted dozens of giant trees and shocked countless birds!

“Ignorance ants, what do you want!”

Xiaobai’s body appeared pale white light, entrenched in the sky above the spring, majestic, Monster Qi soaring!

In front of Su Zhan, it had no other choice but to sell cute and pretend to be pitiful.

To Su Zhan is fierce, that can only become Su Zhan’s hot pot.

But for other human races…

Xiaobai’s power of the Demon King was revealed!

In the Fengling Relics for more than ten thousand years, it has seen a lot of Deva. How can it be a holy king to put in one’s eyes?

“I, I, I…”

Feeling the terrifying aura of Xiaobai’s two miraculous sky demon, and that extremely shallow, but existing, only belongs to the strongest creature true dragon family!

Zhao Nian immediately persuaded him, his legs trembled, and he immediately softened. He knelt on the ground and said with a trembling voice: “Demon, demon king senior, please forgive me!

Me, I just want to ask Demon King senior, is the water temperature suitable?

Is it too cold? ”

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