Chapter 705 Flame Qilin, Luan Yu Shenyi, Wanjun!

“You can actually divide the Star… Martial Dao myth, is it really that strong?”

Su Zhan was a little puzzled.

He also deals with a lot of Deva.

I feel that Deva is not as powerful as I imagined.

If this proportion of strength increases, Nine Tribulations Deva, that is, the Martial Dao myth, seems impossible to split the Star!

Qin Xiaoshu nodded and said seriously: “Deva Nine Tribulations, said it is a big Realm, in fact, you can think of it as three!

Below six calamities, it is ordinary Deva.

And once the six calamities are over, Deva’s dhamma will blend with the heavens and the earth. If ordinary Deva attacks are used to mobilize the power of the laws of the heavens and the earth…

Then the supreme Deva above the six calamities is to fully mobilize the power of the laws of heaven and earth!

In Realm, those powers of heaven and earth are like their sacred yuan, which can be driven at will, and the power is infinite!

And the six calamities Deva goes up, once the ninth calamity is passed.

Then it will have contact with the entire spiritual world again!

Make an analogy.

If there is a surprisingly talented, once-in-a-million-year super powerhouse, who can kill Deva Realm in the Seven Tribulations Deva Realm.

But when he reaches Deva of the Eight Tribulations, he will definitely not be the opponent of Deva of the Nine Tribulations!

The Nine Tribulations are the limit of this realm!

Once through the Nine Tribulations, there will be no Heavenly Tribulation after that, and there will be no more Heavenly Tribulation!

This is one of the reasons why Deva of the Nine Tribulations is called the Martial Dao myth!

They are the end of the cultivation way, that is, myth! ”

“It turned out to be so.”

Su Zhan understood.

“Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s go to Zhongzhou City to settle down first!”

Qin Xiaoshu said, flying towards Zhongzhou City.

It didn’t take long for them to land at one of the entrances of Zhongzhou City.

After Qin Xiaoshu revealed the identity of the Tianshulou, the guards were also respectful and let them in.

Even, a person was specially sent to lead them to the residence of many Saint King Tianjiao: Saint King Pavilion

After Su Zhan entered the Saint King’s Pavilion, he discovered that the Saint King’s Pavilion was similar to the Eastern Wasteland Saint Child Hall.

One of them is a courtyard with neat rows of pavilions!

The nearest to him is a yard about three hundred meters long, with a wooden sign hanging on the gate of the yard.

There are three words on the wooden sign: Linshuizong

As Qin Xiaoshu walked forward, he said: “Su Zhan, this time the Saint King Dabi has a total of fifty people attending.

The seven superpowers each have two places, the 21 first-class forces each have one place, and the remaining Deva-level forces add up to fifteen places.

This Linshui Sect was one of those fifteen places, and it was decided only a few days ago.

Our yard is still behind. ”


Su Zhan replied and continued to follow Qin Xiaoshu.

Along the way, many people noticed their arrival and looked at them curiously, wanting to see which power they belonged to.

In the Saint King’s Pavilion, most of the courtyard had already been occupied, and Su Zhan came late.

With them, they came to the quiet and unique courtyard belonging to the Tianshulou.

Suddenly, a famous sage king and Deva who brought them came over, smiling.

“It turned out to be the three-story gentleman and the second-story Tianjiao. I’ll just say who is so heroic, Bufan, who is so old and blue, and leads to the pyloric Elder.”

“Tianshulou is the first-class power in the Zhongzhou region, and in some respects even the super power! See you today, really Bufan!”

“It’s long been heard that Zhao Nian is very talented on the second floor of the Tianshu Building, and he will step into the realm of Deva before he is three hundred years old!

Surprisingly stunning, I finally got the chance to see it today! ”

“Brother Zhao, I am Li Xun, the young master of the Immortal Crane Sect. I have seen Brother Zhao!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Su Zhan glanced over those people, frowning slightly: “You have admitted the wrong person, I am not Zhao Nian.”

Not Zhao Nian?

Those who wanted to make friends were taken aback.

Immediately looked at the wooden sign.

The Young Master of the Xianhe Sect hesitated: “Could it be… the wooden sign was hung wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong with the wooden sign.”

Qin Xiaoshu said coldly: “This is the place of our Tianshu Tower, but Su Zhan is the candidate sent by the second-story building. This time, he is representing our second-story building to participate in the Sacred Kings Competition.

I have no time to accompany you nonsense, since this is our site, you go quickly! ”

Upon hearing this, those people were taken aback and looked at each other.

Not Zhao Nian?

But isn’t the first genius on the second floor of the Tianshu Tower the same as Zhao Nian?

Su Zhan?

Who is Su Zhan?

Why haven’t you heard this name?

A holy king, Deva doubts.

Just when they were a little embarrassed and prepared to leave, there was a commotion in the Saint King’s Pavilion!

Someone rode a fire Qilin into the Saint King Pavilion!

All eyes converged on the past.

“Flame Qilin, Luan Yu Shenyi, that person is Wanjun!”

“The leader of the seven superpowers, Wanfa, the young master Wanjun!”

“He is the number one genius in the Central State? Indeed, Bufan!”

“Lin Qi of the Supreme Heavenly Sect, the Zhongzhou Tianchao Kuilin is still there, and he couldn’t get him on the first day!”

“That’s true, but Wanjun is also the number one holy king under the Supreme Heavenly Sect and Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty!”

“The first holy king… this will not be known until the end of the holy king contest!”

“Let’s go over and greet us too, maybe we can make any relationship!”

With the appearance of Wanjun, the sage kings swarmed.

Of the fifty holy kings, there are only ten in the ranking, and of course the rest are not in vain.

One of the biggest benefits is to make friends with the major forces and see if you can hold a thick thigh!

Those people in front of the courtyard of the Tianshulou are of course no exception.

Seeing Wanjun’s arrival, they all left, heading towards Huo Qilin.

“It turned out to be the young master of Wanfa gate, I’ll just say who is so heroic, Bufan, the old and old blue water east, through the pyloric Elder, has met the young master of Wanfa.”

“The Wanfa gate is the number one super current force in the Zhongzhou region, and Young Master Wan is even the number one talent. See you today, really Bufan!”

Voices sounded one after another.

It was similar to what they had just said to Su Zhan, just a few words back and forth.

“Don’t block the way! Get out of here!”

Wanjun is very arrogant and ignores these people at all.

However, when passing by, he glanced at the courtyard where Su Zhan was located, remembering something, Wanjun said, “Tianshulou!

Is it the first-rate power that has always wanted to become a superpower?


I met Zhao Nian before, you are not Zhao Nian! ”

Huo Qilin stopped, Wanjun looked at Su Zhan in a little surprise. After receiving no response, he didn’t get angry either. He just smiled, “It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter.

But Zhao Nian, maybe he can hold a few tricks under my hands, you Cultivation Base is not as good as Zhao Nian…

Just pray that you won’t run into me!

Otherwise, hey! ”

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he didn’t continue to stay, and rode away Qilin on the fire.

“The relationship between Wanfa Gate and our Tianshulou is not very good.

The second elder brother once chopped off a horn of their Demonic Beasts who watched the gate of Wanfa gate, and defeated their Deva Supreme of the Seven Tribulations at Wanfa gate.

These guys have always been worried about it, this Wanjun is only aimed at our Tianshulou, not you, Su Zhan, you don’t need to care. ”

Qin Xiaoshu explained.

“Do not.”

Su Zhan watched Wanjun leave, shook his head, and said seriously: “The human heart is sinister, and his words are very meaningful. If I didn’t guess wrong, it is estimated that I will be smashed into ashes and broken into pieces. !

Unexpectedly, I didn’t even know him, he would kill me!

Eleven brother, stand here and don’t move.

I went to ask him why he was so cruel, so vicious! ”

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