Chapter 708: The Power of Baili Chessboard!

After speaking, Li Xun didn’t wait for Su Zhan’s response, and Sheng Yuan’s power broke out!

There was a sharp craneming behind him!

A huge white crane phantom with a wingspan of 100 meters appeared behind him!

At the moment when the white crane phantom appeared.

The aura that had already reached its limit rose again!

And Li Xun’s whole body began to circulate white light, and the whole person became uncertain!

“Su fellow daoist, my crane spirit body, combined with the crane divine art, can temporarily raise the power of Saint Yuan to a small step!

I am now a rare opponent under Deva!

What do you think of my power! ”

Feeling the increase in his own strength, Li Xun’s confidence doubled.

Hundreds of meters apart, he put his hands on his back, raised his chin, and asked in a condescending manner.

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on Li Xun’s uncertain body, white light flowing, and after just one glance, he shook his head: “You are too weak, you are considered the weakest opponent I have ever encountered in the Zhongzhou Territory.”


Li Xun’s forehead bounced with blue veins.

Obviously, he didn’t expect that in front of so many people, Su Zhan wouldn’t give a face.

If Su Zhan can give him some Face, he doesn’t mind to praise Su Zhan.

Even when he defeated Su Zhan, he was given a decent face, so as not to make Su Zhan too embarrassed.

But now, since Su Zhan is so innocent.

Then there is no need for him to keep his hands!

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

With Li Xun’s left hand, a spear full of snow white, with moiré patterns on the surface appeared.

“The ninth type of the crane sharp spear, break the sky!”

A spear thrust out!

The space in front suddenly tore!

With Li Xun’s shot, the space trembled, and the air currents flowed rapidly, and the huge phantom crane behind him also exploded at Su Zhan along with him!

Seeing Li Xun shot.

Su Zhan had planned to blow it away with a sigh of relief.

But it suddenly occurred to him that this time he was here on behalf of the Tianshulou.

In any case, it should also be done by the method of the Tianshulou.

And the special means of Tianshulou with a high degree of recognition…Baili Chessboard!

Su Zhan’s heart moved, his palm turned, and that mini chessboard appeared!

Immediately afterwards, he threw the Baili chessboard toward the front!

The chessboard disappeared into the air!

The next moment!

The light and shadow of a huge chessboard ten miles long and wide fell from the sky!

Under the light and shadow of that chessboard.

Li Xun’s attacking power immediately dissipated!

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was already on a chessboard the size of ten miles!

Surrounded by the light and shadow of the thick chess line!

He is now at the intersection of the two chess lines!

In other words, he now looks like a small chess piece from a distance!

“Baili Chessboard! The landlord of Tianshu Lou actually gave you this treasure!


You are no more than Saint King Realm, how can you drive this level of treasure! ”

Li Xun instantly recognized that this was the famous treasure of the poster of Tianshulou, and he was shocked.

But soon, thinking of something, he calmed down.

Saint King, using Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, it is not impossible to do it.

But those, all are after a long time of sacrifice, or simply are the treasures that have been placed on the body to grow with them since childhood!

Over time, there has been a connection between people and the Heavenly Dao holy soldiers, even if only the holy king, they can drive the Heavenly Dao holy soldiers at will!

In addition to this method, there are also some special sacrificial training techniques that are done by side doors, which can also be manipulated in a short time, but the power will be greatly reduced!

Su Zhan has never shown his face in the Zhongzhou domain before. It can be seen that he has joined the Tianshulou recently!

Naturally, it is impossible to have the conditions to practice Baili Chess for a long time!

Mostly they have cultivated some secret techniques by others!

Moreover, take a 10,000 step back!

Realm is there!

Even if he can urge Baili chessboard, how much power can he exert?

Not to worry!

Thinking like this in his mind, Li Xun’s palm spear suddenly clenched!

The body bursts towards the front!

But his forward thrust lasted less than a second.

Was bound by the mysterious power on the chessboard!

Looking back, he just moved a chess distance!

His face was gloomy, and he broke out several powerful attacks in a row, only to find that he still couldn’t break the restraint.

Li Xun finally appeared in horror and despair in his eyes.

The Baili Chessboard was the strongest treasure when the poster of Tianshulou had not yet reached the supreme Deva!

Logically speaking, Su Zhan shouldn’t be able to exert his power at all!

How could it be, how could it be like this!

Just when Li Xun was shocked.

Su Zhan flipped his palm, and a black chess piece appeared in his hand.

One flick.

That chess piece fell on the chessboard, the light flashed, and turned into a huge black armored pawn of ten meters high. Riding a black war horse, holding a giant Ge, his eyes flashed with black light, and he rushed towards Li Xun!


Seeing the soldier rush in front of him, Li Xun also exploded with a full blow!

The black armored cavalry blasted back dozens of meters.

But the black armored cavalry’s position on the chessboard flashed light, and the black armored cavalry who was damaged by Li Xun’s almost desperately exploding secret skills instantly recovered as before, and continued to charge towards Li Xun.

Li Xun’s expression changed and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight.

At this moment, Su Zhan looked from a distance, flicked a few fingers, and four more chess pieces fell onto the chessboard!

Turn into black cavalry and rush towards Li Xun!

Moreover, after the addition of these four pieces, the overall strength of all cavalry seems to have slightly increased!

“The Baili chessboard is really peculiar. Other similar treasures tend to be larger in number, and the more power is divided, the weaker the individual power.

But the more the Baili chessboard, the more it has a morale bonus like a human soldier.

The morale is high, the strength is stronger!

That being the case, just use this person to try how to deploy the strength of the chess pieces on the Baili chessboard! ”

He whispered in his mouth.

Su Zhan flipped his palm, and a large number of black chess pieces appeared in his hand!

It hasn’t waited for him to throw it out.

In the distance, being beaten by five immortal cavalry, which was boosted by the power of the chessboard, was embarrassed. When Li Xun, who was vomiting blood, saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank!

His face turned pale in shock.

Shouted in surprise: “Slow!

Sue fellow daoist wait a minute!

I surrender!

I, Li Xun, surrendered! ! ! ”

“Give up?”

Su Zhan was taken aback, then shook his head and said: “Li fellow daoist, you are also a top Saint King anyway, how can you give up so quickly?

Moreover, I don’t think you have any serious injuries. You clearly have the power to fight again!

How can you admit defeat? ”


Li Xun wanted to say something but stopped, his face aggrieved.

No serious injuries?

I vomited so much blood, can’t you see it?

What is the power to fight again?

I’m dying with five pawns!

Why don’t you look at how many pieces you grabbed with that hand?

If this is thrown on the chessboard… Xianhe Sect is afraid that the funeral will be held soon, please have a meal! ! !

No wonder!

No wonder Tianshulou did not send Zhao Nian to send Su Zhan…

In front of Su Zhan who can play Baili’s chessboard to such power, Zhao Nian?

He counts as a fart!

I, Li Xun, also had blood mold, and I got such a pervert in the first round of the lottery!

The eighteenth generations of Su Zhan’s ancestors were greeted in his heart, but when he spoke, Li Xun squeezed out a smile: “Su fellow daoist said and laughed!

Compared with you, fellow daoist, Su fellow daoist, my Li Xun is nothing to mention!

I don’t even have a tenth of the strength of the fellow daoist Su!

It is meaningless to continue the battle. Please let the fellow daoist Sue let go of the restraint of the board!

I am willing to give up! ”

“Are you willing to give up? No, you asked me to let go of the restraints of the board first, and then give up…

If you look at it this way, are you trying to attack me as soon as I put away the chessboard?

Yes! ”

Su Zhan nodded: “As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of fraud!

Obviously, you know this!

Well, you don’t have to pretend to surrender. Let’s fight with my pawn for hundreds of rounds! ”

After speaking, Su Zhan didn’t wait for Li Xun’s response, and in the latter’s silly eyes, he threw his right hand.

Dozens of chess pieces fall onto the chessboard!

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