Chapter 711: The First Holy King!

Wan Chen laughed and said: “The arrogance of the Tianshulou should indeed be suppressed, young master, go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow, winning the position of the first holy king will also show the world the power and courage of my Wanfa gate!”


Wanjun nodded, and the two left.

And this time.

The small road leading to the Tianshuyuan in the Saint King Pavilion.

“At least 20 billion!”

Su Zhan said seriously.

Qin Xiaoshu shook his head: “That big day Golden Crow mirror is estimated to be worth more than 20 billion at most, Su Zhan, you want too much!”

“It’s only worth more than 20 billion?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “The Great Sun Golden Crow mirror doesn’t sound like an ordinary top-grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!”

“You think too much.

This great day Golden Crow mirror is actually an inferior imitation of the ancient Divine Armament’Ten Suns Burning Sky Mirror’.

It is slightly more expensive than the general top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, I guess…”

Qin Xiaoshu thought for a while: “It won’t be more than 25 billion sacred stones in the sky!!”

“The Great Sun Golden Crow mirror is only worth more than 20 billion sacred stones?”

Su Zhan is suspicious: “Baili chessboard can sell for more than 10 billion. A difference of grade and a price difference of more than three times is reasonable, right?

Eleven brother, are you talking nonsense? ”

“How can I talk nonsense?”

“Then you sold it?”


“How do you know that you can only sell 25 billion sacred stones if you haven’t sold it?”


Qin Xiaoshu helplessly waved his hand: “Forget it, no matter how much it costs, you will be seven and three after you sell it, right?”


Su Zhan nodded when he heard this.

Even if it is really worth more than 20 billion, then he can be divided into more than 10 billion.

Moreover, this was delivered by Wan Chen himself, which was totally in vain.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan was happy and walked back to the courtyard.

The second day.

The huge square in the Saint King’s Pavilion.

A top saint king in the central state came to the square.

Of course, only a small part can enter the square area.

Others can only be seen in the spectator gallery around the square.

They are all eliminated and are not qualified to compete for the top ten holy kings.

at this time.

On the ten great sage kings battle arena, there are already seven sacred kings sitting cross-legged on the seven battle platforms, closing their eyes to rest their minds.

Seeing Su Zhan and others coming, the seven holy kings also opened their eyes and began to look at Su Zhan and others.

“This year’s War Practitioner should not be underestimated!”

“Wanfa Sect Wanjun, Dragon Sword Valley Xu Long, the two people sent by these two superpowers should be the strongest!”

“I don’t care about those two guys. Anyway, I’m guarding the sixth battle platform. The two of them are definitely fighting for the top three. It has nothing to do with me.”

“Except for those super-power geniuses, this time there is a man named Su Zhan in the Tianshulou, and he can’t take it lightly!”

“Yesterday, I also watched the game from a distance. Su Zhan Realm is not very good, but it seems that he has cultivated some kind of secret technique. As long as he urges the Baili chessboard, almost no one can beat it!”

“No one can beat it? Not necessarily!

If he dares to challenge me, I will be able to break his chess line! ”

The seven ten great sage kings were discussing while looking at Su Zhan.

They also didn’t mean to avoid taboos at all, and didn’t care if Su Zhan and others could hear it.

While they were looking at Su Zhan, Su Zhan’s gaze also swept across those Saint Kings.

After discovering that these people gave him the feeling that he was not even as powerful as Wanjun, he became uninterested and waited quietly.

Soon, everyone was there.

King Xinyi, the lord of Zhongzhou City, swept his eyes across the holy kings, as well as the Deva of the major forces, and slowly said: “Today is the last day of the Sacred Kings Competition!

The competition system is also very simple.

In front of you, there are ten battle platforms with a number above them.

The battle platform number is the ranking of the holy king standing on the battle platform!

At the moment on the battlefield, that is, the top ten sage kings of the Zhongzhou region in the last century.

Among them, the first holy king and the sixth holy king have broken into Deva, and the second holy king has died, so there are only seven holy kings guarding the battle.

You can initiate the challenge yourself, the winner continues to stand on the battle stage, and the loser retreats!

Everyone has two chances to challenge. If the challenge fails for the first time, you can still choose the platform with a higher ranking and try again!

Similarly, if the defending Saint King is defeated, he can also challenge to the next ranked battle platform!

In the end, when everyone had run out of challenge opportunities, or when no one challenged again, the Saint King Dabi was over!

At that time, the ten saint kings standing on the ten battle stage were the ten saint kings in the next century in the Zhongzhou region! ”

“The King of the City Lord!”

Below, a holy king couldn’t help asking: “The three unguarded battlefields…”

“Anyone who consciously has the strength to sit in that position can directly board the battlefield and become a defender!”

Without waiting for the holy king to finish speaking, Wang Xinyi said directly: “In short, you do what you can, don’t force it, otherwise, if you die on the battlefield, someone may not be saved in time!”

After speaking, Wang Xinyi took his hands on his back and glanced at the principal.

The principal suddenly understood, waved his hand to let the drummer beat the drum, and said loudly: “The ranking battle of the top ten holy kings, officially begins!”

“I challenge the Tenth Holy King!”

As soon as the main agent’s voice fell, a super-power Saint King jumped out and came to the tenth battle platform.

After the two cupped hands saluted, the battle began.

The battle did not last long.

Two minutes later, the saint king who was going to challenge was beaten off the platform by the guarding saint king, his face pale and annoyed.

“Do you really think the seat of the top ten holy kings is so easy to sit on?”

The tenth saint king sneered: “You thirteen, if three of you can replace our old ten saint kings, it will be amazing!”

Hearing this, many holy kings chose War Practitioner with ugly faces.

The tenth holy king is true.

Become the top ten saint queens, cultivate on the saint king mountain, and occasionally see the myth of Martial Dao with your own eyes!

Be guided by the myth!

In such a hundred years, the combat power of these holy kings has almost reached the limit of the holy kings!

It is no longer a half-step Deva problem. For these top ten holy kings who were originally the peak of the holy kings and have been practicing for a hundred years, they had deliberately suppressed Realm and did not break into Deva.

I hope that the foundation that can be built in the Holy King stage will be more perfect, and then break into Deva in one fell swoop, but also to achieve Deva can go a longer way in the future!

It can be said that unless the physique of the real talent exceeds one level, and the upper limit of the Saint King Realm is higher, otherwise, under the same conditions, it is difficult for the challenged Saint King to defeat the guarding Saint King!

However, no matter how difficult it is, they are here now, and of course they will not be reconciled if they don’t try it!

Soon, another person began to challenge.

The same tenth saint king, also defeated!

The tenth king won two games in a row and was very proud: “This year’s War Practitioner is only capable of this?

It’s really disappointing—huh?

You only have the realm, the ordinary great saint king, you have to challenge me? ”

Before he finished speaking, the tenth holy king was surprised when he saw Su Zhan stepping out of those holy kings.

But soon, seeing the scene ahead, the astonishment on the face of the Tenth Saint King dissipated, his eyes widened, and his face was full of shock!

I saw it.

The young man didn’t even look at him. He passed directly in front of him, with a lighter footstep, and he actually flew to the farthest battle platform!

That battle platform was empty.

That is, the battlefield of the first holy king!

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