Chapter 724 Luck seems to be too much!

This is just the beginning!

With the golden light that symbolizes the Heavenly Dao body, it shattered.

Lin Qi’s supernatural power collapsed!

As if he had received a heavy blow, his face turned pale!

The body shook a bit!


Jinguang Tianlu under his feet also collapsed suddenly!

His high body fell into the sky!

On the ground, he staggered two steps back and stood still, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and when he raised his head, his eyes were full of horror. He looked at the hill with incredible disbelief, like a god descending from the world like Su Zhan!

The power of the sun, the power of the moon, the power of Star, the power of Five Elements, the power of Chaos, the power of Innate… His divine body contains so much power!

Moreover, any one of them, taken out alone, is stronger than a normal divine body!

His divine body is stronger than the other ten divine bodies combined!

This supernatural power can even directly crush my golden light!


How could there be such a weird divine body in this world!

How could there be… such a perverted existence! ! !

This shouldn’t be!

Shouldn’t appear in the world! ! !

Roaring in his heart, Lin Qi took a deep breath and coldly said, “What kind of divine body are you?!”

“I’ve said it several times.”

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on Lin Qi, and he was rather impatient: “So you are not only an idiot, but also a deaf?

What do people like you do in the battlefield of the little gods and demons?

It would be better to spend these time to find a good doctor to treat your brain better! ”


Lin Qiqi’s seven orifices smoked, and he squeezed his fists, but immediately, thinking of the rules of the battlefield of the little gods and monsters, he abruptly endured it.

Su Zhan’s talent is better than him, this is no doubt.

Otherwise, his first Heavenly Dao body will not be suppressed.

But the strong talent belongs to the strong talent.

Maybe the strength is strong or weak!

I just competed, but it’s just the power of the divine body!

Wait until the little gods and demons are in the battlefield.

There are no rules.

No one can stop it!

If you meet Su Zhan again, then you can naturally do whatever you want!

Although the battlefield of the little gods and demons is very large, with the contacts and information he has, for several days, it is not difficult to find someone…not difficult!

Thinking of this, Lin Qi took a deep breath, forced his anger down, stepped lightly, and sat down on a hill far away from Su Zhan, closing his eyes slightly to adjust his breath.

Seeing this, Su Zhan was a little surprised.

He thought.

This Lin Qi must be very angry, wanting to kill him or something.

At that time, he would be beaten to death, and of course he would have to fight back a little.

After the counterattack, so much priceless time was wasted, and it was reasonable to ask for a little compensation.

In this way, he was closer to his small goal of collecting 80 billion sacred stones.


This Lin Qi was so tolerable.

Nothing happened, so I sat down and adjusted my breath.

In this case, of course he has no reason to act.



Looking at Lin Qi with a little regret, Su Zhan withdrew his body and power and returned to normal, without paying attention to Lin Qi again.

Continue to sit cross-legged and rest.

And this time.

The saint kings who were stunned by Su Zhan’s suppression of Lin Qi’s scene just come back to their senses!

“Oh my God! Su Zhan, no! Senior Brother Su’s superb power, actually shattered the golden light of Lin Qi’s avenue!”

“It’s more than shattering, you didn’t see that Lin Qi was suppressed abruptly and fell into the sky!”

“Huh! I suddenly discovered that Su Zhan’s temperament is out of dust, and he is not inferior to Lin Qi!”

“What’s not inferior? Are you blind!

Didn’t you see the scene of my Su Zhan becoming a god!

It’s so handsome as Lin Qi’s little white-faced girl, I don’t know where it is! ”

“Before, I thought I liked Lin Qi, but now I found out that I was wrong!

It turns out that Su Zhan is my real son! ”

“Go away! You are almost 800 years old! Let me come!”

The holy kings were excited, worshiped, and even looked at Su Zhan enthusiastically.

Those female saint kings even walked towards Su Zhan in a completely idiotic posture, rushing to introduce themselves.

Lived for so long.

They are not little girls anymore.

I know that there are some people in this world who can’t meet them!

If you don’t fight now, you may regret more in the future!

Seeing that a lady from every major power vie for beauty in front of them, a few of them even performed fascination, delusional to plant love in their hearts.

Su Zhan had a headache.

With a wave of his hand, an enchantment that cuts off the sound was punched out.

Closing his eyes, the world suddenly became quiet.

It’s not that he doesn’t like women, but he still has principles.

Some of these people are eight hundred years old!

I really can’t be tempted!

It didn’t take long.

Another five-color Sword Ray appeared in the sky!

That is the Five Elements sword body Kui Lin!

Contrary to Lin Qi, Kuilinai is a man who is more than two meters tall, wearing a large robe and carrying a huge sword.

After arriving here, he glanced at everyone, retracted his gaze in disdain, and walked towards Lin Qi.

Obviously, he felt that among the Saint Kings under Heaven, only Lin Qi was qualified to talk to him.

“Brother Lin, why do you seem unhappy?”

Kui Lin fell on the hill and asked casually.

“Brother Kui, you don’t need to worry about these little things.”

Lin Qi opened his eyes and said lightly.

“Brother Lin, this time the little gods and demons are on the battlefield, everyone else is just a waste. I don’t want to put in one’s eyes.”

Kuilin smiled and said, “Only you, Brother Lin, are qualified to let Kuilin draw the sword!

I also hope that when you arrive at the battlefield of the little gods and monsters, Brother Lin, you will not let me down, and you can make me enjoy the battle! ”


Lin Qiyi didn’t want to take care of Kuilin at all, and responded lightly.

Kuilin didn’t continue to entangle him, he just found a place, drove away the Saint King who had occupied that place, and sat down on his own.

About another hour passed.

The fog at the entrance to the battlefield of the little gods and demons began to dissipate!

Rays of light shine!

It forms a huge gate of light and shadow that is 100 meters high and 30 meters wide!

“The battlefield of the little gods and demons has been opened. After entering this light gate, your position will be randomly transmitted to all parts of the battlefield of the little gods and demons!

The entrance is open for five days!

Within five days, you must return to the entrance, otherwise you will be trapped in the battlefield of the little gods and demons for a hundred years! ”

The Zhongzhou City Deva who led Su Zhan and the others over said loudly.

As his voice fell.

A holy king, rushing to the gate of light, scrambling to one another!

Su Zhan also entered.

Spent about three seconds in the darkness.

Fourth, the universe suddenly opened up!

Su Zhan found that he was in a large barren rocky mountain.

Not to mention the trees around, not even the roots.

In the sky, a big sun is hanging in the middle, it looks like it is noon.

Turning over the palm of his hand, a white jade bead appeared.

This is a finger door bead that everyone who enters the battlefield of the little gods and demon will be given.

You only need to infuse this pearl with holy thoughts, and you can roughly sense the position and distance of the light gate on the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

Holding the finger door bead in his hand, he felt it a little and confirmed that the bead was not damaged, and Su Zhan put it away again.

The palm of his hand was turned over again, and he took out a part of the map of the battlefield of the little god and devil.

In the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

It suppresses the cultivation speed very well.

And it can’t be too high, so you still need to plan where to go.

Otherwise, if you walk around in a mess, you won’t be able to find the fart.

After looking at the map for a while and confirming his current approximate location, Su Zhan activated the aura of adventure.

“In the battlefield of the little gods and demons, the other treasures are actually nothing to me. They are just the inheritance of the Void Sword Emperor, which must be obtained!

Unfortunately, there is no mention of this in the information on the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

But think about it, if someone had discovered the inheritance of the void sword, where would it be my turn to look for it?

It was taken away long ago!

I only hope that, with the super atmospheric luck that I have just added 90,000 years of luck, plus the mysterious power of the aura of luck and the aura of adventure, I can find the clues to the Void Sword Emperor within five days! ”

After whispering for a while, Su Zhan chose a direction at random and was about to leave.

Suddenly, his gaze swept across the ground and he paused.

“This is……”

Bend down and picked up a mini transparent pebble under a rock. Su Zhan was looking curiously, but he didn’t expect that the pebble had exploded!

A translucent shock wave centered on him, diverging toward the surrounding space!

Immediately, ripples formed in the surrounding space!

In Su Zhan’s sight, the power of those emptiness spaces actually condensed into a slender long sword!

“This is……”

Su Zhan suddenly recalled the materials he had read in his mind, and exclaimed: “Space Sword Do! Void Sword Emperor Inheritance!”

Seeing that long sword sword shadow filled with the laws of space, Su Zhan himself was a little dazed.

what’s the situation?

The Void Sword Emperor inherited this kind of thing, and logically speaking, he would have to find it for several days!

Fight with other people, Demonic Beasts. It is reasonable to find it after hard work, right?

All right!

Even if you don’t have to go through all the hardships, this kind of heaven-defying thing has not been found for hundreds of thousands of years. Should I wander around the battlefield of the little gods and demons for several days before finding it?

This is so special!

What the hell is it when I just came in and picked up the inheritance of the Void Sword Emperor? !

It’s not written in the novels I read before!

This luck…is it a little bit too much? ? ?

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