Chapter 737 Brother Su, please start!

Long live?

Deva’s life span is about ten thousand years.

How could my birthday be only long live…

Muttered in his heart, Su Zhan didn’t really care about those people.

“Well, I have taken the inheritance of the Void Sword Emperor, and you can disperse it.”

Waved his hand, Su Zhan said lightly.

“Senior Brother Su, goodbye, Junior Brother!”

“Senior Brother Su, the younger brother is the Young Master of Nanling Mansion Xiaofuzong. Whenever he comes to Nanling Mansion, he must come to Xiaofuzong for a seat!”

“Senior Brother Su is great, Junior Sister is unforgettable!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Suddenly, more than a dozen holy kings left.

Su Zhan glanced at the ten holy kings under him, and said in amazement: “There are no treasures here anymore. If you don’t leave yet, what are you doing here?”

The holy kings glanced at each other, understood each other’s meaning, and Qi Qi cupped hands towards Su Zhan.

“Brother Su, the battlefield of the little gods and demons is perilous, the junior Cultivation Base is shallow, and I want to follow Brother Su!”

“Brother Su, I know that there is a treasure place in the battlefield of the little gods and demons. There are elixir that is very useful for Deva Cultivation Base Ascension. I am willing to take Senior Brother Su over. Just give the elixir to Senior Brother Su at will!”

“Brother Su, I also know a treasure trove on the battlefield of the little gods and demons, but I don’t have enough strength to defeat the guarding Demonic Beasts. I’m willing to take Brother Su over. The distribution of the spoils is all up to the seniors!”

Every saint king said sincerely.

Su Zhan glanced over those people, and finally fell on Kuilin: “You want to follow me too?”


Kuilin’s tone was respectful to the extreme: “When I saw Brother Su today, I just understood what a strong one is!

If it weren’t for Brother Su, you frightened the devil emperor, how am I waiting for my life?

I am willing to inform Brother Su of all the treasures I know, and I only implore Brother Su to agree to let Brother Su follow Brother Su! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Do you think it’s better to follow me?

I think too much, even if you offer those treasure locations, I will not give you more, it is better for you to act alone. ”

“Senior Brother Su joked, we were saved by Senior Brother Su even our lives, so what are we talking about.”

Those holy kings looked at each other with a smile.

Compared with those benefits.

Making friends with Su Zhan is a great benefit in itself!

A person who can even retreat from the Devil Emperor has a bright future. Maybe he will become a great figure in the spirit world in the entire Zhongzhou region!

By then, let alone talk to Su Zhan, even if they meet once, it will be extremely difficult.

Because at that time, they are no longer one level!

But now there is still a chance!

Even if you are familiar with Su Zhan, it will definitely benefit in the future!

In fact, all Saint Kings knew this well.

However, there were still many people who were afraid of Su Zhan and doubted the relationship between Su Zhan and the Devil Emperor, so they chose to leave and walked directly out of the battlefield of the little gods and demons, and it was safe and secure.

Those who stayed want to fight.

With the information they have, fight for a trace of Su Zhan’s friendship!

Just when these holy kings were a little nervous, waiting for Su Zhan to respond.

Su Zhan also glanced at these people in amazement: “Unexpectedly, you still have this realization, in that case, you can follow me in the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

Of course, the premise is that you can indeed come up with useful information. ”

“Yes, thank you Brother Su!”

Those holy kings were so excited that they stepped forward one by one, either presented Jade Slip, or handed in a map, all of which were actively offering the treasures in the battlefield of the little gods and monsters they knew!

Su Zhan glanced at it roughly, and it was basically useless to offer three of them, and he was not interested in the map’s Holy King after getting out, the matter was settled.

“Brother Su…”

In this matter, Lin Qi finally got up from the ground with a pale face: “The younger brother can’t follow the older brother to continue on, so let’s say goodbye, and strive to collect 30 billion sacred stones as soon as possible, and redeem… No, buy back Innate Green. lotus!”

“Well, work hard, 30 billion sacred stones shouldn’t be too much for you.”


Lin Qi felt bitter in his heart.

Generally speaking, Deva’s net worth is almost one billion sacred stones.

Five Tribulations Deva’s net worth, two tens of billions of sacred stones are considered the highest.

Although his status is unusual, a holy king who wants to make up 30 billion holy stones, or is it easy to talk about when both the Yin & Yang sword and storage ring are confiscated?

It seems that there is only a big trouble Elder…


If the Elder and Sect Leader knew about this, would they think that the face of the Heavenly Sect was damaged, and they would shoot in rage and directly kill Su Zhan?

If that were the case, wouldn’t my Lin Qi turn over again!

With this in mind, after Lin Qi said goodbye respectfully, he couldn’t wait to turn around and leave.

Su Zhan didn’t stop him either.

After all, Lin Qi is just a holy king, he actually didn’t take Lin Qi too seriously.

If it wasn’t for Lin Qi to insist that he colluded with the demons, he had never thought of attacking Lin Qi.

However, although Lin Qi Damn it, he is completely alone at this moment, and he also has the idea of ​​reforming.

He will naturally give a chance.

I only hope that Lin Qi can really change his mind and re-behave.

Be a good person.

Watching Lin Qi go away, Su Zhan retracted his gaze, flipped his palm, took out the Jade Slip offered by Kuilin, and took the seven holy kings to that place.

It is a valley in which grows a miraculous elixir for the growth of mental energy of the soul, and the guardian Demonic Beasts is a demon.

Su Zhan didn’t talk too much nonsense, he directly hit and killed, and the spirit medicine was distributed to Kuilin one-third, and he went to the next location.

In the next few days, he led the seven holy kings on the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

For him, there is no danger at all in the battlefield of the little gods and demons!

No matter what Demonic Beasts are, they are all killed with one punch!

Under this circumstance, those holy kings became more and more admired for Su Zhan. In the end, they looked at Su Zhan’s eyes with a bit of enthusiasm!

“Hey, did you find it?”

On the fourth day, Su Zhan was taking seven holy kings for a walk in a forest. A bald holy king suddenly mysteriously said to the person on the side: “Brother Su’s walking pace is god-tier!”

“Walking pace, is there a god-tier pass?”

The holy king was perplexed.


The bald-headed saint king said: “The steps of Brother Su’s walking coincide with the aura of Heavenly Dao. Every step down is a meeting with heaven and earth!”

“You found it too!”

At this moment, another Saint King heard the conversation between the two and joined in: “It’s not just the pace, have you seen it, Brother Su’s breathing!”

Take a breath and breathe, it’s like the Heavenly Dao rule, the rotation is endless! ”

“Fuck! I thought I was the only one who found out, but I didn’t expect you to find out too!”

Another holy king exclaimed: “It’s not just breathing, I discovered that Brother Su actually sleeps at night and eats during the day!

Which saint king eats and sleeps every day?

What does this show?

It shows that Brother Su is completely different from ours, and his life level is higher!

Moreover, I discovered that when Brother Su ate and slept, his breath was mysterious and unpredictable, like a true god hiding in the world! ”

“Look! Senior Brother Su bends over!”

“Senior Brother Su picked up a stone, and that stone must be a peerless treasure!”

“Huh? Why did Brother Su hit the rocks on the lake?”

“Nonsense, how could Senior Brother Su get into trouble? That’s because he figured out that the stone had no relationship with him, and it was released to heaven and earth!

The more I looked at Brother Su, the more I realized that Brother Su’s every move is Heavenly Dao’s chance! ”

“Senior Brother Su stopped by the lake, he squatted down, what is he going to do?”

The seven holy kings all watched curiously, with a faint expectation.

at this time.

Hearing the words of those behind him clearly, Su Zhan, who was about to squat down to wash his hands with the lake water, was speechless for a while.

Isn’t it normal to eat and sleep?

Also, am I dead if I don’t breathe?

Also, it makes sense to pick up a rock and float it on a whim, right?

Are these people’s brains broken?

What is the Heavenly Dao opportunity?

I was slander in my heart. When I heard those people behind me talk more and more outrageous, Su Zhan turned his head and said with no good air: “I want to shit, why, do you want to be together?”


Isn’t this something ordinary people would do?

How could Brother Su…

The seven holy kings frowned and looked at each other hesitantly.

“Oh, I get it!”

A saint king suddenly realized: “There is a way, great wisdom is like foolishness, the great way is simple, the falsehood seems true!

Brother Su has acted like mortals, doesn’t this mean that Brother Su has already returned to the basics, and the great way is back to one! ”

“Yes! I also thought about it! Senior Brother Su only has the Saint King Realm, and he has such an artistic conception. It’s simply amazing!”

“Speaking of this, Senior Brother Su has completely integrated into Heavenly Dao. Isn’t this something that only the Martial Dao myth can do!”

“More than that, Brother Su’s understanding of Heavenly Dao is still above the myth!”

“Since Senior Brother Su is so good, how can he simply shit when he talks about shit? Maybe he wants to show us his great artistic conception!”

“It turned out to be like this! Brother Su really worked hard!”

“We must be careful to insight after a while, and not miss any details, so that we can be worthy of Senior Brother Su!”

One after another, full of worship, and even fanatical voices sounded.

Afterwards, in the dumb eyes of Su Zhanren, the seven holy kings all gave cupped hands and said, “Please Brother Su, please start!”

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