Chapter 739 Zhongzhou Desert!

This statement came out.

The City Lord’s Mansion Deva, who had been puzzled before, was immediately confused.

After a few seconds, he couldn’t believe it. He stuttered, “Hey, is this a mistake?”

Perhaps Su Zhan could defeat Lin Qi, but Lin Qi wouldn’t even be able to break his defense, right?

And the Five Tribulations, what the hell is Heavenly Demon?

How could there be the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon in the battlefield of the little gods and demons?

What is the Devil Possession?

Moreover, with the body of a holy king, rivaling the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon… how is this possible! ! ! ”

Kuilin was not surprised by the reaction of the City Lord’s Mansion Deva.

Frankly speaking.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t believe it if others said it to him.

Because this has broken the common sense of the cultivation world!

It’s like, it’s always from the opening of the veins cultivation, and then to Deva.

Suddenly someone tells you that Deva is actually the first Realm, and the strongest is the general opening of the pulse!

The ten-separation spectrum is totally unreasonable!

But it did happen again.

He had to believe it.


Kuilin said: “Brother Su is unfathomable, and many impossible things are possible for him.

For the specific situation, senior, ask yourself the holy king sent by Zhongzhou City to the battlefield of the little gods and demons!

I have something to do, so I’ll leave first. ”

After speaking, Kuilin left.

And the City Lord’s Mansion Deva, watching Kui Lin’s disappearance, was still in a daze.

Rival against the Five Tribulations with the Saint King’s body, Heavenly Demon!

Such outrageous things can be done.

What Su Zhan said just now…is it true? !

He really only needs more than twenty years to go from the cultivation to the Deva realm?

If this is the case, wouldn’t it take a few hundred years for him to stand on the top of the Central State Territory, and even the entire spiritual world!

It turns out that the first holy king of this session actually exists like this! ! !

The heart was so shocked, the City Lord’s Mansion Deva made up his mind to complete the things Su Zhan explained, and there must be no mistakes!


This is very likely to work for the future first myth of the spirit world!

Back to Saint King Mountain.

Su Zhan waved his hand and threw out a lot of things.

It was piled up into a ten-meter-high mountain and piled in the yard.

That was all obtained this time in the battlefield of the little gods and demons.

There are treasures, materials, and elixir…

Counted for a moment.

He put all the sundries he was going to sell in a large storage ring as usual, and only the useful ones would be placed on the storage ring he was wearing on his hand.

It’s very important, just put it in the puppet emperor’s cave sky ring.

Among them, there are only a few things that make him pay more attention to.

Void Sword Classic, Void Sword Box.

The Secret Volume of Two Instruments Swordsmanship, medium grade Heavenly Dao Sacred Soldier Yin & Yang Sword.

Innate Qinglian.

As for the other elixir treasures found in the battlefield of the little gods and demons, they are of course the most treasures to the other holy kings, but for him, that’s it!

However, those things can sell a lot.

If you sell all the sundries.

Counting the 30 billion that Lin Qi hasn’t obtained yet, the 80 billion sacred stone should be safe.

“Although the Yin & Yang sword is a mid-level Heavenly Dao saint soldier, it is a bit more powerful than the Heavenly Star Epee, but it is tailored for the Liangyi Sword Technique. I definitely want to have an insight on the Liangyi Sword Technique.

However, this Lin Qi’s Sword Technique is just a fur, and it is estimated that nothing can be seen.

At present, the main thing is to cultivate the Void Sword Classic and master the Void Sword Box.

In order to increase combat power.

This sword, if you find a better one in the future, just sell it. ”

Inspiring the Yin & Yang sword, and feeling the strength of both rigidity and softness in it, Su Zhan muttered to himself.

Baili chessboard, Tianfeng sword map, Tianlei extremely volcano, Great Sun Golden Crow magic mirror… After checking it, Su Zhan found that there were so many powerful treasures he could use.

In the future, fighting with people, relying on the mysterious effect of the God Yan Secret Art and the Abnormal Treasure Aura, directly threw out two treasures, below the Supreme Deva, I am afraid that no one can catch it!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan showed a smile, and put all those treasures into the ring of the cave sky.

He took out the Void Sword Tome and began to insight.

The space kendo is immense, and although he understands some, it is far from enough.

Moreover, the more kendo feelings are now, the stronger his transformation will be when he breaks into Deva in the future!

If it can be integrated into the space kendo, the liangyi sword…

Three days later.

Su Zhan general’s entry into the Void Sword Classic, with a thought, a trace of thunder and lightning appeared on the surface of his body.


With a flash of thunder, Su Zhan appeared outside the first Immortal Cave of Saint King Mountain.

Facing a lush bamboo forest, Su Zhan moved both fingers in front of him.

No Sword Qi flew out.

Even in his hands, there is not too intense brilliance.

It’s just that when you swipe, the space that your fingers are passing through seems to turn into water, and he brings out ripples!

But just after he stroked it for half a second!

Suddenly a tiny gap in space appeared in the bamboo forest ahead!


The next moment!

The large bamboo forest broke off without warning and fell to the ground!

The fracture is extremely neat!

That is the power of space rifts!

This fissure, as Su Zhan punched it out, invisibly swept a few miles away, and appeared in the bamboo forest!

Very fast, but also very secretive!

If an enemy with weak perception of spatial fluctuations is hit by this crack, it will definitely end up like that bamboo!

This is also a kind of magical power in the Void Sword Classic, called “Crack Slash”!

There are three magical powers in the Void Sword Tome.

Rift slash!

Annihilation Sword Star!

Void Sword Array!

Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base is now low, and he can only cultivate the Void Sword Classic into the first kind of magical power.

“The power of Rift Slash is acceptable, but it is still weaker than Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship.

However, this trick is quite shameful. During the melee, I used Rift Slash to attack the enemy, and that person might not even know how he died! ”

Su murmured in his mouth.

Suddenly, he felt a sense, and turned his head to look at the ordinary staircase that he had trampled to pieces on the Saint King Mountain, which had now been temporarily repaired.

There, the Second Tribulation Deva of the City Lord’s Mansion was rushing up, holding a wooden box in both hands, and respectfully handing it to Su Zhan: “Su Fellow Daoist, this is all the information about the spirit monster family in the City Lord’s Mansion. Please also refer to Su Fellow Daoist!”

“Well, thanks a lot.”

Su Zhan took the wooden box and thanked him. Then, thinking of something, he said: “By the way, I have shoveled the bamboo forest!

When planting sunflowers, they need to mature quickly, and the seeds can be eaten within a few days. ”

“Yes, fellow daoist, don’t worry, this matter is on my body!

To be honest, I cultivated medicinal fields in the City Lord’s Mansion. I know this well! ”

Although the Second Tribulation Deva didn’t know why Su Zhan wanted to do this, he did not hesitate to agree.

Su Zhan saw that he was quite pleasing to the eye, so he smiled and asked, “What’s your name fellow daoist?”

“Wang Tianhao!”

“Wang Tianhao?”

Hearing this name, Su Zhan was stunned for a while, thinking of Wang Hao who planted sunflowers for him at the Yun Tian Sword Gate, his complexion became a little weird.

Could it be said that those with the word Wang Hao in their name… are all good materials for natural farming?

Muttering in his heart, Su Zhan didn’t say much, and after chatting with Wang Tianhao a few more words, he sent him away.

Afterwards, he opened the wooden box and looked through the documents carefully.

After half an hour.

After reading all the information carefully, without any omissions, Su Zhan exhaled, frowning slightly.

“It turns out that after being driven out of the endless forest, the spirit monster clan actually went to the Zhongzhou Desert?

Moreover, it is still in the southeast desert region, which is the most barren among the three major regions of the Zhongzhou desert?

Even, due to tens of thousands of years of declining strength, he has now been bullied by other demons and driven as slaves!

Nearly 300 million people of the spirit demon tribe are now expropriated, killed, and even used as rations by those demon tribes… there are only about 60 million left!

So weak, that Void Meteorite Gold has long been snatched away by other monster races, right? ”

Whispering in his mouth, Su Zhan palmed his hand, and the Void Sword Box appeared in front of him.

Putting his hand on the Void Sword Box, I sensed the power of the 72 Void Swords in it.

Su Zhan took a deep breath, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Something that can be robbed.

Then, naturally you can grab it back!

The spirit demon clan has fallen to this point, if you do evil, you can’t rely on others.

But if other monster races are aggressive and don’t give people a way to survive…

So evil and vicious!

As a kind and good person, he is also the descendant of the sword emperor senior.

I’m Su Zhan, I’m afraid except for walking the way for the sky.

There is no choice.

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