Chapter 745: Please the new king ascends the throne!

Three hours later.

Su Zhan arrived at the Spirit Demon City.

Relying on the identity of the spirit demon clan of Niu Tu and the others, he also entered the city smoothly.

However, when they came to the outside of the Palace of the Spirit Demon King, they were still stopped outside.

“Senior, logically speaking, it is difficult for us inferior Spirit Demon Races to see the Spirit Demon King.”

Niu Tu also apologized: “I can only take you here…”

“It’s okay, since it’s confirmed that the Spirit Demon Clan King is here, then I can go in by myself.”

After that, Su Zhan didn’t wait for Niu Tu and the others to react, his body turned into an electric light, and disappeared directly at the door in the bewildering gaze of the guards!

“There are assassins!”

After a full stunned for two seconds, the guard reacted, looking in the direction of Su Zhan, and when he realized that he couldn’t even see the shadow, he screamed in surprise!

“There are assassins!”

“Hurry up and inform the leader!”

“These monster races are his accomplices, let’s take them down first!”

Voices sounded one after another!

The dozens of bull monsters who were just about to leave here were suddenly a little confused.

Niu Tu smiled helplessly.

This Su senior can really cause trouble.

It’s all right now, and finally walked to the king’s city, and was about to be arrested again!

I just hope that Su senior is not an assassin, but he really has something to discuss with the clan king!

I prayed in my heart, facing the arrest of those guards, Niu Tu and others did not resist.

They can’t resist either.

After arresting them.

In this palace, guards everywhere received news.

Hurriedly headed towards the palace.

at this time.

Outside the Great Hall of the Royal Palace, on the Baiyu Square.

A white robe, Ling Yao Clan Wang Zhan, who resembled a human race, stood on an altar erected in the center of the square, chanting some sacrificial words, as if praying for God’s blessing to the future destiny of the Ling Yao family.

The other Elders, the strong ones, are all around the White Jade Square.


A burst of lightning came.

The spirit monster clan king was startled, his eyes fell on Su Zhan, who had already appeared, and he saw that Su Zhan was the Cultivation Base of the Great Saint King, and his heart was slightly settled.

“You are the King of the Spirit Demon Race?”

When Su Zhan came to the altar, he didn’t mean to talk nonsense at all, and asked directly.

“I am the clan king, who are you?”

The spirit demon clan king is full of alert: “You are a great saint king human clan, what did you come here to find me for?”

“I am Su Zhan, I want Void Meteorite Gold.”

“Void meteorite?”

The clan king of the spirit demon clan was startled. He tapped his toes on the ground and stretched a few miles away. With a solemn expression, he said, “Although I don’t know why you are a holy king, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of my dignified sky demon!

But since you are here, you are naturally prepared!

Everyone, be on guard! ”

Following the order of the Ling Yao Clan King.

The powerful spirit monsters in the square burst out Monster Qi one by one!

“Clan King, that’s the assassin! It’s the assassin who broke in!”

At this time, the guard leader also rushed over.

Thousands of demon guards in the palace surrounded the square!

They all looked at Su Zhan hostilely.

“Who sent you here!”

The guard commander sternly scolded.

Su Zhan thought of something, flipped his palm, and the Void Sword Box appeared.

The Holy Yuan is poured into it.

A void Sword Ray burst out from the sword box.

Very fast!

He returned to the sword box in an instant.

“Void Sword Box!”

The clan king of the spirit demon clan was shocked.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, looked at Su Zhan with excitement, suddenly knelt on one knee, and said in surprise: “Ling Yao Clan King Juhuang, see the descendant of Emperor Zhang Jian!”

Seeing this scene, the other clan of spirit monsters were a little confused.

“What is the clan king doing?”

“The Void Sword Box…what is the Void Sword Box, as if I have heard it before!”

“That was the peerless powerhouse who walked out of our spirit demon tribe hundreds of thousands of years ago, the treasure of the Void Sword Emperor!”

“What! The treasure of the Void Sword Emperor!”

“If there are treasures of Emperor Void Sword Emperor, are they necessarily descendants of Emperor Void Sword Emperor?”

Voices sounded one after another.

Many spirit monster races obviously still don’t trust Su Zhan at all.


The spirit monster clan king said angrily: “Void sword box, Void Sword!

The descendant of the Void Sword Emperor is the true king of our spirit monster clan!

Now, the real king is back!

You still don’t bow down and salute!

Do you want to rebel? ! ”

Hear the words of the elixir clan king.

Those strong spirit monster clan also knelt down one after another.

Including those guards.

Thousands of people all knelt towards Su Zhan.

Regardless of whether he really obeyed Su Zhan in his heart or not, he always bowed to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan glanced at those monster races.

I saw a lot of uncomfortable faces.

He didn’t care.

In fact, although the spirit monster clan was weak, there were still three sky monsters present. He was a holy king, and suddenly became the king of these sky monsters.

It’s normal for those demon not to accept it.

However, the Lingyao clan king was so convincing that he was a little surprised.

“Okay, get up!”

Su Zhan waved his hand: “I am considered a descendant of the Void Sword Emperor, but not your king. You don’t need to be like that.”

“Since you are the descendant of the Sword Emperor, you are our king!”

The spirit monster clan king was very excited, flipped his palm, took out the power sword that symbolized the clan king’s position, held it with trembling hands, and raised it above his head.

His voice was full of hope, and he roared: “The spirit demon clan has been reduced to slaves for tens of thousands of years!

Now the new king has returned!

I also hope that the new king will immediately succeed to the throne and lead us on a new path! ”

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