Chapter 748 I only know a little bit (large chapter)

This statement came out.

The spirit monster clan powerhouses who were looking forward to Su Zhan’s method were suddenly stupid.

Ju Huang, the king of the spirit demon clan, scratched his head.

Although it feels like what Su Gongzi what you said seems to be reasonable.

But why do I feel weird the more I listen?

Kill them all without worrying about their threats…the problem is.

If we can kill them, can we still be bullied here? ? ?

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Juhuang didn’t dare to say all the thoughts in his heart, and coughed softly: “Ahem!

Young Master Su is really a human genius!

This kind of genius method can be thought of, admire and admire!

But Young Master Su.

It’s easy to say, but in practice, it’s not so easy! ”

“It’s too difficult for you to think.”

Su Zhan shook his head and said, “Take the Elder who the Spirit Demon Race can rely on, and come with me!”

“Go, where to go?”

The Spirit Demon King was dumbfounded.

“Kill the ancient crocodile demon clan king!”

Su Zhan looked at Juhuang with a foolish gaze: “As long as you kill him, all problems can be solved. Can’t you see this?”


Ju Huang’s face was depressed.

I can tell.

Is it completely different from whether you can do it?

Although he was very unoptimistic in his heart, when he thought of the Ling Yao clan being oppressed for so long, a descendant of the Sword Emperor suddenly came out to slay the Three Tribulations Sky Demon with the Saint King Realm.

This kind of opportunity, I am afraid that if you miss it, there will be no more!

Juhuang also gritted his teeth, and finally asked: “Master Su, the ancient crocodile demon king is a Five Tribulations Heaven Demon!

Although it is the weakest of the three demon kings, it is also much stronger than the crocodile demon you just killed!

Are you really going? ”



Juhuang made a decision: “Please wait a while, Master Su, and I will follow Master Su to the Lair of the Wild Ancient Crocodile Demon King!”


Su Zhan nodded and looked at Juhuang as if he was arranging a funeral, explaining all kinds of things, he felt a little funny, and waited slowly by the side.

After half an hour.

Everything is arranged properly.

Juhuang took the other two Deva, and six half-step Deva spirit demon Elder, and Su Zhan went to the ancient crocodile demon clan’s nest, the deserted crocodile city!

After they left.

Of course, the captured Niu Tu and other Barbarian Demon Races were released immediately.

After learning of this, everyone was shocked and hoped to pray for Su Zhan.

Half a day later.

Su Zhan arrived outside Desolate Crocodile City.

“We only have ten people. How to sneak into the city and attack and kill the ancient crocodile demon king requires a sophisticated plan!”

The spirit demon king looked solemn, and said to Su: “Master Su, you are the strongest here. After sneaking in, we can lie in ambush-hey!

Young Master Su, what are you doing!

It’s exposed when you go out! ”

In the woods outside the deserted crocodile city, the spirit monster king Juhuang saw that Su Zhan actually walked directly towards the city gate, exclaimed.

“Why bother.”

Su Zhan shook his head and stepped out into the air in front of Desolate Crocodile City.

“Human race!”

“Who are you, what do you want to do!”


As Su Zhan’s figure appeared, the ancient crocodile monsters on the city wall were on alert.

Su Zhan glanced at them, and just about to take a shot, he suddenly thought that the seventeen in the cave had been idle for a long time and was useless, and there was hardly any actual combat.

With a thought to him, a golden light flew out of his ring in the sky!

The golden light converged, and a figure about 17 or two meters tall appeared.

“Master, what’s your order?”

As soon as Seventeen in a golden robe came out, he knelt down on one knee towards Su Zhan.

“Puppetry! Su Gongzi, you are still a puppet master!”

Juhuang and the others, who had just come out of the woods, were shocked when they saw Seventeen.

“know a little bit.”

Su Zhan didn’t have much to explain to Juhuang. He raised his hand and pointed to the front: “Did you see the city in front?

There was a Five-Tribulations Heavenly Demon in it, ferocious and vicious, beyond hope.

Go and kill him and bring his Monster core back to me! ”

“Yes, master!”

Seventeen was a little excited when he heard this.

Follow Su Zhan.

His strength soared.

But in fact, there are really very few shots.

Because no matter how fast his strength rises, there is always no such thing as Su Zhan… staying in the cave sky, he is almost depressed.

Now that I have the opportunity to exert my strength wantonly, of course I am very excited!

“Master Su, this is absolutely not allowed!”

The expressions of the strong men of the Spirit Demon Race changed drastically.

Juhuang said anxiously: “You said Master Su, you only know a little bit of puppetry!

Even the real sky puppet masters dare not let a single puppet attack the big city where the Five Calamity Sky Demon is seated!

You only know a little bit of puppetry fur, and that puppet must be very weak, how can you—”

“Either seventeen to go, or you go.”

Su Zhan was a little annoyed by what Juhuang said, and said directly: “Ling Demon King, choose one by yourself!”


Juhuang was choked immediately.

Of course he dared not attack Desolate Crocodile City alone.

The original plan was to sneak into it, relying on Su Zhan’s powerful attack power to create a chance to assassinate the ancient crocodile demon king!

I knew I was going to siege the city, so he wouldn’t be here anymore!

This is so special!

There are ten people in total!

What a fart? !

Depressed in his heart, Juhuang had no choice but to say: “Master Su, our identity has been exposed right now, or we will lead the spirit demon clan to break through the encirclement before the ancient crocodile demon king has not noticed it!

Maybe there is a chance to break through their blockade!

Get out of the desert! ”

“If you don’t go, let Seventeen go, don’t say more.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Seeing that Su Zhan was determined.

Juhuang also had no choice but to remain silent.

The other powerful spirit monster races already lamented one by one.

I thought.

Su Zhan is a bright master.

God sent them to save them!

But now it seems that although Su Zhan has a bit of strength, he is not at all resourceful!

Only reckless!

Actually let a puppet go to siege the city!

It alarmed the ancient crocodile demon king, isn’t that looking for death? !

I lamented one by one in my heart.

But these people have followed Juhuang for many years, even if they are dissatisfied with Su Zhan.

But as long as the Great Wilderness is still there, none of them will leave.

It’s just that each one has despair in his eyes, as if waiting for death.

Seventeen has a spiritual heart and emotions similar to those of a living being.

At this moment, I noticed that those people didn’t believe in Su Zhan or his power, and there was a hint of displeasure on their faces.

“A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, the master’s strength, are you qualified to question it?”

Seventeen said coldly, and flipped his palm.

The Heavenly Dao-class magic sword that Su Zhan threw to him when he was in the Demon Realm appeared in his hand.

At the same time, golden runes appeared on the body surface.

The energy hub is running fast!

More than 10,000 small runes were activated in his body!


The surrounding space is squeezed buzzing!

A monstrous power broke out!

That is the mighty power of five Heavenly Tribulation!

At the moment when this power broke out.

The already desperate experts of the Spirit Demon Race suddenly raised their heads and looked at Seventeen in shock!

In the eyes, there is some hope!

Perceiving the abundant energy in the body, holding the magic sword in seventeen hands, his body turned into a golden light and burst out!

That sword cut out!

A huge golden Sword Qi, one thousand meters high, blasted on the desolate crocodile city defensive formation!


The moat flashes wildly!

Under this tremendous force, the entire Desolate Crocodile City trembled!

At the same time, countless attacks are coming towards Seventeen!

Arrows, demon light, giant swords, spells…

Seventeen days of the Heavenly Puppet Golden Body Art, the golden light on the body forms a three-centimeter-thick shield!

Those attacks can’t break his golden light at all!

Ignored by him directly!

With seventeen arrogant attacks on the city.

Soon, more wild crocodile clan powerhouses are coming.

It didn’t take long.

Seventeen relied on extremely strong defenses, abruptly withstood the attack and blasted the desolate crocodile city defense formation!

Just when he was about to enter it.

A strong Monster Qi overwhelmingly pressed over!

“Who is it, dare to be presumptuous under my nose!”

He is three meters tall and looks like a giant human race. The wild ancient crocodile demon king wearing a dragon robe appeared. His eyes fell on Seventeen. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes: “There is no breath of life?

No, it seems that there is a heartbeat and pulse… What kind of monster are you! ”

Seventeen eyes also looked at the Wild Ancient Crocodile Demon King. After confirming the target, he said seriously: “You are the demon clan that the master is looking for.

Well, you stand there and don’t move.

I want to kill you and take your Monster core. ”


The wild ancient crocodile demon king was taken aback, and immediately furious: “Laughter!

No matter what monster you are!

No matter what your master is!

I slaughtered you first, and slaughtered your master! ”

After that, the Wild Ancient Crocodile Demon King did not use any special magical powers, a yellow long knife appeared in his hand, and it slammed into Seventeen!

Seventeen is not to be outdone, and rushes forward!


The two figures collided together!

A shock wave dissipated, destroying all buildings within a radius!

Even dozens of wild ancient crocodile monsters who had not had time to run were affected, and their bodies were torn apart by this force!

“Come again!”

The golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes and rushed up again.

Swords collide!

Fist bombardment!

The two of them did not retreat, and they fought at the gate of the city!

Whether it is the ancient crocodile demon king or the puppet seventeen, they are actually very good at close hand-to-hand combat!

Their forces collided and destroyed all the buildings near the city gate!

Amazing momentum!

When the battle started, the two were fairly balanced.

It didn’t take a few minutes.

The Wild Ancient Crocodile Demon King was wounded in several places, and was shocked by Seventeen’s terrifying power.

And seventeen, not even afraid of death, and no pain, on the contrary, the more the battle, the more courageous!

Fight back against the ancient crocodile demon king!

See this scene.

Those wild ancient crocodile monsters whose morale skyrocketed because of the arrival of the ancient crocodile demon king began to panic again.

“What kind of monster is that! Even the clan king can’t beat it!”

“The clan king was just caught off guard, and the clan king didn’t use his strongest power at all!”

“That thing is strange. It is neither a human race nor a demon race. It seems to have some devilish energy on its body, but it is not a demon race!”

“Could it be the legendary human puppet?”

“How can the puppet be so strong! But no matter how strong he is, the clan king will never lose!”

Voices sounded one after another.

at this time.

Standing behind Su Zhan all the time, watching Seventeen break the city, fighting against the ancient crocodile monster king, and even crushing the ancient crocodile monster king, the powerful spirit monster clan who fought with their heads and squirrels were already embarrassed.

The Deva Elder of the Spirit Demon Clan took two steps forward and came to the side of the Spirit Demon Clan King Juhuang, his voice stuttered: “Clan, Clan King.

Didn’t you say that Young Master Su only knows a little bit of puppetry?

But look at that golden puppet, I feel he could kill all ten of us with one punch!

This this this…

Is this really only a little bit? ? ? ”

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