Chapter 760 Supreme Sword Saint!

Most of the crowded beasts are Demonic Beasts who have not transformed into human form, and there are also many demonic beasts who have transformed into human form.

Too far apart, Su Zhan couldn’t see the strength, but with such a formation, you can think with your toes that there will definitely be a powerful monster in this beast tide!

“Master, what’s the matter?”

Tianxue Wolf King looked up and asked curiously.

Su Zhan looked at the beast tides and asked, “Above the desert, do beast tides often erupt?”

“Animal tide?”

The Sky Snow Wolf King was taken aback, and shook his head again and again: “How can there be a tide of beasts in the desert!

Even if there is, it is in the marginal area.

The so-called beast tide is just a force formed by the demonic Beasts of the demonic race focusing on attacking human cities.

In the desert, the big monster races are basically stable and will not launch large-scale wars.

Moreover, even if two demon clan forces go to war, they will generally not come out in full force, forming a huge wave of beasts.

I have been in the desert for nearly 10,000 years and have only seen two animal tides.

Once because of a natural disaster, the living environment of the Demonic Beasts in that area was completely destroyed.

Once it was because a certain human force in the central state wanted to establish a human city stronghold in the desert, which aroused the dissatisfaction of all the monster races, launched a beast tide, and destroyed that lone city!

The chance of beast tide appearing in the desert is extremely small. Master, why do you ask this? ”


Su Zhan frowned slightly looking at the beast tide that had rushed to less than two hundred miles away from him.

Those Demonic Beasts seem endless, I don’t know how many there are, even if they are killed, a lot of time will be wasted.

Moreover, the low-level Demonic Beasts in the beast tide account for the vast majority, and those Demonic Beasts are of no value to him.

He didn’t want to care about this animal wave.

But the problem is.

The battle line of the beast tide is very long, and it just stopped him from going to find the route of Void Meteorite. If he wants to avoid it, he needs a long way.

As for flying from the sky…

There are also many monsters in the beast tide, and it is not difficult for high rank Demonic Beasts to attack from the ground to the sky.

Forget it, no matter, they run theirs, as long as they don’t mess with me.

If these Demonic Beasts are looking for something…

Then use these Demonic Beasts to practice the Sword Technique that you just started.

In the future, to integrate into Liangyi Sword Technique, it is also necessary to cultivate Liangyi Sword Technique cultivation to Realm.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan looked down at the map and rode the Sky Snow Wolf King to continue toward the location of Void Meteorite.


It didn’t take long.

That black beast tide met Su Zhan.

“Master, what should I do?”

Tianxue Wolf King was startled, but he didn’t have much fear, and asked.

Su Zhan thought for a while and said: “You are the Five-Tribulation Heavenly Demon, shouldn’t these Demonic Beasts dare to approach?”

The Heavenly Snow Wolf King suddenly understood, exuding the Monster Qi of the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, and wanted to frighten the tide of beasts.

But as a result, those Demonic Beasts had red eyes one by one, as if they had been greatly irritated, and they were a little delirious.

Actually, he was not afraid of the Sky Snow Wolf King at all, so he rushed over!

There are even some demon birds in the sky, screaming and rushing towards Su Zhan!

“How come these Demonic Beasts are not afraid of you?

Are you the Five Tribulations Demon King fake? ”

Su Zhan was surprised.

The Snow Wolf King was a little helpless: “Master, with such a huge tide of beasts, even if the Demonic Beasts in front are afraid, they will still be charged and charged by the Demonic Beasts behind.

And in such a scale of beast tide, there must be the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon in charge!

Driven by those powerful demon, these Demonic Beasts dare not stop! ”

“Five Tribulations Sky Demon…”

Su Zhan blasted a demon bird that rushed towards him with a punch.

Looking at the beast tide with no end in sight, thinking of something like Sword Technique, cultivation is faster in actual combat.

And this beast tide is so vast, it just so happens that the Sword Technique of Liangyi is still very strange, with these Demonic Beasts, maybe you can quickly Ascension!

He opened his mouth and said: “Seventeen, you and Tianxue Wolf King broke through by yourself, see you at the other end of the beast tide!”

After speaking, Su Zhan fell from the back of the Heavenly Snow Wolf King!

Fall directly into a bunch of Demonic Beasts!


As soon as his feet fell on the ground, a sacred power burst out and lifted the Demonic Beasts with a radius of tens of meters!

“Human race!”

“Human race dare to stop us and eat him!”

“Ant, die!”

The roars of the monster race sounded one after another.

After discovering that Su Zhan had fallen among them and blocking their forward path, the Demonic Beasts roared towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan flipped his palm, and the black and white Yin & Yang sword appeared in his hand.

The shadow of the Yin & Yang rule shines in the purple mansion.

Cut out with one sword!

A wave of yin and cold sword appeared.

Like a wave of water, it lifted that large swarm of monsters into flight!

Immediately afterwards, the second sword was another masculine and domineering Sword Qi, directly crushing a piece of Demonic Beasts!

Liangyi Kendo can be rigid or flexible, and both have unique destructive power!

Holding the Yin & Yang sword, Su Zhan dealt with the monsters while insight into the swordsmanship of the two instruments.

This huge wave of beasts has already been regarded by him as the dojo of cultivation Sword Technique!

When he was caught in the beast tide, the seventeenth and the Tianxue wolf king also charged towards the other end of the beast tide about a hundred miles away from him.

Such a huge tide of beasts, of course, there are also many sky demons.

However, those powerful monster races were attracted by the Seventeenth and the Sky Snow Wolf King and attacked them.

Su Zhan’s aura of a holy king couldn’t make them pay attention.

“Human race ants, dare to break into my monster race territory, damn you!”

Just when those low-level monster races were a little scared, and had not dared to charge towards Su Zhan, a Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon finally discovered the existence of Su Zhan, roared, and charged towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan’s gaze immediately looked at the monster clan. Originally, he didn’t use the Yin & Yang sword, which was a bit powerful, to infuse the holy yuan, just when he was preparing to slay the sky monster with a single sword.

In the beast tide battlefield, there was a sudden gust of wind!

A gust of wind!


Where the gust of wind passed, all the low-level monster races were directly cut!

The monster clan who was directly stronger was also swept by the gust of wind!

Immediately afterwards.

That gust of wind condensed into a hundred-meter-long cyan great sword!


That sword flashed in front of Su Zhan’s eyes.

In the next instant, the head of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon that was rushing towards him flew up, and his huge body crashed to the ground!

“Liangyi Sword Technique… Among the Saint Kings of the Zhongzhou Territory, besides Lin Qi, there are people who actually cultivate Liangyi Sword Technique?”

When the sword shadow of the violent wind dissipated, a man wearing a cyan robe with scattered hair draped on his back, about 1.8 meters tall, holding a hip flask in one hand and a sword in the other, appeared like a man in his thirties. In Su Zhan’s vision.

When the man in the green robe appeared.

Those Demonic Beasts who were not afraid of Su Zhan, and even wanted to desperately, were uncontrollably afraid of them!

It seems that the man in the green robe has fundamentally suppressed them!

And Su Zhan also cast his gaze on the man in the green robe at this time.

Lingqing’s eyes were urged to the extreme, and he glanced at it.

Actually, I couldn’t see through the realm of that person, and even couldn’t sense the existence of the Cultivation Base of the man in the green robe.

Just like a mortal!

However, the person who can slay the Three Tribulations Sky Demon with a single sword can be a mortal without Realm?

Obviously there is Realm, but his own god can’t see through, then this person…

The Great Swordmaster of the Supreme Deva Realm!

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