Chapter 764 Fengyun Jiandao, Golden Marrow God Pill, Juqueyun Lan Sword!

With a punch to kill the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon Giant Tiger, Su Zhan also naturally cast his gaze on Xi Yunze, who just didn’t know where he came from, and still maintained a forward posture.


This… isn’t this an anonymous senior?

Why did he show up again?

Suspicious in his heart, Su Zhan asked: “Anonymous senior, why are you here?

You follow me?

Also, what did you just say, I was just affected by the scream of Demonic Beasts, and I didn’t hear it clearly. ”

At this time, Xi Yunze seemed unheard of Su Zhan’s words.

The whole person stared blankly at the giant tiger of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon that had been beaten by Su Zhan with a single punch, Xi Yunze was shocked!

It turned out that what Junior Brother Qin said was true!

My little junior brother really has the power to rival Deva of the Five Tribulations!

Moreover, even the average Five Tribulations Deva would definitely not be able to kill a sky demon at the pinnacle of the Four Tribulations so cleanly!

In other words, Su Zhan’s strength is one point stronger than the average Five Tribulation Deva!

Compare with the Five Tribulations Deva in the Holy King Realm!

If he hadn’t seen this with his own eyes, he would never believe it even if he killed him!

But now, seeing with his own eyes, even if all this is unreasonable and outrageous, Xi Yunze can only believe it.

After the shock in his heart, Xi Yunze became a little depressed again.

Originally, as planned.

Su Zhan encountered life-threatening situation, so he stepped forward and killed Demonic Beasts with a single sword!

Show your identity and build up the image of the second brother!

Then, besides the namelessness, he didn’t even know him at all, maybe it was just a guy who happened to have cultivated Fengyun Sword Dao!

Although this is quite unconvincing.

But when Su Zhan was grateful and worshiped his own, it was different, of course he would believe it!

By then, he will be this second brother upright!

The perfect plan!

Thousands of counts.

He never expected it.

Su Zhan actually punched the Four Smiting Heavenly Demon to death!

This is so special!

Just f*ck is outrageous! ! !


This kid punched the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon to death, and he hadn’t finished shouting the slogan like this… Doesn’t it seem very silly?

Depressed in his heart, Xi Yunze took a deep breath, straightened his body, and slowly turned his head.

There was a calm and surprised look on his face: “Wangming? Who is Wuming?

I am Mr. Xi Yunze, the second teacher of Tianshulou, this little junior…cough cough!

This little brother, you should have admitted the wrong person! ”

“wrong person?”

Su Zhan looked at Xi Yunze seriously and shook his head: “Anonymous senior, although you have washed your face and shaved your beard, you look much younger.

He also changed into a set of white robe, and wore a sword crown like a club in his hair.

But I can’t read it wrong, you are clearly the unnamed senior who just left! ”

“Maybe there is just someone who looks like me, fellow daoist Su, you admit it wrong!”

“How do you know my last name is Su?”

“This…this is because Junior Brother Qin gave me your portrait!”

“Then why didn’t you recognize it in the first place?”

“I… I was dazzled for a while and didn’t see clearly!”


Su Zhan looked at Xi Yunze suspiciously, suddenly remembering something, and suddenly realized: “Ao, I understand!

It must be an unknown senior, you have committed Alzheimer’s again!

Intermittent memory loss, don’t remember me!

Anonymous senior, your symptoms are continuing. In a few years, I am afraid that it will be -”

“I’m really your second brother!”

Xi Yunze wanted to cry without tears.

At first, Su Zhan felt that he was the second senior brother, so he wanted to say no.

Now that he admits his identity, Su Zhan doesn’t recognize it again!

This is so special!

What is it called…

“Are you my second brother?”

Su Zhan said: “Then how do you prove it?”

“I… I have Mr. Two’s ID card!”

Suddenly, remembering that he still had this thing, Xi Yunze quickly flipped his palm, took out a jade card, and threw it to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took it over and checked it, compared it with own, returned it, and looked at Xi Yunze in amazement: “You are really my second brother!”

Xi Yunze let out a sigh of relief: “Yes!

I just said, I am your second brother!

You still don’t believe it—”

“But you were the nameless person just now! So if you say that…”

Su Zhan’s expression turned weird: “Second Brother, what you said at the beginning, aren’t you cursing yourself?”


Xi Yunze’s face blushed, and he denied: “I’m really not that nameless!”

“That senior is also the Seven Tribulations, and you are also the Seven Tribulations!”

“Junior Brother Su, it’s normal for Realm to be the same!”

“But he looks the same as you!”

“This…there are so many people in the world, it’s not surprising that they look the same!”

Not wanting Su Zhan to ask further, Xi Yunze rolled his eyes, flipped his palm, took out a golden vial, handed it to Su Zhan, and said with a smile: “Junior Brother, this is the golden marrow pill!

It has the miraculous effect of washing the marrow and cutting the veins, enhancing the talented physique, and it has a great effect on the cultivation of the body!

This Medicine Pill will sell at least 3 billion sacred stones on the market!

The first time you meet, it’s a meeting ceremony! ”

“Thank you Brother Second.”

Su Zhan took the Golden Marrow Divine Pill, opened it and looked at it, and found that the power of the medicine was indeed amazing. If he took it by himself, the power of the physical body would definitely be stronger!

Seeing Su Zhan accepting Medicine Pill, Xi Yunze smiled: “It’s okay, Junior Brother Su, next—”

“But I’m still a little curious”

Su Zhan put away the golden marrow god pill: “Even if the appearance is a coincidence, Cultivation Base is also a coincidence. How could you two appear at such a coincidence?

Moreover, the two Seven Tribulations Deva, both of which are also sword repairers, appeared two hours apart. In this desert, they should have sensed each other’s existence long ago, right? ”

“This… this is of course a coincidence!”

Xi Yunze flipped his palm, took out another Jade Slip, and squeezed out a smile and said, “Senior Brother Su, this is your brother’s secret scroll of Fengyun Kendo. It is written by your brother. I think you also practice swords. It will help you!”

“Thank you Brother Er, Brother Er is so polite!”

Su Zhan had an idea for Fengyun Swordsmanship for a long time. Seeing Xi Yunze took it out, he quickly took a look and probably took a look. After thinking that it was indeed very mysterious, he smiled and received it.

“Senior Brother Su, it’s really a coincidence, why don’t you believe your second brother?”

“Even if it happened before, the problem is…”

Su Zhan hesitated: “The Fengyun Sword Dao that you both cultivated.

But if I remember correctly, Senior Brother Eleven said, Senior Brother Second, you are on a unique road of kendo, which is unique in the Zhongzhou region!

This…what a coincidence? ”


Xi Yunze couldn’t wait to scrape two of his own big ears.

Why is it bad to send a kendo secret scroll?

But this thing can’t be kept, it will be discovered sooner or later.

Now, I am afraid I can only use that trick!

Thinking of something, Xi Yunze gritted his teeth, turned his palms, and took out a four-finger-wide giant sword!

The entire body of the giant sword is pale gold, and the sword body is engraved with clouds.

This sword just appeared, and a sense of oppression was exuding.

“Junior Brother Su, this is the Giant Que Yun Lan Sword!

It was the main weapon before I got the Fenglingyun Xingjian!

Powerful and overbearing, it is most suitable for you, a cultivator who has strong physical power!

As for the swordsmanship… Junior Brother Su, you may not believe it. That person should have seen me practice sword secretly. He has amazing talent and learned it secretly!

Well, that should be it!

I’m really not that nameless! ”

While Xi Yunze handed Su Zhan the giant Que Yun Lan sword worth more than 30 billion sacred stones, he blinked his eyes at Su Zhan twice, and his eyes were pleading.

That means: Junior Brother, I beg you to stop talking!

Brother, I really don’t have anymore!

Don’t pierce this layer of window paper, leave some face for your brother!

Your brother, I am a magnificent sword sage, the most promising supreme Deva of the Martial Dao myth in the Zhongzhou Dynasty, don’t you want a face at all? ? ?

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