Chapter 769 Dragon Slaying!

The body of that true dragon is about 100 meters long, and it is built like pure gold, flying out of the valley and entrenched in the sky!

Looking down on the huge dragon head, its two pupils are like fireballs!

“Fire Qilin with inferior blood?”

Now that I have just resurrected, I have no other choice! ”

The real dragon’s eyes swept across, and it naturally fell on Qilin King, the largest and most conspicuous fire at the moment.

Fire King Qilin was terrified. Hearing these words, he didn’t care about revenge. The flames on his four legs burst into flames, and he ran away!

But he had just set off. The real dragon with a body length of only 100 meters came over him extremely fast, and a dragon claw directly broke through the surface of King Qilin’s defense, embedded in the flesh and blood!

Then, one bite on his arm!

Perceiving the terrifying dragon power of the true dragon, I thought that the legendary true dragon is at least the eight-half heavenly demon as long as it grows up.

Even though the real dragon in front of us is small in size, the power of the dragon is definitely more than eight calamities!

King Qilin was about to be scared to death, and without hesitation, he inspired a secret technique to save his life!

The flames all over his body suddenly shrank, and immediately burst out!


A loud noise!

That real dragon was blown up abruptly!

And King Qilin took the opportunity to flee quickly!

Of course, even though he escaped, that huge Qilin arm was also torn off forcibly!

Blood dripping!

When King Qilin escaped from the fire, the mysterious snake king below had already turned into a black air with the little mysterious snake to flee!

“Su Zhan! Go! What are you doing in a daze!”

Xi Yunze roared!

Su Zhan looked at the real dragon that was exploded by the fire and fell a dozen miles in front of him, and his eyes flashed: “True dragon, it shouldn’t be so small.

Moreover, even if the fire Qilin used his hole cards, it is logically impossible to escape from an adult real dragon.

This true dragon also said words like’resurrection’.

He may not have the powerful power of an adult real dragon at all! ”

This statement came out.

Originally very angry, the true dragon who planned to chase the fire Qilin suddenly turned his head, and his eyes fell on Su Zhan.

That wave of dragon power enveloped!

Two fireball-like eyes looked at Su Zhan directly.

Su Zhan raised his head slightly, and also looked at the real dragon, except for curiosity, there was nothing else in his eyes.

“True Dragon Clan, King of All Souls!”

The real dragon slowly said: “As long as the realm is lower, and the real dragons are looking at each other, they will all tremble and fear!

This is the origin level of life. You, Little Saint King, are not afraid? ”

“Why should I be afraid?”

Su Zhan asked.

Upon hearing the words, the real dragon shot out a golden light in his eyes, covering Su Zhan!

The golden light is invisible and innocent, and has no attack power, but it has a mysterious effect that sees everything through.

“Divine body, veins and bones! The strength of the physical body is comparable to the Five Tribulations Peak Demon Race!


It’s incredible!

How could a person like you appear! ! ! ”

The golden light dissipated, and the real dragon’s eyes were full of shock.

“True dragon senior!”

At this moment, Xi Yunze saw that Su Zhan couldn’t escape, so he had no choice but to turn back and stand in front of Su Zhan, looking at the true dragon said, “The flesh and blood of our human race has little effect on you compared to those monster races. micro.

If you want to regain your strength, go find Qilin, the fire just now! ”

“Originally, I didn’t bother to care about you.”

The real dragon’s voice was like muffled thunder, and it sounded: “It’s just that this human race kid dares to question my strength!

Moreover, this person has an ancient talent and a very strong physique. If he swallows him, perhaps the effect is better than that of Qilin! ”

“True dragon senior, although your dragon might be comparable to the Nine Tribulations Deva, the myth of Martial Dao.

But I can feel that at this moment, you are at the level of the Seven Heavenly Demon! ”

Xi Yunze exploded into the Seven Tribulations Deva’s momentum, and said: “I am also the Seven Tribulations, do you really want to fight with me to hurt both sides?”

“Both lose out?”

Real Dragon sneered: “Ignorant Human Race!

Although I have only recovered the strength of the Seven Tribulations, my dragon body fused with the void and meteorite contains the power of space and is indestructible!

Don’t say it’s you, even if it is the real Eight Tribulations Deva, it won’t hurt me a bit! ”

“Void meteorite body…you don’t have a real body?”

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect it either.

The Void Meteorite that he had been searching for was not snatched by those Great Desert Demon Kings.

It was actually forged into a body by a dragon!

“Huh! Ten thousand years ago, that bastard Thunder Dragon fought fiercely with me!

In the end I was defeated and killed by him!

But he would never think of it! ”

The real dragon with the power of space all over his body gritted his teeth and said: “I’ve left behind here a long time ago!

A spine was buried, a part of the dragon soul, and my essence blood!

However, according to the secret technique I got, I have been silent here for at least 100,000 years before I have a chance to resurrect!

But who knows that there is a different space in the Meteorite Mountain Range!

In that space, there is Void Meteorite!

By mistake, I merged with Void Meteoron Financial, and it took only ten thousand years to completely merge Void Meteorite Gold!

Now that I have come back from life, when I return to the Blood Moon Region, the Thunder Dragon that shrinks from the Central State Region must pay the price!


The Void True Dragon looked at Su Zhan: “Before that, I will eat you first!”

As soon as the voice fell, the law of space around the Void True Dragon body fluctuated.

A flash, unexpectedly appeared less than ten meters in front of Su Zhan!

“Since there is no talk, then don’t talk about it!”

The killing intent burst into Xi Yunze’s eyes, and the wind spirit sword and cloud punishment sword burst into bright light at the same time, and the whole person turned into a Sword Ray and shot out!

And Su Zhan did not hesitate to erupt the Sun Moon Star Innate Five Elements chaotic body!

A vision of heaven and earth emerges!

The blood of the demon god, the one hundred and eight divine veins, the body of Star… all the power burst out!

A little starlight flew from the center of the eyebrows, and the Dahi Star sword appeared.

“Master, you finally let me out again!”

Dahi Star Sword and Sword Spirit was very excited: “What are we going to do this time!”

Su Zhan has five fingers, holding the hilt of the Da Ri Star sword, his left eye pupil is like a golden sun, and his right eye pupil turns into a full moon.

The mysterious rune of Innate Avenue appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the shadow of the Primordial Demon God loomed behind him.

He took a deep breath.

“Slash the dragon!”

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