Chapter 783: Return of the blood to the ancestors, the real dragon and the snake!


The body turned into an electric light and disappeared. Not long after, Su Zhan came to a large clearing on the mountainside.

His gaze fell on the little white flood that exuded extremely strong Monster Qi, and his eyes shone slightly.

“Brother Su”

Liu Fei was also watching this scene, and when he saw Su Zhan approaching, he quickly said, “That Bufan, the bloodline of the White Dragon, has extremely high energy conversion to the flesh and blood of Demonic Beasts!

After swallowing those two hundred catties of fire Qilin meat, Cultivation Base skyrocketed. Today is the third calamity! ”

Tianxue Wolf King was also envious at the side: “Xiaobai Dage is amazing!”

Su Zhan glanced at him in surprise: “Aren’t you monsters who are great, Dage?

You also call him Dage? ”

“Of course, Xiaobai Dage has a strong bloodline, and he will definitely exist like a real dragon in the future. Besides, following the master, you…It doesn’t make any difference whether Xiaobai and I are stronger or weaker.

I can’t beat Master you anyway…”

“Unexpectedly, your brain is better than Liu Fei. By the way, if there is nothing to do in the future, you should use the original form!

I always feel a little awkward in your form. ”


A white light flashed on the Tianxue Wolf King, who looked like a young man, and turned into a giant white wolf three hundred meters long.

Liu Fei was depressed when he heard it, but he didn’t dare to refute it.


Suddenly there was a sound of rolling thunder in the sky.

A huge robbery cloud formed, and the first sky thunder fell!


Xiaobai roared into the sky, and directly tore the sky thunder with a single claw!

But as the sky thunder continued to fall.

In the back, it basically relied on the physical body to resist.

Su Zhan frowned slightly as he watched Xiaobai’s skin ripped apart by those sky thunders.

With his current strength, if he wanted to help Xiaobai resist these thunders, of course it would be easy.

However, in that case, Xiaobai is considered to have failed Transcends Tribulation.

One’s own power cannot break through that barrier.

Therefore, although he has the ability to help, he can only watch from the sidelines.

Of course, if Xiao Bai couldn’t bear it and was really going to be killed by the thunder, then he would still have to take action.

In this way, about an hour passed.

The sky robbed the thunder and dispersed.

A beam of Heavenly Dao light descends!

Under the shining beam of Heavenly Dao, those injuries on Xiao Bai’s body quickly recovered!

After a while, a dragon chant sounded!

Xiaobai’s body length has grown to more than fifty meters, and two small white horns have grown on his head.

There was a flash of light on the back, and a pair of light wings appeared!

With that pair of light wings, Xiao Bai’s speed is extremely fast, even more than half of the Five Tribulations Deva!

Fly fast in the sky!

“The long horns should be due to the blood of the real dragon. What is the pair of light wings?”

Su Zhan asked Liu Fei curiously.

Liu Fei was full of excitement: “Sure enough, I guessed it right!

Brother Su, this Jiao is not a Jiao at all!

If I read correctly, the power of blood in his body should be composed of real dragons and snakes! ”


“The snake is a fierce beast that has appeared in the peak of the spiritual world. It has competed with the real dragon for the supreme position of the monster race!

However, legend has it that the nympho clan has long been extinct, and there is no blood moon domain, but I don’t know why this Xiaobai has the nympho’s blood.

Could it be that the blood goes back to the ancestors? ”

Liu Fei thought for a moment: “It’s quite possible. Maybe Xiaobai was born of a dragon, but that dragon itself contains extremely weak blood of a true dragon, a snake.

In the generation of Xiaobai, the power of these two bloodlines returned to the ancestors and exploded to the extreme, but instead covered his own dragon bloodline, so I couldn’t see the kind of dragon beast in the first place! ”

“The blood of the snake, the blood of the true dragon…”

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on Xiaobai, his heart moved, and he asked: “Then can you tell, what is the limit of Xiaobai’s bloodline power?”

“I can’t see this, but Brother Su, Xiaobai swallows Demonic Beasts. The energy conversion is extremely high. In other words, he doesn’t need to cultivate much. He only needs to swallow other Demonic Beasts to increase the Cultivation Base very quickly!”

“Is that right?”

Su Zhan suddenly looked at the Heavenly Snow Wolf King on the side.

The Sky Snow Wolf King didn’t know why, a horrible feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and his body trembled.

“Liu Fei, like the Sky Snow Wolf King, can Xiao Bai break into the fourth calamity if he eats it?”


Liu Fei also froze for a moment, apparently he didn’t expect Su Zhan to ask that. Feeling the threatening look in the Sky Snow Wolf King, he smiled helplessly: “How can it be so fast.”

If only one Demonic Beasts can be broken, Xiao Bai will soon be invincible.

I mean that Xiaobai can use the energy of Demonic Beasts Flesh Monster core to quickly Ascension Cultivation Base, it’s not so outrageous…”


Su Zhan looked at Tianxue Wolf King with some regret.

The Tianxue Wolf King’s body trembled again, and he felt a bit wronged.

Everyone is a spiritual pet, why do I live like a spare ration?



At this moment, Xiao Bai also fell in front of Su Zhan, the pair of light wings were in his body, and the huge heads licked towards Su Zhan.

“The fire of King Qilin, is there any more?”

Xiaobai hoped.

Su Zhan said: “Let me go to the Supreme Heavenly Sect this time. If I’m still satisfied along the way, you can eat more for the Deva banquet when you come back.”

“Yes, master!”

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly.

Next, Su Zhan tried to ride Xiao Bai, and after experiencing it, he returned to the top of the mountain, Immortal Cave.

On the second day, he drove Xiaobai into the third floor of the Tianshu Building. He wanted to see the second brother crossing the eighth calamity of Deva. By the way, he went to Taishang Tianzong with him, and breakthrough Deva with the help of the power of ascending the sky and the sea!

The result was unexpected.

As soon as I entered the three-story building, I saw the thick Heavenly Dao beam of light slowly dissipating.

“Second brother, has Transcends Tribulation completed?”

Su Zhan felt a little regretful. He took Xiaobai into the cave, and followed the rules of not being able to escape from the sky on the three-story building, and quickly swept across the ground.

Soon, he reached the place where the Heavenly Dao beam of light dissipated.

It is an open space in a dojo.

Xu Tianyue and the other Deva in Tianshulou were also there, and when Su Zhan came over, they all smiled and said hello.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao beam of light completely dissipated.

Xi Yunze came over.

“Second Senior Brother is indeed a peerless genius once in a hundred thousand years in the Zhongzhou region! He has become the Great Sword Master of Eight Tribulations in less than five thousand years!”

“Eight Tribulations Deva, this is second only to the existence of the Martial Dao myth!”

“Second brother, Cultivation Base, outside of the three major domains, can almost dominate one domain at will!

Even in the Central Region, all the forces, both open and secret, add up, and the Eight Tribulations Deva will never exceed fifty!

The second brother is already a truly peerless powerhouse! ”

“The second senior brother, Transcends Tribulation, directly used the power of swordsmanship to cut through the thunder. It is really unparalleled, like a sword immortal!”

Seeing Xi Yunze coming over, those three-story Deva hurriedly congratulated.

Su Zhan also cupped hands and said: “Second Brother is really amazing. I also planned to come and see you how Transcends Tribulation is coming. I didn’t expect that Second Brother is over.”

“Hey, Speaking of Junior Brother Su, this is also thanks to your two volumes of Sword Technique.”

Thinking of something, Xi Yunze smiled and said: “My cultivation is kendo. The Cultivation Base has actually reached the peak of the Seven Tribulations a long time ago, but it has been almost a chance.

Insight your two scrolls of Sword Technique, gave me a new understanding of swordsmanship, so I can break through the eight calamities in one fell swoop!

By the way, Junior Brother Su, how is your Insight in my Fengyun Kendo?

With your talent, you should have already started the first layer in eight days, right? ”

After just finished speaking, thinking of Su Zhan’s perverted talent, Xi Yunze slapped his head again: “I think too much.

Although Fengyun Swordsmanship is very difficult to insight, Junior Brother Su, you are not me. In eight days, it may have been small!

What door to enter hahaha—”

Su Zhan shook his head and said, “Second Brother, I have reached the top.”

“What, what?!”

The smile on Xi Yunze’s face suddenly froze, and he said in disbelief: “My Fengyun Swordsmanship, even the first level of the Saint King stage, is definitely a Sword Technique that is hard to cultivate in the Central Region!

Did you reach the top in only eight days?

How is this possible! ”

“It’s really not eight days.”

Hearing this, Xi Yunze breathed a sigh of relief and smiled back: “Let me just say it!

How difficult is the kendo that I developed myself, I don’t know yet?

I almost really believed it just now, it turned out that Junior Brother, you were playing—”

“It’s three days.”

As Su Zhan’s voice sounded again, Xi Yunze’s voice stopped abruptly, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Su Zhan in disbelief.

The whole person is dumbfounded!

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