Chapter 812: That Sword Technique, was not practiced at all! (Third more)

“Understand, understand!”

Xiaobai’s body shuddered, and quickly accelerated, following Xi Yunze and flying away.

“There is Su Zhan in the Tianshu Tower, and he will surely soar into the sky in the future!”

Yang Yin watched Su Zhan away, exclaiming.

Immediately, he turned his head and glanced at the Deva Elder: “From now on, we can’t regard the Tianshulou as a first-class Sect.

If there are any disputes, let them be more generous.

If they need help, we must also help. ”

Hearing these words, those Deva Elder were stunned at first, and then nodded seriously.

Tianshulou is a top-notch force.

But now, Su Zhan is here.

The potential of the bookstore that day was higher than the seven superpowers!

Even, don’t lose to them Taishang Tianzong and Zhongzhou Tianzong!

With Su’s talent, Tianshulou is afraid that it will become the third most powerful force in the Zhongzhou region within a hundred years.

Stand with the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty, the Supreme Heavenly Sect!

A future supreme power is naturally worthy of their friendship.

“It’s a pity, Su Zhan is not a member of our Heavenly Sect!”

An Elder sighed.

“Although he is not a member of our Tianzong, as long as he is a human race, in the future he will become stronger, and we will definitely benefit!”

An Elder expected.


Another Elder, thinking of something, patted his forehead and said: “Ma Xiaoda Elder didn’t mean that he will hold a grand banquet after he has cultivated the Heaven Slashing Sword. Wouldn’t Su Zhan and the whole family have dinner?

How did we forget about this! ”

“Or, I’ll go back to Su Zhan now?”

“no need.”

Yang Yin shook his head: “This little thing is not necessary, and the swordsmanship of fellow daoist Xiaosu…

Although he did not have any adverse reactions, I always feel a little weird.

To be on the safe side, before Ma Xiao Elder trains, if you have rubbed the cheats, please don’t spread it to the outside world. ”


The two Elders who possessed the secrets of Swordsmanship nodded their heads.

“Also, regarding Su Zhan’s talent, don’t spread it.”

Yang Yin looked down, “This kind of heaven-defying talent, if you let some unruly people know, I’m afraid that you will have to deal with Xiaosu fellow daoist at all costs!”

“Retired elder don’t worry, we still understand these things!”

All the Deva Elder present clapped their chests and nodded.

“All right”

Yang Yin’s expression relaxed a little, and he smiled: “Ma Xiao Elder was originally a great swordsman, and he cultivated the transparent swordsmanship known as the cornerstone of Ten Thousand Swords by the ancient first Heavenly Dao Sect.

Comprehend other kendo very quickly!

Adding his Cultivation Base, after calculating, it is almost necessary to get started with that sky-slashing sword technique.

Since nothing is going on right now, I happen to have some free time, so let’s go and have a look! ”

“Yes, retired elder!”

“Although I don’t have that volume of Sword Technique cheats, I have heard about Su Zhan’s creation of the Sword Technique to cut the sky with a single sword. This time I have to take a good look!”

“If Ma Xiao and Elder get started successfully, then I must ask him to help and print a copy of my cultivation!”

Each and every Deva Elder was looking forward to it, and followed Yang Yin towards the mountain where Ma Xiao Immortal Cave was located.

It didn’t take long.

They came to the sky in front of a thousand-meter high mountain peak.

Yang Yin stretched out his hand and directly took a large white cloud as a platform.

Waved again, throwing out several tables and chairs.

Chat with those Deva Elder leisurely wine tasting and wait for Ma Xiao to get started with Swordsmanship.

The other Elders were also very excited.

After all, the opportunity to drink with retired elder is very rare.

That is to say, this time, the sky-cutting swordsmanship attracted too much attention to him, so he would be willing to waste some time here, and also carefully look at the mysteriousness of this swordsmanship.

One day later.

Just when Yang Yin waited until he was a little impatient and was about to leave.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth around that mountain suddenly rioted!

This is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the laws of heaven and earth around that mountain peak appeared!

The force of the law surged towards that mountain!


There was a muffled thunderous sound between heaven and earth!

On the clouds, everyone’s eyes are condensed!

“Moving the law of heaven and earth!”

“Ma Xiao Elder deserves to be the Great Sword Saint of the Eight Tribulations, and he actually arouses so many laws of power!”

“It is said that Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship relies on the power of law to infuse oneself, merge with own’s many powers, and then burst out in an instant!”

“Ma Xiao, Elder’s law of fusion is definitely more powerful than Su Zhan’s back then!

The power of this sword will be even stronger! ”

“Unexpectedly, Ma Xiao Elder really got into the sky-cutting swordsmanship so soon!”

“I look forward to the power of Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship. When Ma Xiao Elder comes out, I must ask him for advice!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Just when everyone is looking forward to it.


At the top of that mountain, there was a loud noise!

Immediately afterwards, a shock wave visible to the naked eye sent the entire Immortal Cave, along with trees and rocks in a radius of ten miles!

All are equalized!

This is not over yet.

The shock wave continued to hit the surrounding sky.

Distorted the space of that large area of ​​sky shockingly!

Those Elders who had never seen Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship were shocked!

“Is this the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique! It is really powerful!”

“Qiang is indeed very strong, but how does this Heaven Slashing Sword Art form a ring-shaped sword?

In this way, wouldn’t it be easy to hurt the innocent? ”

“That’s right! Heaven-slashing swordsmanship is very curious, look at Ma Xiao’s Elder sword, even his own Immortal Cave has been destroyed!”

“This, this may be because he was too happy to cultivate the Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship, so excited for a while!”

Elder, who had never seen Heaven Swordsmanship, began to guess.

As for possessing the secret book of Heaven Swordsmanship, I have also seen the two Elders of Heaven Swordsmanship.

Ma, Elder, what the hell is this?

Why did you kill yourself Immortal Cave? ? ?

Yang Yin also had some doubts.

When I was about to check it out, I suddenly saw Ma Xiao, Elder flying towards this side from the ruins, and the body that had just gotten up sat back again.

“Retired elder!”

At this time, Ma Xiao was ragged, with unruly hair, and half of his pants exposed. After seeing Yang Yin and the others, he rushed over.

“That, that Sword Technique——”

“The Sword Technique is very strong!”

An Elder answered: “Ma Xiao, Elder, you have just demonstrated, it is too strong!”

“No, it’s not!”

Ma Xiao glared at the Elder, stuttering: “My intention, that means, that, that sword, Sword Technique——”

The Elder saw Ma Xiao anxiously unable to tell, and asked quickly: “Ma Elder wanted to say that the Sword Technique is too powerful?

That you are so excited that you slashed yourself Immortal Cave to celebrate?

By the way, Ma Elder, you are so excited, why are you like this!

You still want to invite our whole family to dinner—”


Ma Xiao couldn’t bear it, a big ear scraper fanned the talkative Deva Elder tens of meters away, and said angrily: “I invite you, uncle!

Also invite the whole family to eat…

What’s special is that Ma Xiao has a body treasure refining in the body, protecting the heart!

Otherwise, let alone the people of the whole family, it is estimated that the people in this world will come to Tianzong to eat my Ma Xiao’s funeral meal! ”

After speaking, Ma Xiao turned to Yang Yin with a puzzled look, and after thinking about what he had just encountered before, he trembled and cried:

“Retired elder, I was miserable by Su Zhan!

That extraordinary swordsmanship!

It’s not human practice at all! ! ! ”

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