Chapter 818 Nine True Spirits, True Dragons!


With Su Zhan running the Cultivation Technique, Spiritual Qi in a radius of tens of miles is surging wildly!

Form a Spiritual Qi vortex that is invisible to the naked eye!

Infinite World Spiritual Qi madly infused his physical body, transformed into Saint Yuan, and hit the fifth layer of Qian Tian Yang Shen Zhen’s Secret Art!

Qian Tianyang Shen’s True Art, this Cultivation Technique is definitely the strongest Cultivation Technique Su Zhan has ever seen!

In fact, this Cultivation Technique is also indispensable for the reason why he can easily cross the ranks to fight!

It is precisely because of the cultivation of the Qiantianyang God Real Art that his Saint Yuan is so much stronger than the average cultivator that he can counteract the supreme existence positively.

The Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen Jue is divided into seven layers.

At the beginning, his Yuandan realm was only the first level of cultivation.

Now that he has become Deva, he can cultivate the fifth level.

According to the introduction of Qian Tian Yang Shen Zhen Jue, cultivation to the fifth level can inspire Qian Tian Realm!


With these in mind, Su Zhan began to cultivate more seriously.

Three days later.

At the top of Koizumi Peak, the long-lasting Spiritual Qi vortex suddenly disappeared.

And in the courtyard below.

Su Zhan also opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes!


Suddenly, the kendo technique appeared!

That Deva Realm spread out around thirty miles!

Suddenly, the power of swordsmanship in the thirty-mile area was suppressed, and, in this Realm battle, Su Zhan’s strength was also strengthened.

Of course, this is just the most common Deva Realm.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan urged the fifth floor of the Qian Tianyang God True Art.

Dry days Realm excites!


The Realm of thirty li suddenly skyrocketed to a hundred li!

It’s not just scope expansion.

More importantly, there is a trace of Heavenly Dao will in that force of suppression!

More than ten times stronger than the previous suppression!

Moreover, in this Baili area, Su Zhan Shengnian was released, and it was possible to investigate the situation more clearly!

“Qiantian Realm, unexpectedly expanded the scope of my Realm by three times, and the suppression force soared tenfold!

The work has not been in vain these days! ”

Feeling the power of Qiantian Realm, Su Zhan murmured with a smile on his face.

But immediately, he thought of something, and he was contemplative again.

The true secret of Qiantianyang God was given to me by Lin Feiyu.

There are seven floors in total.

But now I am already Deva, and I have only cultivated to the fifth level.

And the content of the fifth layer also stated that one must reach the Nine Tribulations Deva in order to cultivate the sixth layer.

Nine Tribulations Deva can cultivate the sixth layer… what kind of existence is the seventh layer for?


I remember Lin Feiyu said that these seven-layer Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen tactics are nothing more than scraps!

In other words, the content behind the Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen tactic is completely beyond the scope of the cultivation world I know!

True immortals, true gods, or other higher beings?

Lin Feiyu…Who is she, who can actually give me a Cultivation Technique that surpasses everyone’s cognition and cultivation Realm?

Above the spiritual world, what exactly is it?

A series of questions surfaced in Su Zhan’s heart.

He thought about Meditation for a few minutes, and found that he couldn’t think of any idea, so he shook his head and gave up.

“Forget it, when the affairs of the battlefield of the gods and demons are finished, I will return to the Eastern Wasteland domain to pick up Tang Liuxue and Su Zhaoyue.

At that time, you can also ask that Lin senior by the way.

Presumably everything will have an answer! ”

Muttering in his mouth, Su Zhan put away the Qiantian Realm, Faze Tianxiang returned to the Purple Mansion and waved his sleeves.

Thirty drops of golden true dragon spirit blood suspended in front of him!

Exuding infinite power!

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan closed his eyes slightly, and began to flip through the real spirit nine that existed in his mind, the poor little Phoenix who had been waiting for Li Ping’s millions of years to give him.

There are nine cultivation methods for the true spirit.

Each is different.

And what he wants to cultivate at this time is the True Dragon Transformation, one of the nine cultivation methods!

Full Insight for an hour.

Su Zhan knew that he had almost mastered it, and then he began to take the first drop of true dragon spirit blood and swallow it, and then operated the sacred essence according to the Cultivation Technique of the nine true dragon changes, refining the dragon blood in a special way. In some special places.

Since it was not pure refining, this drop of spiritual blood also took Su Zhan nearly half an hour.

Moreover, after the refining was completed, he did not immediately refining the next drop.

But continue to let Shengyuan operate according to the operation route of True Dragon Transformation.

He even got up and punched in the courtyard.

This is also an important item specially marked in the Nine Changes of True Spirit.

After refining the dragon blood, it is necessary to do this, so that the dragon blood can be completely integrated into the muscle cells and bone marrow to be successful!

About another half hour passed.

Su Zhan only continued to refine the second drop.

Next is the third drop.

The fourth drop.

The fifth drop.

Going to the back, because of the particularity of the true dragon transformation Cultivation Technique, the fusion of refining and chemistry becomes more difficult.

Two full days in the past!

Su Zhan refined the nineteenth drop of spirit blood!


The nearby space trembles suddenly!

A real dragon ghost appeared on Su Zhan’s body!

The real dragon has become!

I feel that I can transform into a real dragon at any time and get a powerful increase in power.

Su Zhan smiled all over his face.

But cultivation into a return to cultivation into.

He didn’t mean to stop just like that.

Now that there are eleven drops of true dragon spirit blood left, it’s better to refine them all.

After all, the true dragon transformation must be the stronger the bloodline, the greater the power.

Just when he thought so in his heart.

In my mind, a long-lost mechanical voice suddenly sounded!

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