Chapter 824 Sword Nine·Zhenshanhe! (First more)

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was quiet.

Deva of those forces looked at Su Zhan incredibly.

Even Cao Zhen who initiated the challenge was taken aback.

Obviously he did not expect that Su Zhan would actually dare to take up his challenge!

But… this is good too!

It just happened to be sick in my heart!

Cao Zhen sneered. He slid up on the stone platform with his hands on his back. He was a peerless master. He said lightly: “Su fellow daoist, I was just talking for fun, I didn’t expect you to agree.

But since you really have the guts, come on stage.

Let me also take a look at Cao Zhen, where do you dare to be so arrogant? ! ”

“I didn’t expect me to agree, so what did you say?”

Su Zhan looked at Cao Zhen like a fool: “Is it possible that you have a problem with your brain?”

Do you speak for yourself? ”


Cao Zhen was annoyed: “Come up if you have a seed!”


Su Zhan stepped lightly and came to the stone platform.

“I came up, then what?”

Cao Zhen glanced at Xi Yunze and Xu Tianyue and the others behind Su Zhan. Although he was a little surprised, he was relieved when he saw their unobstructed actions.

Since Xi Yunze and the others didn’t take action, isn’t that small devastation Deva free to teach him?

He is not the only one who has such thoughts.

The Deva of those other forces had recovered at this time, and all of them looked at Su Zhan who stood on the stone platform in a puzzled manner, standing opposite Cao Zhen.

“This Su Zhan… is he a fool?

Actually really agreed? ”

“One kalpa Deva fights supreme… this is too weird.”

“The old man has lived for more than 7,000 years. It’s really the first time I have seen you in such an outrageous battle!”

“Even if Su Zhan is a fool, the second gentleman of Tianshulou, the original poster, why don’t they stop Su Zhan?

Could it be said that Su Zhan really has the means to counter the Supreme? ”

“No, no! It’s impossible!”

Xu Que, the mountain owner of Cathode Mountain, patted his chest and said: “The old man guarantees with his reputation that in this world, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to defeat the supreme in a catastrophe Deva!

It is absolutely impossible! ”

“Then Su Zhan is asking for his own demise?”

“I have no idea then.”

Seeing the two fighting against each other from above, whispers sounded from below.

Most of them are not optimistic about Su Zhan.

And this time.

On the stone platform.

Cao Zhen let out a cold snort, and the supreme coercion unabashedly broke out!


A hundred-meter-long flame giant sword phantom appeared behind him!

That is his law of heaven!

The law of fire attributes, the law of kendo, the law of sharpness, the law of strength, the law of the four laws of heaven!

As soon as that rule of the sky appeared, Su Zhan felt a heat wave suppressed from above!

“Su fellow daoist, you and I are not dead enemies, and I don’t mean to kill you.

As long as you bow your head and admit a mistake, the matter will pass, what do you think? ”

While talking, Cao Zhen’s Deva Realm suddenly shrank, shrinking to a radius of one mile!

And the force of suppressing the law like a heat wave is even more condensed and tyrannical!

“Well, it feels uncomfortable to be suppressed by the law that I have refined twice?

To be honest, as a supreme, I don’t even need a sword to deal with you!

Just rely on the power of the law to suppress, you will have no power to fight back! ”

“You seem to have really gotten into your head.”

Su Zhan cast a look in his eyes that cared for the mentally retarded: “You have a law of heaven, don’t I have it?”

After speaking, the swordsmanship in Zifu suddenly flew out!

Compared to Cao Zhen’s hundred-meter flame giant sword, Su Zhan’s three-meter-sized magic image looked a bit insignificant.

But the ultimate kendo power exuded is almost the same!

Cao Zhen’s gaze fell on Su Zhan’s face, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed.


It turns out that the legendary genius only condenses a single law of law!

I dare to do this–how is this possible! ”

Before I finished speaking, I saw another Faxiang burst out of Su Zhanzi Mansion, floating in the sky!

Cao Zhen exclaimed, his eyes widened.

This is just the beginning.


The law of destruction appears in the sky.

The law of chaos appears.

The law of power, the law of hurricanes, the law of lightning…

When a total of forty-three laws of heaven appear.

In the entire square, all Deva below the supreme felt a tremendous pressure!

Every Deva showed horrified eyes!

“Forty-three Dharma images! My God!”

“I’m not mistaken, right? Isn’t a person only able to gather one Dharma image?!”

“I saw it too!”

“Damn! Su Zhan is too outrageous!”

“No wonder, no wonder he dared to accept Cao Zhen’s challenge. It turns out that he has a special forty-three dharma statues!!!”

“But, having said that, if there are many elements of the law, there are many elements of the law, and all of them are manifested. On the contrary, the power of the individual elements will be weakened?

Moreover, even if he has so many aspects, I still don’t like him.

After all, the gap between the newcomer Deva and the veteran supremacy like Cao Zhen… is too big! ”

“That’s true too! But anyway, we can see Su Zhan’s chance of victory. It’s better than there is no chance of winning before!”

One by one Deva was shocked.

Even Zhongzhou City King Xinyi’s eyes widened and a wry smile: “I knew this kid was so outrageous, then I should take him to meet the emperor!

Won it to our celestial camp! ”

“Hey, King City Lord, your heavenly court wants to win, but it’s too late!”

Lin Qi sat beside Wang Xin’s clothes.

At this time, he has no hatred for Su Zhan, but a little admiration, and said with a smile: “Moreover.

Brother Su’s heaven-defying is not just that there are many methods! ”


Wang Xinyi’s heart moved: “What do you mean is that Cao Zhen can’t beat Su Zhan?”

“Can’t beat Su Zhan…”

Lin Qi smiled: “He can take Brother Su’s sword and is safe and sound, so Lin Qi admires him!”


Wang Xinyi’s expression changed abruptly: “The Six Tribulations Supreme can’t take the Deva a sword? I don’t believe it!”

“If you don’t believe me, just wait and see!”

Lin Qi was not angry either, hehe smiled.

at this time.

On the stone platform, the somewhat dumbfounded Cao Zhen also recovered, and said in a deep voice, “Although I don’t know how you did it.

But, you don’t think that more Dharma can scare me, do you?

I’m the supreme Cao Zhentang, what big storms and waves haven’t you seen?

I am not scared! ”

As he said, Cao Zhen flipped his palm and took out a four-finger wide sword, coldly said: “I’m going to make a sword, you regret it now, it’s still too late!”

Su Zhan let out a sigh of relief: “You are finally going to play the sword. I thought you would only say some useless nonsense.”


Cao Zhen was furious, and smiled back and said: “Good! Good! Good!

Then let you see the power that belongs to the Supreme Deva!

Jian Jiu·Zhenshanhe! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Cao Jian cut out with a single sword!


The power of the law of heaven and earth in the front suddenly converges!

Forming mountains and rivers!

Those mountains and rivers were engulfed by an extremely strong Sword intent, as if the whole world had been overturned, and smashed to Su Zhan abruptly!

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