Chapter 827 I will be stronger than him! (First more)

“no problem!”

Cao Zhen waved his big hand and said proudly: “Wait for me to cultivate into Heavenly Swordsmanship, I will definitely entertain guests from all over the world and hold a grand banquet!”

When other people heard this, they were full of envy.

Some even hesitated.

Do you want to spend 100 billion sacred stones to buy Heaven Swordsmanship?

However, 100 billion sacred stones are too much for them, and Sect resources are needed, so they can’t make up their minds one by one.

Wang Xinyi, the lord of Zhongzhou City, suddenly got up.

“Lord King, you don’t want to buy Heaven Slashing Sword Art, do you?”

Lin Qi said with a weird expression.

Wang Xinyi sat down again: “Why, can’t it?

Although I can’t produce 100 billion sacred stones.

But this kind of Sword Technique is of great benefit to the Heavenly Dynasty. I can certainly apply for the allocation of 100 billion sacred stones to buy me the Sword Technique! ”

“It’s not a matter of holy stones, King City Lord, you are less than ten thousand years old, why can’t you think about it?”

“What does this mean?”

Lin Qi smiled and said, “Do you think the original poster Xu is joking?”


Wang Xinyi’s voice was a little quieter: “Could it be that cultivation swordsmanship really explodes?”

Lin Qi hesitated, thinking that Tianchao and Tianzong were originally dependent on each other, he still opened his mouth and said: “I can tell you, but you must not spread it!”

“Lin Daozi, please say, I must be tight-lipped!”

“It’s true that there is an Eight Tribulations Supreme in the Tianzong who cultivated Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship, and was almost killed!

If you think you are better than the Eight Tribulations Deva, you can try it!

Otherwise, forget it! ”


Wang Xinyi suddenly opened his eyes.

Wiping cold sweat on his forehead: “This Sword Technique is suicide Sword Technique???”

“It’s not for Su Zhan, for those of us…it is.”

Lin Qi also looked helpless: “His talented physique is too outrageous!

Can actually forcibly swallow the vitality of the world and the laws of the world!

Use the flesh as a container, without losing control at all!

This point, other people, even if it is a Martial Dao myth, can hardly be done! ”

“Su Zhan…really outrageous!”

Wang Xinyi sighed.

Next, the banquet continued.

During this period, Su Zhan also preached on stage.

I didn’t say a few words.

Xu Tianyue found out that he was talking about the operation of the Sword of Heaven, so his face turned pale in fright, and quickly pulled him off.


If this lets you finish it all.

All of us Deva swordsmanship in the cultivation world of Zhongzhou region has finished!

To this.

Although Su Zhan was a little unhappy, he didn’t say much.

Continue to eat.

The banquet lasted for three hours.

Of course, Su Zhan did not go up to preach.

Instead, Mr. 2 Xi Yunze and Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, replaced him.

Three hours passed.

The banquet broke up.

A famous Deva said goodbye to Su Zhan.

After sending those people away.

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on Wang Xinyi and Lin Qi who deliberately waited until the end.

Lin Qi also came over quickly, and cupped hands said in a salute: “Lin Qi sees Brother Su.”

“How is your injury?”

“Senior Brother Tosu’s blessing, most of it has been healed!”

Lin Qiman is sincere: “Brother Su’s appearance as a real fairy today is unparalleled in the world!

This time, I also voluntarily asked to come over to represent Tianzong.

Similarly, on behalf of myself, I apologize to Brother Su!

The previous me…I was burnt with jealousy to destroy my mind, and only then did I commit a villain to frame Brother Su for colluding with the demons!

Hopefully, Brother Su forgive me! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “That incident has passed, so there is no need to mention it again.”

“Thank you Brother Su for your generosity, Lin Qi will leave now. If Senior Brother Su comes to Tianzong again, remember to find me!”

After speaking, Lin Qi respectfully bowed and left.

And Wang Xinyi came over with a smile, “Su Zhan, I didn’t expect to see you for a month or two, you can defeat the supreme!”

“I work so hard, it’s normal to beat the Supreme.”

“hard working……”

The corners of Wang Xinyi’s mouth twitched.

Can Deva defeat the Supreme by hard work?

Besides, where are you working hard?

Where did you work?

How do I feel that you are not as hard as an old man of mine cultivation?

With slander in his heart, Wang Xinyi didn’t want to stay on this topic any more, and replied: “Su Zhan, I have reported the matter of your last condensing the Shadow of the Law of Destruction.

When His Majesty leaves the customs and knows your existence, he will definitely attach great importance to you!

Although there are 34 princes under His Majesty’s knees, there is no true disciple of the peerless Tianjiao!

If you have a chance to meet the emperor by then, you must be respectful and restrained!

In this way, it is possible to become the emperor’s personal biography! ”

Su Zhan was taken aback: “Why should I become the emperor’s personal biography?”

Wang Xinyi rolled his eyes: “Nonsense, who doesn’t want to be the emperor’s personal biography?

You know, the Great Emperor of Zhongzhou, but the strongest among the five myths of Zhongzhou Region, has the appearance of the Void Sword Emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago!

In the future, maybe he will become a super mythical figure who suppresses an era!

Don’t you want to be a disciple of a strong man who suppresses an era? ”


Su Zhan shook his head: “I want to become that strong.”

This statement came out.

Wang Xinyi was taken aback.

The others were also suddenly shocked, and there was a strange color in their eyes when they looked at Su Zhan.

Frozen for a while.

Wang Xinyi laughed: “Good, good!

The old man still has about 6,000 years of life, and I don’t know if I can see the day when you become a strong man in the suppression of an era!

But I will bless you!

Su Zhan, I am here only to represent the attitude of the celestial dynasty.

The Heavenly Dynasty does not want to be an enemy of you, and wants to make friends with you. From now on, if there is a chance, the Heavenly Dynasty will send someone over.

Today, I will leave first! ”

After speaking, Wang Xinyi stepped on the white clouds and walked away.

“Little Junior Brother…so bold!”

Xi Yunze patted Su Zhan on the shoulder, his eyes full of longing: “Suppress an era, and sooner or later you will become a strong like the Wusheng Sword Emperor!”

The Unborn Sword Emperor?

The scumbag Li Pingan?

Su Zhan frowned slightly: “I won’t be him.

I will be stronger than him. ”

“Of course, how talented my junior brother is!”

Xi Yunze and others were all laughing.

Su Zhan shook his head slightly, and did not explain to them too much.

The reason why he must be stronger than the Wusheng Sword Emperor.

Because of.

Only in this way can he fulfill his promise to that poor little Phoenix.

Beat the Wusheng Sword Emperor fiercely!

Of course, even if millions of years have passed, even if it really goes to a higher plane, whether the Wusheng Sword Emperor will still be alive is still unknown.

Everything is unknown.

With these in mind, Su Zhan returned to Xiaoquan Peak after chatting with Xi Yunze for a while.

Night fell.

Su Zhangang was about to go to bed.

Suddenly, sensing something, he flipped his palm and took out a jade leaf.

This was given to him by Tianzong Taishang Yangyin at the time, saying that it would be transmitted to him through this leaf at that time.

At this time, a little light was already shining on the originally dim jade leaf.

Su Zhan Shengyuan poured jade leaves.

The next moment, Yuye burst into pieces with a “bang”!

A light and shadow turned into the image of Yang Yin, and he said: “Su Zhan, the battlefield of the gods and demons has been postponed for a while, and we are scheduled to leave in ten days.

You go to Zhongzhou Tianchao Capital City, report your name at the city gate, and someone will bring you to see me.

Then I will take you and nine other geniuses under three thousand years old to the battlefield of gods and demons! ”

The voice just fell.

The light and shadow dissipated.

There is only one place of jade powder left.

“Ten days later…”

Su Zhan muttered, suddenly!

A feeling of extreme danger was born in his heart, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

The star sword flew out instantly and fell into his hand.

Su Zhan suddenly turned around!

Looking at it, I didn’t know when, and opened the door of his room.

An old man standing at his door.

And this time.

The old man with white hair and white beard also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“I can walk quietly within ten meters of the Supreme without being noticed.

Now that I am still 13 meters away from you, you can actually detect it?

It seems that Xiaoshu is right, you guy…

It’s really strange! ”

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