Chapter 829 Rune Aura Unlocked!

Hear what Cui Tianshu said.

Qin Xiaoshu suddenly became stupid!

What is meant by “or just leave the teacher’s sect directly”?

Who vowed to accept only one disciple of me?

Who is so firm that I am the only heir?

Who said that my luck is immense and my future achievements are limitless?

This is so special!

What the hell is it now that lets me out of the sect? !

Master, won’t your conscience hurt if you do this? ? ?

Qin Xiaoshu felt extremely depressed and said, “Master, what are you talking about…”


Cui Tianshu was also a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said, “Little tree!

Although I let you out of my line, I didn’t say that I don’t care about you!

I know many mythological characters.

Tianzong Taishang Yangyin, should I introduce you to him as an apprentice?

Tianzong Sect Leader leaves Mo, although he has Lin Xuan and Lin Qi two peerless disciples of Tianjiao, but your talent is not lost to those two, it is not without a chance!

Otherwise, His Majesty the Great Emperor Zhongzhou, I have some friendship too!

Or the master of the ancient eternal kendo in the ancient realm, I can introduce to you!

But Su Zhan…”

Cui Tianshu didn’t say the rest.

But the meaning is obvious.

Compared with you, Xiaoshu, I want to accept Su Zhan as a disciple!

The corners of Qin Xiaoshu’s mouth twitched.

Never expected it!

This time I went out happily, and came back to see the younger brother.

As a result, Junior Brother saw it, but he was about to be expelled from the teacher’s door!

This is so special!

What is it called!

Depressed in his heart, he was a little unwilling to say: “Master, what have you found to make you look like this?”

Because Xu Tianyue didn’t tell Qin Xiaoshu of Su Zhan’s talent.

Therefore, Qin Xiaoshu now only knows that Su Zhan is very talented.

He didn’t know anything about other things, such as the bloodline of the demon god, the god bone and god eyes… when he was only seventeen years old.

After all, the last time he notified Xi Yunze of Da Mo, he just said in general that Su Zhan’s combat power is very strong and can be compared with Deva of the Five Tribulations.

Other things about Su Zhan’s talent, age, etc., were separately informed to Xi Yunze by the host Xu Tianyue.

It is precisely because I don’t know these.

He will be a little unwilling and puzzled.

If he knew Su Zhan’s true talent, he wouldn’t have so many doubts.

Because before that kind of outrageous talent, Cui Tianshu’s change of mind is not incomprehensible.


Cui Tianshu hesitated, wondering whether to tell Qin Xiaoshu of Su Zhan’s talent.

“Needless to say, thank you Cui senior for your kindness, but I won’t worship you as a teacher.”

Just when Cui Tianshu was hesitant and embarrassed, Su Zhan also spoke.


He is not rare at all for a mythical master.


After he became his teacher Cui Tianshu, Qin Xiaoshu was about to be expelled from his teacher.

This is something he never wants to see.

Therefore, he also refused very decisively.

“You don’t have to make choices so quickly.”

Cui Tianshu was unwilling to say: “Maybe you can think about it for a few more days, think about it?”

“Cui senior, don’t think about it.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Tianzong Taishang Yang Yin also wanted to accept me as the only personal disciple, but I also refused.

Now I prefer the unfettered, one-person life.

I don’t want to be a teacher.

What’s more, in the Eastern Wasteland domain, I actually already have a master. ”

“Then, that’s all right!”

Seeing Su Zhan so resolute, Cui Tianshu also nodded helplessly, glanced at Qin Xiaoshu, and sighed.

I always felt that before.

The young tree is very talented.

It’s perfect to be a descendant.

Can see Su Zhan today.

Why does this little tree become more mediocre as you look at it?


If I had known this, it would be better not to investigate and find it boring.

He sighed in his heart, thinking of something, Cui Tianshu looked at Su Zhan curiously: “I heard Xiaoshu say.

Your physical body, mental energy, kendo, and even chess are very powerful!

I don’t know, how is your Talisman and Taoism? ”

“Fu Dao, Dao Shu?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I haven’t touched it.”

“I haven’t touched…that’s just right!”

Cui Tianshu smiled: “Little friend Su, Thunder Bamboo Leaf can give you this day, but you still need to let me test the talent of runes.

If your rune talent is good, you can actually try to take this path.

Otherwise, is it a waste of talent? ”


Su Zhan suddenly remembered the magical charm that Su Zhaoyue gave him back then.

That kind of rune is extremely mysterious.

It can make the Five Tribulations Deva not even aware of the breath of a holy king!

If you can refine this kind of rune yourself, you can definitely get Ascension!

Su Zhan thought for a while, felt that he could just learn talisman, so he nodded and agreed.

And Cui Tianshu also flipped his palm and took out a blank talisman paper.

The talisman paper was hanging in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Cui Tianshu flicked his finger, and a fireball hit the surface of the talisman.

At the same time, Cui Tianshu pointed on the talisman paper.

A huge rune with a full radius of one foot appeared, then shrank rapidly and merged into the fireball.


That piece of white talisman paper gleamed!

A fireball-shaped rune appeared, and it fell down.

Cui Tianshu caught the magic talisman and said, “Do you understand?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I don’t understand.”

“It’s normal not to understand, because you haven’t touched it at all.

Now, I will tell you the basics of talismanism and see if you can have some understanding. ”

As he said, Cui Tianshu paused, and then said, “Little Friend Su, Fu Yushu, in fact, was originally a family.

Talisman, which is just a form of survival burst of magic.

For example, I used fireball just now.

A low-level spell.

To play directly, that is fireball.

But if, I will use rune to seal it in the rune paper, just like now!

That’s the talisman!

Put it this way, do you get it? ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Cui Tianshu flipped his palm and took out two volumes of Jade Slip and handed it to Su Zhan: “These two volumes of Jade Slip, one volume contains ten kinds of low-level Taoism with different attributes, including fireball.

One volume is a complete collection of low-level magic runes.

If you can comprehend any of these Taoisms within five days and make it into a magic talisman, I will give you three Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Leaves for free.

At the same time, I will teach you my experience of runes! ”

As he said, Cui Tianshu took out a stack of blank talisman papers and said, “You also take these talisman papers together.

A total of one hundred, if you have good rune skills.

Five days, one hundred portrayals, there should be one success. ”

Su Zhan took the blank talisman paper.

He didn’t speak much, he just sat down cross-legged, and stimulated the Dao Shu Jade Slip with his left hand, and looked at the Dao Shu light curtain.

The right hand activates the magic talisman Jade Slip to check the content of the magic talisman.

Two-pronged approach!

Just as he was immersed in it, the expected mechanical voice sounded.

“Ding! Complete the achievement task ‘Learning Magic Talisman for the First Time’ and unlock the new aura [Protagonist’s Talisman Aura]!”

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