Chapter 831 Thirty years is too long! (Fifth, ask for a bank note)

At this time, Cui Tianshu was completely confused.

Looking at the ten magical talisman hanging in the air, he gave birth to a dreamlike feeling, but felt that the whole world was a little unreal!

“Fake! It must be fake!

These ten magical charms must not have truly portrayed success!

I was wrong, it must be so! ”

Muttering in his mouth, Cui Tianshu stepped forward and took off the “Ice Arrow Talisman”, poured the Saint Yuan, and threw it in one direction!


That magic talisman actually turned into a one-meter-long ice bolt and shot it out!

Hit the special material wall of Su Zhan Immortal Cave and turned into a pile of ice scum!

“The Frost Arrow Talisman really became!”

Cui Tianshu was startled, and immediately, with a wave of his hand, he shot the nine magical charms towards the night sky above at the same time!


The fireball flew, blasted into the sky for a kilometer, burst into pieces, and then turned into a sky full of fireworks.

That is the fireball symbol!


The big sword condensed from the boulder shot into the sky hundreds of meters, fell weakly and hit the ground.

That is a stone sword talisman!


The wind blade flew upwards for thousands of meters before slowly dissipating into the night sky!

That is the wind blade talisman!

Dao Shu, shining in the sky!

After half a minute.

When everything stops.

There was also silence in this small courtyard.

Cui Tianshu still looked up at the sky, in a daze.

three minutes!

It was only three minutes before Su Zhan touched a talisman!

But he had already mastered all ten low-level Taoism!

Even, directly portray ten magical charms!

Success rate, 100%!

If Su Zhan is a master of runes, that’s nothing.

But as soon as I got in touch, I had a 100% success rate…

What kind of enchanting genius is this f*ck! ! !

Seeing those Dao skills annihilated, I remembered that I had worked hard day and night in order to master a Dao skill and to portray the magic talisman of success.

Going through hardships and obstacles!

And Su Zhan learns Taoism and portrays magical charms so easily!

Cui Tianshu suddenly had an urge to vomit blood!

He held his chest with his hand, staggered back a few steps, breathing heavily, and his face was full of depression.

This is so special!

Shop around and throw away, people are better than people… to be pissed off! ! !

Cui Tianshu was not the only one who was shocked.

Qin Xiaoshu, as the descendant of Cui Tianshu, although not majoring in talisman, of course he knew it well.

At this moment, everyone was stupid to see Su Zhan drew ten magic charms.

He stammered: “Su, Su Zhan, you, you, you!”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Su Zhan was puzzled.

“Why do you portray all ten Taoist magic charms!”

“It’s useless if I keep these rune papers without portraying it!”

Su Zhan looked at the foolish eyes: “Senior Brother Eleven, are you a little demented like Senior Brother Second!”

“Nonsense, who is demented!”

“Then why would you ask such a simple question?”


The corners of Qin Xiaoshu’s mouth twitched.

I was asking if it is useful for you to keep it?

I am asking you.

Why are you so perverted!

Before I took a few steps, you understood it all!

This kind of rune talent… is over, I, Qin Xiaoshu, will not be expelled from the division again, right?

Qin Xiaoshu glanced at Cui Tianshu anxiously.

Sure enough, at this time Cui Tianshu recovered from the blow, and looked at Su Zhan as if looking at a rare treasure, his eyes flashing!

Turning over the palm of his hand, he actually took out a jade plate engraved with dense runes!

“Su Xiaoyou, this is Yantian Pan!

It is a god handed down!

With our voyeurism, we can explore the luck and predict the good fortune and misfortune!

Moreover, it is also an extremely powerful fetish that integrates attack and kill, defense, and formation into one!

If you kneel down and worship me as your teacher now, I will pass it on to you immediately! ! ! ”

Handed down a fetish?

Kneel down to apprentice?

It’s like someone who hasn’t handed down a fetish!

Besides, my Da Ri Star sword can turn into a human being. Can you break the jade plate?

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan frowned and shook his head without hesitation: “Cui senior…Little Cui!

Didn’t you just say that you want to worship me as a teacher?

It’s better to give it to me as an apprenticeship. ”


Cui Tianshu flipped over his palm and quickly put away the Yantian Pan with an embarrassing look.

“Little Friend Su, it was just a joke, a joke…”

As he said, he took a step forward, put three Sky Thunder bamboo leaves into Su Zhan’s palm, and said with a smile: “Don’t take it seriously, don’t take it seriously.”

“You are a dignified Martial Dao myth, how can you joke casually?”


Cui Tianshu was extremely depressed, thinking of something, he flipped his palm, took out a golden charm, and put it into Su Zhan’s hand: “Little Friend Su.

This is Vajra not bad rune.

Heavenly Dao level rune!

Stimulating this talisman to stick on your body can greatly increase your physical defenses and show the body of ‘Vajra is not bad’ in a short time! ”

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the spirit talisman, felt the mysterious aura in it, and took it away without hesitation.

“Little Cui, although you gave me a magic talisman, but what you said just now—”

“Little Friend Su!”

Cui Tianshu was very embarrassed, so he interrupted and took out a magic talisman: “Little friend Su!

This is the delimiter!

The force that specializes in breaking all kinds of trapped formations, or the power of space restraint, has a great effect, and it is also a Heavenly Dao-level Fu Li! ”

Boundary Breaker!

This name sounds very powerful!

Su Zhan’s eyes lighted up, and he accepted it as usual.

“Little Friend Su.”

Cui Tianshu saw Su Zhan still opening his mouth, flipped his palm, and took out another magic talisman: “This is a heavenly weapon talisman!

After being stimulated, it can be transformed into three thousand heavenly soldiers, which lasts for half an hour, at your disposal!

The matter of apprenticeship… I hope Xiaoyou Su don’t mention it too much!

Xiaoyou Su also saw that at my age, worshipping you as a teacher is really hard to get past! ”

Cui Tianshu almost said the last two words in Su Zhan’s ears.

And after Su Zhan accepted the Heavenly Soldier Talisman, he also smiled: “Okay, let’s not mention it.”

In fact, he didn’t expect Cui Tianshu to really worship him as a teacher.

After all, their age, Cultivation Base, strength, reputation… the gaps are too big!

Moreover, even if Cui Tianshu really wanted to worship him as a teacher, he still had to consider it.

Do you want to accept an older disciple who is more than 10,000 years old?

Now that three Heavenly Thunder bamboo leaves are in hand, three Heavenly Dao-level runes are obtained for nothing, so cool!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan smiled.

At this time, Cui Tianshu was also relieved to see Su Zhan no longer mentioning his apprenticeship with his teacher Su Zhan.


This old face is saved.

Immediately, thinking of something, Cui Tianshu exclaimed again: “Little Friend Su.

Do you really not consider turning to the Tao of Talisman with me?

Your talent in Rune is so great!

It would be a waste of talent not to switch to repairing a spell! ”

“But, I don’t think Rune Shushu is very powerful.”

“Little friend Su, you are so wrong!”

Cui Tianshu solemnly said: “Daoshu, magic talisman, is definitely one of the most powerful methods in this world!

Powerful Taoism can overturn mountains and seas!

Steal the day and change the day!

Powerful charm!

One talisman can town a world of heaven and earth! ”

“so smart?”

Su Zhan’s heart moved: “Then how long will it take to become the strongest if I change to practice one talisman?”

“If you change to the practice of talisman…”

Cui Tianshu pondered for a moment: “Although the difficulty of cultivation in the Nine Tribulations Stage of Deva is even higher than that of Realm before.

But judging by the speed at which you cultivated to Deva in seventeen years…

Thirty years!

Thirty years later, you will be invincible in the spirit world! ”

“Thirty years…too slow.”

Su Zhan was a little dull, shook his head and said, “If it is possible.

I hope……

One year later, I can become the strongest in this world!

Quit the disputes, peace in the world! ”

This statement came out.

Qin Xiaoshu and Cui Tianshu were both stunned.

One year later, he became the strongest in this world!

Quit the disputes, peace in the world!

These words are easy to say.

But the weight contained therein, even Cui Tianshu, the Martial Dao myth, dare not say it lightly!

Frozen for a while, Cui Tianshu helplessly smiled and said: “Little friend Su, let’s not say that you can’t become the strongest in a year.

Even if you become the Xeon, the dispute will not stop.

Demon World, other interfaces, many pairs of eyes look at the rich resources of our spirit world.

Even within the spirit world, some small and medium-sized domains often wage wars, burying hundreds of millions of corpses, and blood-stained endless seas! ”

“Since the rules are wrong, make new rules!”

“Make new rules… easy to say, where will other people listen?”

“Cui senior, in fact, this kind of thing is easy to solve.”

Su Zhan smiled and said: “From my experience in cultivation, when you talk no one listens to you, and no one cares about reasoning.

You only need to kill the strongest of them.

The rest of the people will become very talkative! ”

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