Chapter 843 Unexpectedly you are so terrifying! (Big chapter)

Hearing the words of the thin young man Li Jiang, Su Zhan’s face suddenly became dark.

Little white face is fine, after all, it is not incomprehensible that these people are jealous of his handsome and maliciously vilifying him.

But the words “don’t think about it”…

This person actually dared to insult his IQ!

Can this be tolerated!


The first time I met, I didn’t even know each other’s names.

Is about to threaten my life.

Although it is only a threat and has not been done yet, since it is said, of course it can be done!

In other words, they really want my life!

I have only one life, it is very fragile.

In order to survive and achieve their own small goals.

Today, there is only one battle!

Su Zhan took a deep breath.

Without even waiting for Qin Xiaoshu’s response, he directly inspired Sun Moon Star, Innate Five Elements, the Chaos Divine Body!

Golden sun, cold moon, night Star!

Three kinds of heaven and earth anomalies appeared on the sky of the seabed space!

The power of Five Elements rotates in the sea of ​​chaos and fog, and the signs of the avenue are ups and downs!

“You want to fight?”

The thin man Li Jiang had a murderous intent in his eyes: “Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

After speaking, he shot away towards Su Zhan.

“Su Zhan, if you can’t beat you, you just need to resist for a while, and when I solve that person, I will come back and help you!”

Qin Xiaoshu said, his eyes were cast on Xu He, the sturdy man who also rushed towards him, his toes were a little bit, and his figure shot out!

Because he was afraid that Xu He and Li Jiang would make a sudden move together, the weaker Su Zhan would be solved first.

Qin Xiaoshu did not directly join the melee where he was, but instead attacked Xu He and angered Xu He.

He deliberately led to a distance of more than ten miles before really fighting him.

And this time.

Su Zhan has already blasted out with a punch!


This punch looks very ordinary.

But when Su Zhan blasted out.

A wave of spatial ripples immediately appeared in front of you!


The entire square area, along with the sea water about ten miles outside, was hit by this punch to create a path of fist energy about three meters wide!

“Unexpectedly, you have such power!”

Li Jiang, who had avoided this punch by relying on Movement Technique, was startled, and immediately sneered: “However, no matter how strong you are, it’s useless, because you can’t beat me at all!

Flash step! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Jiang tore through the space, and instantly came to Su Zhan’s side, with a short dagger cut out an emerald green blade in his hand!

Su Zhan reacted extremely quickly, blasting the blade light away with a punch.

But Li Jiang disappeared again.

The next time it appeared, it was another sneak attack behind him!

“Tian Lei!”

Su Zhan’s hand heart meteor dragon Leiyan Mountain shined brightly, and the large area in front of the sky thunder turned into a sea of ​​thunder!

“What about Tianlei? Say, you can’t hit me!”

Li Jiang sneered, and left the thunder sea area with a few flickers.

“This person has a very high level of proficiency in the law of space, and coupled with the flashing movement technique of the space, it is difficult for me to attack him, let alone kill him with a fixed talisman.

However, since I rely on the power of space, what if I suppress a large area of ​​space? ”

Su Zhan pressed Void with his left hand.

A golden dragon shadow flew out of his hand and turned into a thousand-meter-long golden dragon, emitting infinite golden light, suppressing that large area!

Li Jiang’s figure also appeared.

“The power of suppression?

What fear do I have! ”

Ripples appeared on Li Jiang’s body, and the whole person disappeared as if blending into another space. The next time he appeared, he had already come outside the suppressed area!

“You are indeed very strong. There is a law of destruction in your fist strength, and you are infinitely powerful. If I let you punch you, I am afraid that you will be severely injured if you die!


Li Jiang smiled: “Unfortunately, you met Li Jiang!

Among the Tianjiao of the Primordial Realm, the first person in the law of space!

With my Movement Technique, I can attack you, but you cannot beat me!

After a while, I will be able to force you to death! ”

“Oh, what then?”

Su Zhan flipped the palm of his hand and directly took out the Vajra not bad rune, inspired it, and pasted it on his body.


Suddenly, the golden light on his body was released, forming a three-centimeter-thick golden light defense!

Golden Light Defense, Demon God’s Body Protector Devil Qi, Luan Yu Shen Yi…Three defenses!

Moreover, there is a body that is extremely strong and tough in itself!

Su Zhan didn’t take Li Jiang seriously, and said, “Your Movement Technique is indeed very fast. It is a good target for practicing boxing.”

After speaking, his body turned into a thunder and lightning and disappeared in place.

In the next instant, he appeared in front of Li Jiang and blasted out a punch!

This punch still blasted into the air without a doubt.

Even let Li Jiang seize the opportunity and cut him.

However, that knife failed to break even his outermost Vajra’s undamaged defense, and he didn’t care at all.

“You actually know the law of space!”

Li Jiang’s figure appeared several miles away, and his eyes were full of shock: “I thought that nowadays, only Qin Wudao has cultivated two eternal laws at the same time!

The third eternal law can be mobilized in a short time with the help of the power of the foreign treasure.

Formed into three eternal laws, the special Swire eternal kendo that greatly increases its power!

But you didn’t expect that you actually understood both. In this case, wouldn’t you be the same as Qin Wudao, you can also cultivate that… wrong! ”

Seeing that Su Zhan blasted again.

When Li Jiang escaped, he was also aware of the power of the laws contained in it: “The Law of Chaos!

You have also mastered the law of chaos!

The power of three eternal laws…My God!

What is the secret in your body! ! ! ”

Facing Li Jiang’s shock, Su Zhan didn’t mean to explain at all, just punching again and again, using Li Jiang to hone his use of physical power and boxing!

Of course, he didn’t get a punch, but was stabbed by Li Jiang. I don’t know how many knives!

“You can stop me with one, ten dollars, I don’t believe it, you can stop me with one hundred dollars!”

Li Jiang roared with a short knife in his hand.

Su Zhan ignored him at all and didn’t dodge his attacks. He just used Li Jiang’s Movement Technique to sharpen the accuracy and speed of his punches a little bit.

that’s all.

It has been playing for ten minutes.

At least two or three hundred knives had been cut on Su Zhan’s head and body, and it was discovered that Su Zhan was still a shit, and even his clothes had not been cut to pieces by him.

Li Jiang’s heart finally collapsed!

What is this f*ck!

Daddy went down for a few hundred times, even his defense couldn’t be broken? ? ?

“Monster! Three eternal laws, a monster with one calamity Deva stronger than six calamities!”

He dodged another punch dangerously, and realized that Su Zhan’s fist was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn’t support it for too long, Li Jiang finally became afraid.

Without hesitation, his body flickered towards the back.

Want to escape!

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan didn’t go after him either. He knew that at his current speed, he really couldn’t catch up with Li Jiang.


If people can’t catch up, the sword can do it!

The palm of his hand was turned, and the Void Sword Box appeared in his hand.

After he reached Deva, he could already urge twelve Void Excalibur at the same time!


Twelve Sword Ray burst out.

Flickering in space, the speed is much faster than Li Jiang.

“Void Sword Box, you are the descendant of Void Sword Emperor!”

Li Jiang was shocked, and despair grew in his heart.

The Void Sword Box was originally known as the fastest Divine Armament in the spirit world!

No matter how fast he is, it is impossible for him to be faster than the twelve Void Sword Ray flying out of the Void Sword Box!

In other words… he must die!

Since you must die, it’s better to give it a go!

A hideous color appeared on Li Jiang’s face, he turned around abruptly, stimulated his full potential, and charged towards Su Zhan!

“Boy, I’m fighting with you!!”

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Twelve Sword Ray penetrated through his body, and he also rushed to Su Zhan!

Work hard to cut out the strongest cut in your life!


The knife slashed on Su Zhan’s head.

Even the defense of Vajra’s non-bad rune was cut!

A hair fell down.

Su Zhan was startled, touched his head, and said with a solemn expression: “Unexpectedly, your desperate stab was so terrifying!

It actually cut off one of my hair!

If this is cut tens of thousands of times by you, wouldn’t I be a bald head?

And if I become a bald head, it will definitely affect my tall and stalwart image in the hearts of the juniors and sisters!

At that time, I will also become depressed because of other people’s discussions.

In the end, Dao’s heart may even be unstable, and Cultivation Base has stagnated and stopped!

A seemingly simple stab, it turns out that there is such a deep conspiracy!

too frightening!

Li Jiang, you are really cruel, sinister and vicious!

You are guilty of death if you want to deal with me like this, an honest, kind and good person! ! ”

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