Chapter 845: I’m Over! (Fifth)

“It doesn’t matter what is good or bad.

Brother Eleven, you just gave me the storage rings and treasures of those two people.

This time it should be your turn to choose first. ”

Su Zhan didn’t care.

There is a halo of luck and aura of adventure.

You pick whatever you want.

I lose if I pick the best.

Qin Xiaoshu smiled when Su Zhan insisted, “Okay, I’m disrespectful, brother!”

With that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Heavenly Dao first towards the stone platform on the left.

But only halfway through, after a pause, Qin Xiaoshu grabbed the Heavenly Dao Sutra to the right again.

After grabbing a bit, he put it down again.

“Brother Eleven, which volume did you choose?”


Qin Xiaoshu hesitated, then gritted his teeth: “The one on the left!”

As he said, he grabbed the slip on the left and stuck it on his forehead, Shengnian entered it and took a look.

As a result, the face suddenly became dark.

“Brother Eleven, what is yours?”

Seeing this, Su was a little curious.

“Autobiography, it’s all Fudi boasting about own content, so there is no such thing as a fart!”

Qin Xiaoshu was upset: “I knew I would not choose this.”

“Then I will see what mine is.”

Su Zhan smiled and grabbed a volume of Heavenly Dao Sutra that belonged to him.

Sheng Nian entered it to take a look.

“First Three Hundred Heavenly Dao Techniques”

A line of big characters appeared first.

Immediately afterwards, there were introductions to powerful Taoism and cultivation methods.

After a cursory glance, he found that those Dao skills were too profound and impossible for a while. After Insight, Su Zhan also retreated.

“How about, what is yours?”

Qin Xiaoshu asked quickly.

“First Heavenly Dao Shu Dao Sutra.”


Qin Xiaoshu said in shock: “Have you obtained the most precious Dao Shu Dao Sutra in the Heavenly Dao Sutra, which is known as the first?”

“Yes, Speaking of Eleven Brother, you clearly chose this volume just now, why are you going to be shaken in the end?”


Qin Xiaoshu looked depressed and couldn’t wait to shave his two big ears.

Obviously he has been arrested.

Why do you want to put down and choose this trash?

But then again.

Cut this guy’s heaven-defying luck with Su.

Even if I choose the first Heavenly Dao Sutra, the result may still be the same…


Exploring the treasures with this kind of abnormality, this is purely looking for depression!

Qin Xiaoshu lamented in his heart.


Just as he looked around, wanting to see if there were any treasures left, this Great Hall suddenly trembled!

A golden beam, starting from the bottom, shows a touch of golden light.

Keep going up!

This is just the beginning.


The second root.

The third root.

There are a total of eight pillars, all of which shine brightly!

“What’s wrong?”

Su Zhan put away the Heavenly Dao Sutra first, and looked at those Liang Zhudao suspiciously.

“This is……”

Qin Xiaoshu’s eyes fell on the eight pillars and began to slowly emerge one by one, and he was suddenly startled: “Could it be that this is the true inheritance of Emperor Fu!”

“Indeed, it is true that Taoism magic talisman is related.”

Su Zhan also saw the mystery of those words rune.

Just when he was about to take a closer look.

The eight beams and pillars shine at the same time!

All the words rune flew out from the beams, flying all over the sky!

at the same time.

The entire Great Hall also echoed, releasing golden light!

The power of laws of different shapes is flying in the Great Hall!

Qin Xiaoshu said in surprise: “Su Zhan, sit down quickly Insight!

This is the sentiment of Fudi Xiao Cheng’s talisman!

If it can be understood,

In the future, we will cultivate a Talisman together, just as easy as eating and drinking water! ”


Su Zhan immediately thought of Martial God Ye Xing’s insight to own Martial Dao.

Those insights allowed him to easily see the shortcomings of Cultivation Technique, cultivate various kinds of Cultivation Technique, and greatly increase the speed of boxing!

Ye Xing’s Martial Dao insight from Martial God is very helpful to him!

And the talisman of Fudi has an insight…

If it is Insight.

It certainly has a great effect!

With this in mind, Su Zhan turned on the aura of runes, sat down crossed, closed his eyes slightly, and began to understand the rune emperor who was flooded in this Great Hall.

Feeling this kind of thing is very mysterious.

In fact, it can also be understood as an Ascension to a certain talent.

Su Zhan got Ye Xing’s Martial God’s insight, and his talent for refining has greatly increased, and he can see the disadvantages and advantages of various refining techniques at a glance.

The sentiment of Emperor Fu is naturally similar.

“It turns out that this method can also be used for instant battles along with the spell…

It turns out that fireball can also be turned into a powerful high rank spell through some small means…


Su Zhan murmured in his mouth, quickly insight into the talismanic sentiments of the eight pillars.

that’s all.

Half an hour has passed.

He counted all the sentiments of the Fu Di insight.

Consciously staying any longer, there will be no gain.

So he opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.

Qin Xiaoshu on the side sensed the movement next to him, turned his head to look at Su Zhan, and said in amazement, “Su Zhan, what’s the matter with you?

Haven’t you entered the Insight state yet?

its not right!

Your rune talent is higher than mine!

It took me more than ten minutes to enter the state of Insight Fudi’s enlightenment!

You are more talented than me, why haven’t you started Insight yet? ”

“Senior Brother Eleven, you made a mistake, it’s not that I didn’t start.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

“It’s that I have already finished Insight.”

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