Chapter 847 Ding Hai Tian Stick, Don’t Talk About Martial Virtue!

Cry me?

Want to take my things?

This Yuan Feitian is really cruel and vicious!

Su Zhan’s face sank, and he didn’t say a word, it directly aroused the divine body!

Golden sun, cold moon, night Star!

Three visions of heaven and earth emerged!

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the stream of Five Elements turns endlessly, and the signs of Innate Avenue go up and down!

At the moment when he broke out of the divine body!

A supernatural power is also shrouded in an area ten miles around!

Perceiving that amazing divine might, Yuan Feitian’s expression changed: “Unexpectedly, you have such a powerful divine body!”

Inspiring the divine body, Su Zhan slightly clenched his fist, squeezed the air around his fist, and flew towards the Saruto. Heavenly Dao: “Aren’t you trying to grab my things?”

Still not coming? ”

“Huh Su Zhan! Don’t be proud of you!

Although your divine body is powerful, you are only a catastrophe after all!

And I am already supreme!

And my fourth grandpa said it!

Among the human races on the battlefield of gods and demons, except Qin Wudao and Mu Xiao, I saw the others as long as they beat them hard!

You can’t beat me! ”

As soon as the voice fell, a layer of golden light appeared on the surface of Yuanfei’s celestial body, and his body slightly fell, and then burst out suddenly, making a fist with his right hand, and blasting directly toward Su Zhan!

This punch is not too fancy moves!

But when this punch blasted out.

But Su Zhan could feel that the large space in front of him was shaking, and there was even a faint tendency to collapse!

It can be seen how terrifying this punch is!

However, the more terrifying, the better the effect of sharpening his martial arts!

It just happens that since the meteor dragon Leiyanshan refining, there has not been such a powerful enemy to try its power, and today I can finally let go of it!

With this in mind, Su Zhan didn’t use the Giant Que Yun Lan Sword and Heaven Slashing Sword, but the same punch!

Star God Body Tempering fist second level!

That fist is like a big blue light bulb of 50,000 watts.

The light was mixed with thunder and fire robbery.

There is even a faint shadow of a real dragon looming!


The two punches collided, and they all collapsed in an instant!

Next, there was a collision of two fists with great disparity in size!


A huge force struck from his fist, and Su Zhan’s body couldn’t help but backed tens of meters in the air!

On the other side, Sarufeitian also withdrew tens of meters!

“Yi Kie Deva’s physical strength can actually be so powerful!”

Yuan Feitian was shocked: “You are really special!

However, even if your physical bursting power is not the same as mine.

But how can the physical strength of your human race compare with our monster race?

And our monsters have thick skin and thick skin!

After a while, you won’t be able to support it! ”

With that, Sarufeitian punched again.

Su Zhan didn’t dodge either, with a punch!


The two forces collided, and the two separated again!


The third punch.

Fourth punch.

Fifth punch.

No one was convinced, no one evaded, just like that, confronted with pure physical power!


During the fight between the two, the entire valley was razed to the ground by the vented punches!

Even the surrounding mountains and rivers were also affected!

Whenever it is contaminated with a trace of punch, the mountain collapses!

The river evaporates!

The space in this large area has become unstable and tremble!

It took ten minutes to play.

After separating again.

Yuan Feitian looked at his right fist that had become red and swollen, and then at Su Zhan’s left hand that had nothing to do with it, his eyes fell on the mark of that hill, and finally realized it.

Angrily said: “You actually hid a mountain in your left hand and fisted with me!

I just said, why are your fists so hard!

I can even break the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, but I can’t break your finger bones!

It turned out to be a mountain hidden!

You don’t talk about martial arts! ! ! ”

Don’t talk about martial arts?

I didn’t wear my meteorite gloves to fight with you.

Su Zhan slandered in his heart, and said, “You can also hide!

Who told you not to refine a mountain into your hands? ”


Feeling the pain in his right hand, Yuan Feitian was very angry: “Okay! You want to compare treasure to me, right?

Then come to Bibi!

Dinghai Tiancun! ”

After speaking, Saru Feitian waved his hand, and a small stick that looked like an embroidery needle flew out.

However, as soon as the little stick flew out, it grew rapidly!

In just a few seconds, it turned into a 10,000-meter-high Optimus pillar!

It’s 100 meters thick!

Exuding a terrible wild atmosphere!

“Well, how dare your treasure compare with my Dinghai Sky Stick?”

Sarufeitian proudly said.

“What’s not dare to do.”

Su Zhan flipped his left hand, and Leiyan Mountain, the meteor dragon, was thrown away by him!

It also turned into a kilometer-sized mountain in an instant!

Although it is much shorter than Dinghai Giant Roots, the power it unleashes is even worse!

“Small mountain peak, fix the sea and sky stick, smash him for me!”

Sarufeitian pointed forward!

That huge Optimus pillar suddenly fell down!

Su Zhan is also the power that directly urges the meteor dragon Lei Yanshan!

A wave of sky thunder catastrophe fire and blasted out, forming a thunder fire beam, which forcibly withstood the great pillar of the sky!

“Your treasure is only so capable, then I will smash him!”

Yuan Feitian suddenly formed seals on his hands and vomited softly in his mouth: “The magical ape stick method, a blow to the sky!”

The Dinghai Sky Stick suddenly closed and rushed into the clouds!

The next moment, a bright golden light shines from the sky!

That huge Dinghai Sky Stick burst out of the sky!

Su Zhan did not retreat, and his thoughts moved, the light on the Meteorite Dragon Thunder Yan Mountain, the sky thunder, the robbery, the golden dragon’s shadow, all the powers were released!


The two treasures collided together!

Meteoron Leiyan Mountain was hit by this stick and fell to the ground.

As for the Dinghai Sky Stick, there was also a huge gap at the end where it collided with the Meteorite Leiyan Mountain. Many of the talisman formations were destroyed, its power was greatly reduced, and with a whine, it returned to Yuan Feitian’s hands.

Obviously, this time the treasure competition, Yuan Feitian was at a disadvantage again.

“You can actually use the power of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier to this level!

This is incredible! ”

Yuan Feitian looked at the damaged Dinghai Sky Stick in his hand in disbelief, and looked at Su Zhan’s undamaged Meteorite Leiyan Mountain, his face was ugly.

In fact, the Dinghai Sky Cudgel is also the best Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, not much weaker than Leiyan Mountain, the meteor dragon.

It’s just that Su Zhan cultivated the Baimai Lianbao Jue, completely refining the meteor dragon Thunder Yanshan into a part of his own.

Therefore, the power that can be exerted far exceeds that of the flying Dinghai Sky Stick!

That’s why it can fly away its treasures!


This Yuan Feitian is indeed powerful, although it seems to be only the Six Tribulations Supreme Heavenly Demon.

But Su Zhan dared to say that even if the two supreme Deva that he met at the gate of Fudi’s inheritance not long ago joined forces, it would definitely not be the opponent of Yuan Feitian!

This person is worthy of being the strongest person chosen by Blood Moon Domain this time!

“Do you only have to fix the sea and sky stick? Are there any other cards?”

Su Zhan took back the meteor dragon Leiyan Mountain, and asked quite expectantly.

“Dare you provoke me!”

Although Su Zhan asked casually, it was undoubtedly like a provocation in Yuan Feitian’s ears.

Therefore, he was also angry: “Human, if this is the case, then I will let you see the true power of our mountain gods and apes!

The mountain god ape, the original form is manifested! ”

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