Chapter 851 Great Dao Jade, a tragic battle! (First more)

A bit of starlight flew from the center of Su Zhan’s eyebrows.


It turned into a human form of 1.4 meters and ran away!

While running, they were humming.

“My Sue Star finally came out to play again!”

Sarufeitian was dumbfounded.

Su Zhan’s face was dark.

Such a serious atmosphere.

I was confused by this little bastard!

Didn’t you see that your master has urged the divine body to the extreme?

Still playing, playing with your uncle!

Anxious in his heart, Su Zhan said: “What are you playing? Didn’t you see that I was doing something big?”

After speaking, his powerful Saint Yuan gushed out and took Su Star forcibly, turning it into a sword shape and holding it in his hand.

“After you get out of the battlefield of the gods and demons, let you have a lot of fun!”

As he said, Su Zhanti sword ran towards the mountain god ape.

“The ancestor has lost his mind, and this Su Zhan is so terrible!

Now that the two of them are fighting, it should be the best time for me to escape, right? ”

Yuan Feitian hesitated: “But I still have to fight for this human race,

If this is gone, wouldn’t it be distrustful to others?

Grandpa Si said, being a man…being a demon must be honest!

Moreover, if Su Zhan was killed by the ancestor.

My ancestors can sense my blood, and they will still chase me down. Am I waiting to die?

No, not only can I not run, but I have to help a little bit by defeating the Ghost transformed by the ancestor’s violent Killing Intent! ”

Thinking of this, Yuan Fei’s celestial body’s gold light was released, and while running wildly in Su Zhan’s direction, he shouted: “Su Dage!

I’ll help you-damn it! ! ! ”

The words are not over yet.

Seeing the scene ahead, Sarufeitian was immediately confused!

Even, unconsciously burst out a foul language!

I saw the front.

Behind Su Zhan appeared kendo, destruction, chaos!

Then forcibly swallowed the law of heaven and earth in a radius of tens of miles, and the vitality of heaven and earth was in the right arm!

Immediately afterwards, a sword cut out!



A touch of brilliance Sword Ray is fleeting!

Under this sword, the body of the thousand-meter divine ape, who was still powerful just now, did not move, but his head flew directly out!

One sword, behead!


Sarufeitian swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Oh shit!

It turns out that the strongest thing about this guy is not the power of the flesh!

If he had just used this sword to perform this horrible swordsmanship, would I still be able to fight him for an hour?

It is estimated that he was the same as the ancestor, his head was gone!

Saru Feitian was afraid after a while, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, I didn’t take advantage of Su Zhan’s battle with the ancestors to attack him!

Otherwise it is his turn to die now!

And this time.

Su Zhan was also a little dazed.

Seeing being beheaded by him, his whole body fell to the ground, turning into a thousand-meter divine ape whose vitality was lost from heaven and earth.

He also did not expect that the power of this divine ape is extremely strong, but its defensive power…

It’s so weak!

Killed with a single sword!

Unfortunately, he thought that he needed a dozen swords!

Of course, this may also be because the thousand meters divine ape was taking care of the evil spirits of the earth and did not pay attention to him.

So it can be so smoothly.

Bringing the three dharma statues into the Purple Mansion, Su Zhan carried the Dahi Star sword and went down.

It was at this time.

That Monster core released its light again.

He actually formed another human race elder who looked eighty or ninety years old, who was still very old.

“This little friend, don’t be afraid, my evil thoughts have been killed by you, and now I am just a ray of remnant thoughts.”

The old man walked trembling out of the broken peaks, and every step he took, his breath weakened by a point.

“Ancestor! Junior Ape Feitian is the young master of the God Ape clan!”

Sarufeitian hurriedly bowed.

“Well, the blood is so pure, the future will be better than me, not bad!”

With a compliment, the ancestor of the ape looked at Su Zhan, with a strange color in his eyes: “However, compared with this little brother, you are far behind!

The explosive power of Deva has reached the level of the Seven Tribulations!

This is simply incredible!

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I’m afraid that even if someone else told me, I wouldn’t believe it at all! ”


Hearing this, Yuan Feitian gave a wry smile: “How dare I compare with Su Dage.”

He is not a human being-ahem!

I mean he is not an ordinary person! ”

Su Zhan glanced at Yuan Feitian, too lazy to care about him, looking at the old man.

Feeling that his soul breath is very weak.

A look that may dissipate at any time.

He also ended his divine body state, put the Big Sun Star Sword in his hand into the Purple Mansion, and asked, “Are you the Divine Ape Demon Emperor?”

“I am the Divine Ape Demon Emperor.”

Divine Ape Demon Emperor’s gaze also fell on Su Zhan.

The light in the eyes flickered, as if looking at another piece of diluted treasure, and he exclaimed: “This kind of physique, this kind of fleshy body, such a heaven-defying talent…

Even if it was a million years ago, the era when the heroes came together, it never appeared!

What’s your name, kid? ”


Su Zhan frowned.

But considering that this old god ape is a person from a million years ago.

It doesn’t seem to be too much to call yourself a kid.

Therefore, he didn’t care too much, and said, “My name is Su Zhan.

God ape senior, what happened on the battlefield of Gods and Demons millions of years ago? ”

“What happened on the battlefield of gods and demons…too many!”

The divine ape demon emperor thought for a while: “My strand of remnant thoughts is very fragile, and it is estimated that it will not last long, so I will make a long story short.

The cause of the battlefield of gods and demons is because of the ‘Great Way of Jade’!

The so-called avenue jade, in our guess, is the secret treasure of the upper realm!

Two million years ago, the spirit world Spiritual Qi revived and entered the era of cultivation, most likely because of the impact of the great jade falling into the spirit world!

However, millions of years ago, we only passed the sporadic records of our ancestors, and there are some ancient murals, and we suspect that such a thing exists.

Until that day, the divine light of the endless sea appeared, and that mysterious aura that did not belong to the spirit world finally attracted everyone.

Not only the spirit world, the devil world, and even other interfaces, are all coming, wanting to compete for the upcoming jade!

Finally, cause a war!

The collapse of this space is directly turned into a completely independent battlefield of gods and demons, Minor World!

That battle… there was no winner.

Because the road jade did not appear at all!

And the miserable degree of that battle…

As you can see, the myth of Martial Dao is as fragile as an ant, and I don’t know how many ants have been destroyed! ”

“Avenue Jade…”

Su Zhan murmured, “God ape senior, is there really an upper realm?”

“Yes, it must be!”

The Divine Ape Demon Emperor is extremely certain: “Although, our spiritual world has never recorded the Ascended.

But when I traveled through other interfaces, I also found some descriptions of Ascended.

It is said that if you can break the limit of mortals, you can become a true god, set foot in the gods, and live forever!

Of course, I don’t dare to assert whether these things are true or not, but I absolutely believe that Deva of the Nine Tribulations is not the end of cultivation!

It’s just that, after all, I can’t see the scenery above the Nine Tribulations…”

After a pause, I sensed that my Cannian thought was getting weaker and weaker.

The Divine Ape Demon Emperor is also a little anxious: “Well, let’s not say these things for now!

With your talent, you will naturally have the opportunity to contact and explore after becoming the Deva of the Nine Tribulations!

Now let’s talk about one more important thing!

Su Zhan, are you willing to accept my inheritance and become the future clan king of my god ape clan? ! ! ”

This statement came out.

Su Zhan was stunned immediately.

Let me inherit your inheritance as a human race and become the king of the god ape race?

Is this too outrageous? ? ?

It is Sarufeitian who is more daunting than him.

The whole person is silly.

An aggrieved expression on his face: “Demon Emperor Ancestor, did your old man forget…

I am the descendant of your blood! ”

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