Chapter 856: Are You Afraid Of Me?

Hear what Su Zhan said.

Qin Wudao looked at Mu Xiao, his fighting spirit burned in his eyes: “Mu Xiao, you want to fight me?”


Mu Xiao looked bitter and turned around, not knowing what to do for a while.

Speaking of fighting, he consciously couldn’t beat Qin Wudao.

But if it just leaves.

Didn’t his Mu Xiao become a laughing stock?


Not to mention.

Now there are so many Tianjiao watching!

If he retreats in a cowardly suit, after that, wouldn’t his impression of Mu Xiao in the arrogance of the major domains be a stubborn, trash?

Blame Su Zhan this bastard!

It would have been fine to retreat silently.

So called by Su Zhan.

it’s good now.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to him.

It is not to fight, nor is it not to fight.

Mu Xiao was depressed in his heart, gave Su Zhan a fierce look, then put on a look of neither humble nor arrogant, and said to Qin Wudao: “Qin Wudao.

Today, among the younger generation, you and I are among the best.

I admire your kendo, and I don’t want to be your enemy now, so—”

“What bullshit leader?”

Qin Wudao is very domineering: “The world leader, Qin Wudao is the only one!

Who do you think you are!

When others compare you with me, do you really think you can compare with me? ”


Mu Xiao didn’t expect that Qin Wudao would not give a face like this, feeling very Losing face, and said angrily: “Don’t give up your face!

The same is the seven calamities, am I afraid of you? ”

“Since you are not afraid, then you and I will fight here!”

Qin Wudao sneered: “Also, let the heavenly arrogances of the spirit world see who is the true hero and who is the one who deceives the world and steals the name!”


The words have already said that, Mu Xiao didn’t want to go, so he could go.

What’s more, although he was a little afraid of Taigu Eternal Swordsmanship.

But he is also the Seven Tribulations, and Qin Wudao is also the Seven Tribulations.

And his strength is also very strong.

Therefore, although he did not have the confidence to defeat Qin Wudao, he still felt that Qin Wudao might not help him with all his strength.

In the end, at best, the courts will resist the courtesy!

Thinking of this in his mind, Mu Xiao glanced at Su Zhan again, gritted his teeth and said: “Su Zhan, look carefully!”

“Don’t worry, I will take a closer look.”

Su Zhan smiled slightly.

Yuan Feitian also smiled: “You are pretending to be forced, are you going to be beaten by Qin Wudao now?”

The others are also holding their breath, watching the battle!

And this time.

Mu Xiao also broke out the power of Saint Yuan.

Immediately after that was his divine body, Dharma image, and all his powers exploded.

The momentum climbed to the peak!

Perceiving the powerful force in his body, Mu Xiao also gained a lot of confidence.

Apart from anything else, Yaoyao turned towards Qin Wudao!

Suddenly, the power of the water attribute law around Qin Wudao surged and turned into a water dragon, strangling towards Qin Wudao!

“Water Dragon Daoshu? Small carving skills!”

Qin Wudao snorted coldly.

Didn’t even do it.

Immediately exploded with power, a wave of Saint Yuan visible to the naked eye radiated from his body, smashing the water dragon!

At the same time, a giant god-tier sword containing the law of space, the law of chaos and two eternal laws, plus three other laws, appeared behind him!

That is his law of heaven.

Then, his Nine Cycles sword body broke out!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In the sky, traces of Sword Qi converge, as if there are countless divine swords hanging in the sky, they may fall at any time!

“It’s the heaven and earth vision of the Nine Cycles sword body!”

“The Nine Cycles sword body is one of the most powerful divine bodies. This supernatural power is far superior to Mu Xiao’s Mizumu Abnormal Divine Body!”

“Our divine body arrives at this Realm, which is basically useless for combat. It can only be regarded as a cultivation talent, but the sword body of Nine Cycles is different!

Even if it has reached the Seven Tribulations Deva, the power of the Nine Cycles sword body is also very powerful! ”

“The Nine Cycles sword body is extremely overbearing, but Mu Xiao’s Mizuki Ability God body can be rigid and soft, and is good at defense, plus his mountain and river fan, it may not be without winning!”

“That’s true, today, we are blessed!”

Seeing that both of them burst out of their own divine body, the law of the sky, the arrogances also paid more attention to them.

“Mu Xiao, I heard that there are ten mountains and ten rivers hidden in your mountain and river fan. With your cultivation of mountain and river domineering power and the law of destruction, the power is unmatched!

Coincidentally, my Taikoo eternal kendo is also known for its dominance of the Law of Destruction and the Law of Chaos!

Then let me see, who is stronger, your mountain fan, or the wild ancient sword in my hand! ”

As he said, Qin Wudao flipped his palm and took out a pale golden long sword.

Before the sword was released, there was already a 100-meter-high Sword Qi wave in front, sweeping towards Mu Xiao!

“Okay! Just let you see the power of my mountain and river fan!”

Mu Xiao gently slapped, a river flew out of his fan, washed away the sword waves, and directly flooded Qin Wudao!

Qin Wudao stood in the river that was terrifyingly powerful enough to easily pull and tear a Deva to pieces, and he was full of disdain: “You just have this power?”

“This is just the power of a river!”

Mu Xiao’s eyes were cold, and Sheng Yuan filled all the mountains and rivers fans in his hands.


The surface of the mountain and river fan shone brightly!

The remaining nine rivers and ten peaks flew out at the same time!

Shihe turned into a vast ocean, submerged Qin Wudao, and constantly released a powerful tearing force.

The ten mountains overlapped, suppressing Qin Wudao in the air!

“Ten mountains and rivers, but so!

Swire eternal kendo, break it for me! ”

Qin Wudao’s expression remained unchanged, and he slapped his mouth with a sharp sword!


With his sword cut out, the law of chaos, the law of destruction, the law of kendo, and the power of the three laws swept the world!

The vast ocean that the ten great rivers turned into was torn apart!

Those ten overlapping peaks were also cut off with a single sword!

Immediately, Qin Wudao turned into an afterimage and exploded towards Mu Xiao.

Mu Xiao’s pupils suddenly shrank, and without hesitation, he threw a magic talisman!

That magic talisman turned into a giant wall of golden light and stood in front of him!


Qin Wudao cut through the golden wall with one sword, and slashed Mu Xiao for several miles with one sword!

The body fell to the island below, vomiting blood!

“It turns out that it’s just a trash that has just entered the Seven Tribulations, dare you compare it with Qin Wudao?”

Qin Wudao sneered and walked towards Mu Xiao with his sword in his hand.

“No, don’t kill me, I surrender!”

At this time, Mu Xiao finally realized how big the gap between him and Qin Wudao was, and quickly panicked and begged for mercy.

“Give up? Yes, give me your mountain and river fan, it counts as my seizure of this victory!”

“Mountain and river fan…”

Mu Xiao was a little bit reluctant, but at this time his life was still critical, and he had to hand it over to Qin Wudao.

“Trash, haha, what a trash!”

Qin Wudao took the Shanhe Fan and laughed wantonly.

Mu Xiao’s face flushed, his heart was extremely angry, but he didn’t dare to show it at all.

Zhi hand squeezed his fists, lowered his head, and was silent.

Defeating Mu Xiao, Qin Wudao put away the mountain and river fan, his eyes swept over the other Tianjiao.

Suddenly, the arrogances all bowed their heads, stepped back, and did not dare to look at him.

However, there is one exception.

Qin Wudao’s gaze fell on Su Zhan, who had not retreated a step, and was a little surprised.

“Everyone retires, why don’t you retreat?

Could it be that you, a little Erjie Deva, are not afraid of me? ! ”

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