Chapter 858: The Strongest Sword!

This statement came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at Su Zhan puzzled.

“What did he say? Swire Eternal Kendo belongs to him?

He will also be immortal eternal kendo? ”

“This is absolutely impossible! Swire Eternal Sword will not be passed on to outsiders!”

“Yes, yes, yes, Su Zhan is the Tianjiao of Zhongzhou Territory. You said that he can dominate the sky. I might believe it, but Taigu Eternal Sword Technique…

How can this be! ”

“Then what does he mean?

Is it lying to us?

Or maybe he has been beaten by Qin Wudao to be unconscious, talking nonsense? ”

“The ghost knows! Just look at it!”

Doubtful voices sounded.

Don’t talk about those people.

Even Qin Wudao himself was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: “Su Zhan, are you confused by me?

Swire Eternal Kendo is in the Swire Realm, and there are no more people than two hands!

You are a Deva of the Second Tribulation in the Central State, where is the qualification to cultivate-Fuck! ! ”

The words are not over yet.

I saw that Su Zhan cut out a Sword Qi that contained the law of chaos, the law of destruction, and the power of two eternal laws, which seemed to be exactly the same as his immortal eternal swordsmanship.

Qin Wudao was stupid.

Brains are humming!

Su cut him!

How can he be too ancient eternal kendo!

How is this possible!

Could it be!

He is another secret disciple of Master!


Is it my younger brother? ? ?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed in Qin Wu’s Dao heart.

Even because the reaction was slow, there was no time to cut this Sword Qi away completely, and he was cut into the air by hundreds of meters after the horizontal sword was blocked!

“Su cut you!”

Qin Wudao opened his eyes wide, full of shock: “How can you be the eternal kendo of the ancient times!”

“How can you ask such a stupid question?”

Su Zhan rolled his eyes: “Of course I learned it from you!”

This sentence is the truth.

Of course, it was also because of the foundation of Heaven Swordsmanship.

Heaven-slashing sword technique can simulate all the Sword Techniques in the world!

Just now, his immortal eternal kendo is also based on the core of the sky-cutting swordsmanship, covered with a layer of immortal eternal kendo.

It’s just that Qin Wudao was shocked for a while, and he didn’t notice the subtle difference between the two.

“Learned from me?”

Qin Wudao was taken aback, and then said: “Nonsense!

When did I teach you–


Did you steal your studies just before the battle? ! ”


Su Zhan naturally said: “It’s not just a Sword Technique. I will learn it after I learn it. What’s all the fuss about?”


Qin Wudao took a breath.

Look at Su Zhan like a monster!

Isn’t it just a Sword Technique, you learn it after you learn it?

This is Swire Eternal Kendo!

Even if Tianjiao is like me, it took a full year and a half to get started!

Did you succeed in secretly learning within these ten minutes?

Ten minutes is worth a year and a half for me!

This f*ck!

Is it still a human? ? ?

Qin Wudao clutched his chest, desperately wanting to vomit blood!

The other Tianjiao were also stunned.

“Su Zhan, he really knows the ancient eternal kendo!”

“He, he, he!

He actually learned Qin Wudao in ten minutes! ”

“Is Taikoo Eternal Kendo so easy to learn?

I’ve just watched it for so long, why haven’t I learned the fart? ”

“Su Zhan’s kendo talent is too outrageous!

This f*ck!

How could there be such an exaggerated talent in the world! ! ! ”

Shocking voices sounded.

Mu Xiao’s face was already ugly, but now it’s even more ugly.

Sarufeitian froze for a moment and cheered.

It turned out that my brother Su was secretly learning kendo!

I said, if I can’t even beat Qin Wudao.

Can that still be my mighty and handsome Brother Su? !


“Su Zhan, I didn’t expect your kendo talent to be so heaven-defying, you actually learned my ancient eternal kendo secretly!

However, you can only learn from the fur.

Next, I want to show you the real one!

Swire eternal kendo that belongs only to me! ”

As he said, Qin Wudao flipped his palm and took out a diamond-shaped crystal.

The crystal light radiated greatly, hovering behind his head, exuding extremely strong spatial law fluctuations.

And Qin Wudao also closed his eyes slightly, as if something was brewing.

The next moment!

When he opened his eyes again, a Sword intent that was much stronger than before was released!

Tianjiao, who is a hundred miles away, feels this horror Sword intent, and his body trembles!

One by one looked at Qin Wudao with fear!

“It’s a space crystal!”

“The Primordial Eternal Sword Dao originally only needed to master the chaos and destroy any one of the eternal laws in order to cultivate.

But Qin Wudao abruptly mastered two!

This is not the most terrible!

The most terrifying thing is.

With the help of space crystal, he can temporarily master the laws of space!

This is also a special immortal eternal kendo that belongs only to him! ”

“The special immortal eternal kendo composed of three eternal laws!

This kendo power is much stronger than when he was fighting against Mu Xiao! ”

“Unexpectedly, among the Tianjiao of the Central State Region, the strongest is not the Seven Tribulations Supreme Mu Xiao, but the Second Tribulations Deva Su Zhan!”

“Speaking of which, the Second Tribulation can fight the Seven Tribulations… Su Zhan is too perverted, right?!”

“No matter who wins or loses at this station, I will always remember the name Su Zhan after today!”

“Me too! Today is really shocking!”

“It can be seen that such arrogance is like a sword, and I can’t wait for this trip!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Qin Wudao glanced at those people, then cast his gaze on Su Zhan, and said seriously: “Su Zhan!

Today, my defeat is a foregone conclusion!

Even if you learn my ancient eternal kendo secretly, nothing will change! ”


Su Zhan didn’t care: “Then you will cut out your strongest sword, and I will also cut out my strongest sword. Let’s see if the two of us burst out with the strongest, which one is stronger.”


Qin Wudao took a deep breath.

Until now, he didn’t dare to have any contempt for Su Zhan.

He had already regarded Su Zhan as a real enemy.

Therefore, he also mobilized his whole body strength and cut out with one sword!

At the moment when this sword is cut out!

The power of the laws of heaven and earth around is mobilized by Sword Qi, forming a chaotic and ruined Sword Qi torrent, tearing the space and sweeping towards Su Zhan!

That torrent of Sword Qi was hundreds of meters away from Su Zhan, and Su Zhan felt a feeling of suffocation.

It seems that under the impact of this Sword Qi torrent, the air will become nothingness!

Perceiving the strength of the Sword Qi torrent, Su Zhan also took a deep breath, and the holy yuan in his body surged in accordance with the operation route of the Sword Qi Sword Technique!


The world buzzes around him!

The power of countless laws.

Countless energies of heaven and earth.

It is crazy to infuse his right arm!


It’s like a huge volcano with a height of one kilometer suddenly detonated and erupted!

Cut out with his sword!

All kinds of power, all burst out!

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