Chapter 860 Tide of Sea Beasts! (Fifth)

Hear Mu Xiao’s words.

Qin Wudao froze for a moment, and immediately took out the mountain and river fan and said, “Mu Xiao is right, what he said is right, this mountain and river fan should belong to Senior Brother Su!”

“In that case, in order for you to sleep well and eat well, I will reluctantly accept it.”

Su Zhan smiled and took the Shanhe Fan, took a look and put it away.

Seeing Su Zhan take down the mountain and river fan.

Qin Wudao was also relieved.

At the same time, it is also full of depression.

Just thinking about it, how high-spirited he was when he first arrived?

How arrogant was when defeating Mu Xiao?

As a result, Shanhe Fan is like helping Su Zhanbai work.

I lost my two treasures…

This is so special!

What is it called!

Depressed in his heart, Qin Wudao wanted to cry without tears.

Knowing that Su Zhan was so outrageous, he had given him ten courage, and he did not dare to provoke Su Zhan!

Mu Xiao’s thoughts were similar to Qin Wudao’s at this time.

Also extremely upset.

at this time.

Su Zhan just wanted to open his mouth and let them get up quickly, so as not to let others mistakenly think that he was a bad person. Suddenly he noticed something and turned around abruptly.

His eyes fell on that golden island.

I saw it.

The golden light that originally occupied the entire island, now it is slowly converging towards the center, and the edges are beginning to recede!

“This is……”

Dadao jade is about to be born!

Su Zhan’s eyes gleamed slightly.

But at this moment.

This sea area suddenly set off a huge wave of 100 meters!

A sea beast rushed over here!

This is just the beginning!

One end.

Both ends.

One hundred heads.

Two hundred!

The inexhaustible demonic beasts in the sea gathered near the golden island, rushed out of the golden mist, and attacked here!

“Kill them!”

“The treasure we have guarded for many years is finally about to be born, and that is ours!”

“They wanted to snatch our treasures, so we ate them!”

“The flesh and blood of these human races is so fat, I have eaten them!”

Spiritual information exchanges one after another.

There was a huge roar.

These sea beasts, under the leadership of the supreme beast kings, launched a fierce attack on the human race near the island!

“Huh, little sea beast, dare to be presumptuous!”

“Kill more, we have a good meal today!”

“I don’t believe it, what can these sea beasts do to us!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Those who can come here are the talents of the human race!

Naturally, I won’t be scared by these sea beasts.

All of them are using their magical powers to fight fiercely with sea beasts!

In the beginning, Human Race did have the upper hand.

But with a fight, there were more and more sea beasts, and more and more supreme-level sea beasts, and slowly they could barely resist.

After ten minutes of fighting, there was even a human Tianjiao who was directly swallowed by a sea beast!

Seeing this scene, other Human Race Tianjiao, including the Blood Moon Territory Tianjiao who is also a Monster Race but also regarded as an enemy, their faces changed greatly!

“No! These sea beasts are endless, we can’t kill them!”

“No wonder, it’s no wonder that it’s been so long since Demonic Beasts haven’t come over. It turns out that they have been organized long ago and they want to attack together at this time!”

“With so many supreme sea beasts, what should we do!”

“Hey, look at Su Zhan!

Why didn’t sea beasts attack him! ”

Everyone noticed this statement.

Su Zhan was sitting on a coral reef, and Yuan Feitian stood behind him.

But that’s it.

There is no sea beast to attack them!

“It’s not that the sea beast doesn’t attack Su Zhan!”

A Tianjiao who happened to see Su Zhan’s fight just now trembled: “It’s because Senior Brother Su Zhansu is too strong!

He just, just now a supreme sea beast, scared those guys desperately to run away, who would dare to provoke him? ”

“It turned out to be like this!”

“Then we hide, isn’t it safe to do so!”

“Yes! Hide into Su Zhan, no! It’s Brother Su!

Hiding by Brother Su, who dare to provoke us among those sea beasts! ”

“Brother Su, help!”

I don’t know who is the first to rush to Su Zhan.

Next, a lot of people were heading towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan, who had been sitting cross-breathing with closed eyes, was sensed, and he opened his eyes and looked at them.

Those people stopped suddenly, squeezing out a smile one by one.

“Senior Brother Su’s supernatural power, can you protect us?”

“Yuan Feitian, we are good brothers. You can help me speak nice things so that I can also recognize Brother Su as Dage!”

“Yes, yes, yes! Brother Su, I am deer and I am willing to recognize you as Dage, please give me orders afterwards!”

Whether it is a human race or a monster race, at this moment, they are begging Su Zhan to protect them.

Even Mu Xiao and Qin Wudao were moved with this kind of thought while dealing with the sea beast.

They can still hold it now.

But who knows how many sea beasts are there?

Is there any better than them?

Therefore, while beheading the sea beasts, they also approached Su Zhan, wanting to use Su Zhan’s deterrent power to deter those sea beasts!

At this time, I heard the words of those people.

Before Su Zhan spoke, Yuan Feitian sneered: “Just now, who mocked my Yuan Feitian and my brother Su?

Do you know you are afraid now?

There are Luqie.

Are you still trying to murder my brother Su?

Now, why are you begging for asylum?

I already said that my brother Su is invincible in the world, you just don’t believe it!

Believe it now! ”

Yuan Feitian arrogantly pointed at those arrogances.

Those Tianjiao didn’t dare to talk back, and they were all annoyed.

They had known that Su Zhan was so perverted, they should be just like Yuan Feitian, cheeky and stick it up!

In that case, there is no need to worry about life safety now!

“You want me to shelter? Yes.”

Su beheaded and nodded: “However, I don’t know you, and there is no reason to help you in vain.

Therefore, I need to receive some compensation.

not much.


Thirty billion sacred stones will do. ”

30 billion holy stones!

Those Tianjiao were shocked by this number, and their faces were bitter.

Where did they get the 30 billion sacred stones.

Unless you take out your own treasures as a mortgage, it’s almost the same.

Just when they were hesitant.

A head that had just rushed over from the outside, did not know that Su Zhan’s terrifying Supreme Demonic Beasts roared and rushed over!

“What’s the noise, haven’t you seen me doing something big?”

Su Zhan was very unhappy, and a magic talisman flew out of his sleeves.

Suddenly, the huge and unavoidable Demonic Beasts was hit by the magic talisman, and the body was beaten!

The anchor!

When he came out this time, Su Zhan actually refined a lot of anchoring charms on his body.

It’s just that the anchoring talisman is very rare if you want to hit it. It is not useful for dealing with Qin Wudao, and it is very useful for this large sea beast.

Use the anchoring talisman to hold the end of the sea beast that just broke through to the supreme queen.

Su Zhan flipped his palm, and the Giant Que Yun Lan Sword appeared, and he suddenly threw it at the sea beast!


The sword body of the Juque Yunlan sword lit up with runes, which turned into a super giant sword with a length of hundreds of meters, directly slicing the sea beast in half from the head to the tail!

Blood spray, dye the red sea!

The scene was extremely bloody, and the arrogances all trembled!

After putting the corpse of the supreme-level sea beast into the storage ring, and taking back the Giant Que Yun Lan Sword, Su Zhan looked at the tianjiao who were a little scared.

“Have you seen it?

How fierce these sea beasts are, even a kind and good person like me wants to eat it!

How can they let you go?

And you, you only need to pay a small amount of 30 billion sacred stones to buy a place to stand beside me.

And standing by my side, Demonic Beasts want to attack you, and they must also attack me, which means that I am blocking the gun for you in disguise.

You are still hesitating about this kind of good blood earning?

and many more!

Could it be that you are questioning that my kendo is not strong enough and that it is not worth 30 billion sacred stones? ”

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