Chapter 871 Return to the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Xu Tianyue’s smile just now froze suddenly.

Seeing Su Zhan walking straight to the center of the open space, sitting cross-legged without a word, directly igniting Su Zhan, who gathered a trace of energy, everyone looked stupid!

No matter what Xiaobai.

After all, it is Demonic Beasts, and the bloodline is extraordinary. Demonic Beasts don’t need much cultivation. They can quickly ascension by swallowing other Demonic Beasts. In addition, the Xiaobai bloodline is special. Although they are shocked, they are not unacceptable.

But now.

Su Zhan was a human race, and it was only a month before he became Deva.

Now it’s actually going to cross Deva’s third calamity again!

This f*ck!

Is this still a human? ? ?

Xu Tianyue was not the only one who shocked.

Xi Yunze, Qin Xiaoshu, and those Deva were shocked one by one.

“Who said that Brother Su still needs three to five hundred years to become the strongest?

Stand up for me and have a look!

It takes three to five hundred years to cross the Three Tribulations in a month? ! ”

“Three to five hundred years…I’ll hehe!

With the talent of Brother Su, he will become the strongest for at least a hundred years! ”

“What shit is a hundred years, put the words here, if Brother Su is not the strongest in the spirit world in 30 years, I paraffin will reverse the name!”

“Ahem, Brother Shi, you are a bit too big to play…”

Shocking voices sounded.

When the horrible cloud covering the entire three-story Minor World sky over hundreds of miles was formed, everyone felt an extremely shocking feeling!

The darkness of the three-story building lasted for about half an hour.

After half an hour.

Su Zhan Transcends Tribulation is over.

The robbery cloud is gone, heaven and earth, return to Qingming!

He clenched his fist slightly and pressed the space around his fist to make a sound, and Su Zhan showed a smile on his face.

After the third Heavenly Tribulation tempering, his overall strength has been greatly increased!

Moreover, things like Heaven Slashing Sword Technique and Star God Body Tempering Fist will also become easier to cultivate!

“Su Zhan, congratulations on breaking into the third calamity!”

Xu Tianyue was a little embarrassed: “However, your wealth is more than the sum of us, this congratulatory gift…”

Su Zhan smiled: “Send something as you like.”

“That’s good, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to give away something you all consider precious!”

Xu Tianyue breathed a sigh of relief, flipped his palm, and took out a roll of Jade Slip: “Su Zhan, this is a roll of Alchemy cheats written by ancient myths that I accidentally got. I took it and gave it to You!”

Seeing Xu Tianyue put out a gift.

Other Deva also shot.

After a while, a bunch of things appeared in Su Zhan’s cave.

Next, I chatted with Xu Tianyue Xi Yunze and the others for a while. After watching them leave, Su Zhan also entered Immortal Cave and began to cultivate hard.

Ten more days passed.

The three-story building of Tianshu Building, somewhere in the bamboo forest.

A little Sword Ray suddenly appeared in the air, and after a short pause, it suddenly exploded!

It turned into a black hole vortex, swallowing everything in a radius of one mile.

After a second, the vortex dissipated.

This bamboo forest regained its calm.

“The annihilation sword star in the Void Sword Classic is not as powerful as I thought. In terms of lethality, it should be inferior to my Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship.”

In front of the bamboo forest swept by the black hole of Sword Ray, Su cut his sword and murmured.

In the past ten days, he not only cultivated the Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship to Xiaocheng, but also made some progress in the Void Sword Tome. Now he can simultaneously stimulate the 16 Void Sword Rays in the Void Sword Box.

In addition, he also mastered the second magical power in the Void Sword Tome, annihilating the sword star!

However, the power is not as terrifying as he imagined.

Of course, Annihilation Sword Star is pure spatial swordsmanship, and under certain special circumstances, it may be more useful than Heaven Swordsmanship!

The only regret was that Xiaobai’s Cultivation Base stayed at the peak of the Five Tribulations, and was still a bit short of the Supreme Sky Demon.

However, Xiaobai’s bloodline is strong, and with its current Cultivation Base Realm, it won’t be long before he can become a supreme demon!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan walked towards Immortal Cave.

Now, all the trivial matters have been resolved, the second level of the Star God Body Tempering fist, the second level of the God Yan Jue, and the three most important Cultivation Technique secret techniques for him have also been cultivated to Xiaocheng.

It is also time to return to the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Calculating the time, it has been four or five months since I left the Eastern Wasteland domain. I don’t know how the Master and the others are doing. Is Su Zhaoyue still looking for a different fire in the Eastern Wasteland domain?

She was settled down in the Zhongzhou region, and it was so pleasant to take Tang Liuxue over and let her wash her clothes and cook for herself.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan smiled slightly and quickened his pace.

On the second day, after bidding farewell to Xu Tianyue, Qin Xiaoshu and the others, leaving Seventeen, who was still in painstaking practice, he rode Xiaobai to the small town where he first came to Zhongzhou Region.

With the help of transmission formation.

Back in the Lintian City in Lintian Territory.

However, just after returning to Lintian City, his gaze fell on the opposite side of the square where the teleportation formation was located, the teleportation formation inscribed with the three characters “Eastern Wasteland Domain”, he was stunned.

Looking at the Four Tribulations Deva responsible for the teleportation formation, Su Zhan asked curiously: “This fellow daoist, when was this Eastern Wasteland teleportation formation built?

I haven’t been here four or five months ago. ”

“It hasn’t been a month since it was just completed.”

The old Deva found that Su Zhan was also a Deva of the Three Tribulations, and explained with a smile: “Thanks to the Yandi Region finding a spatial passage leading to the Eastern Wasteland Region, it took two months to build it.

Fortunately, the Eastern Wasteland domain is very close to our Lintian domain.

Moreover, a ruined teleportation circle was found over there, which can be used directly after modification.

Otherwise, within a few decades, it would be impossible to complete the construction of a teleportation formation! ”

“Yan Emperor Domain?”

Su Zhan frowned: “The Eastern Wasteland domain has always been a stray puppet, how could it be found by the Yan Emperor domain?”

“I don’t know this much, but the Eastern Wasteland domain today has long been divided up by our Lintian domain, Yandi domain, and Yun Tian domain.

The six top Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland domain have all bowed their heads to our three major domains!

The Eastern Wasteland domain is now the world of our three domains! ”

“Eastern Wasteland domain… is it divided by you?”

Su Zhan’s face sank.

Seeing Su Zhan’s appearance, the Four Tribulations Deva moved in his heart and became vigilant: “This fellow daoist, are you a native of Eastern Wasteland?

its not right!

The strongest in the Eastern Wasteland domain is just a holy king, it seems to be called Su Zhan.

Fellow daoist, you are the Three Tribulations Deva!

Eastern Wasteland… there is no Deva at all! ”

“I am Su Zhan. As for the Eastern Wasteland domain, there is no Deva. That was before, now… there is!”

“You really are from Eastern Wasteland!”

The Four Tribulations Deva’s old man was shocked, and Sheng Yuan’s momentum broke out in an instant!

Suddenly got up from the big chair!

However, he just stood up.

Su Zhan pressed his left hand towards the void.

In the palm of his hand, the shadow of the golden dragon on Leiyan Mountain, the meteor dragon shines brightly!

A force of suppression fell from the sky and directly crushed his body!


That table and chair are all broken into sawdust!

Under the pressure, the old man of the Four Tribulations Deva knelt on the ground with both hands supporting the ground, and he couldn’t even raise his head!

And this time.

Su Zhan also walked into the teleportation formation in the Eastern Wasteland domain. The left hand meteor dragon’s Thunder Yanshan imprint dimmed, and the force of suppression dissipated. He opened his mouth and said, “Open the teleportation formation!

In addition, to tell you the Lord of Lintianyu, he only has ten days.

If ten days later, the forces in the Lintian Region have not yet evacuated from the Eastern Wasteland Region…”

As he said, Su Zhan paused, and then continued earnestly: “I will shoot him personally and kill him.”

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