Chapter 875 Goal! (Third more)

“Why is it so troublesome?”

Su Zhan smiled, and the Leiyan Mountain Golden Dragon appeared!

He pressed towards the void ahead!

A repressive force appeared!

The next moment.

The face of the Yan Emperor Domain Four Tribulations Deva, who was still aloft, suddenly changed from the sky!


Four Tribulations Deva’s body smashed directly into a pile of rubble!

Under that force of suppression, the Four Tribulations Deva couldn’t even raise his head!

Seeing this scene, I was still a little uneasy, even the desperate people suddenly widened their eyes, full of disbelief!

That’s the Four Tribulations Deva!

It’s the tallest existence in Realm they’ve seen in their entire life!

It is said that with one breath, you can blow a mountain of horror!

But it was this class of strong who was in front of Su Zhan.

It was suppressed casually!

Not even a little resistance!

So what kind of horror is Su Zhan’s current strength?

Deva Fifth Tribulation?


Supreme? !

Everyone is shocked!

Tang Wujian was also taken aback.

Although he had also thought about it, his apprentice might have power beyond his imagination!

It is even possible to fight against a Deva of the Four Tribulations!

But in any case, he did not expect that Su Zhan would suppress the Four Tribulations in his hand!

His apprentice… how far has he grown! !

Tang Wujian felt dizzy in his head, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and realized that he couldn’t see through Su Zhan Realm, so he asked dryly, “Su, Su Zhan!

You, your Realm… where is it now? ”

“Deva… the third calamity.”

“Three Tribulations Deva!”

Tang Wujian opened his eyes wide: “It has only been a few months since you have made the breakthrough from the Holy King to the Three Tribulations Deva!

No wonder, no wonder you can suppress the Four Tribulations at will!

With your combat power, even though it is only the Three Tribulations, I am afraid that even the Five Tribulations is not your opponent, right!

Even the legendary supreme…

Maybe they can only fight against you! ”


Su Zhan smiled.

The court resisted, the Eight Tribulations Supreme hadn’t fought before, so just take it as it is.

As for the eight calamities below, I am afraid that no one can stop his Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship!

Get confirmation from Su cut mouth.

Everyone was in a trance again.

It turned out that their young master, unexpectedly, has grown into an existence that can fight against the legendary Supreme!

Tang Liuxue also glanced at Su Zan unexpectedly.

It seems that I still underestimated His Royal Highness.

Your Highness’s Three Tribulations will be able to fight against the Supreme, and when the Four Tribulations, the Supreme can be killed!

My Highness… will soon be able to kill the Supreme!

Thinking of this, Tang Liuxue’s eyes were full of enthusiasm, admiration, and even admiration. She looked obsessively in front of her. The figure was not very tall, even a little thin, but the figure and lines were perfect.

“The kid surnamed Su, you can’t kill me!”

At this moment, the Four Tribulations Deva of the Yan Emperor Domain also heard the conversation between Su Zhan and others.

After learning that what he was facing turned out to be an existence comparable to the supreme, he was almost frightened!

Hurriedly threatened: “Do you know who I am?

I am Elder of the Fire Cloud Sect of the Yan Emperor Territory!

It is also the strongest person in the Yandi domain to come to the Eastern Wasteland domain this time!

Before I came, I specially left a natal soul lamp in Sect!

If I die!

Sect will know, and Yan Dynasty will know!

At that time, they will definitely send a supreme, no!

Two, even three supreme!

When the time comes, you will only have to wait for death!

Leave me, everything, there is still room for negotiation! ”

“Let you go?”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold: “Why didn’t you let the people of Xuantian Sacred Land?

Why didn’t you let the people in the Eastern Wasteland area go?

Now you tell me, let you go? ”


Four Tribulations Deva begged for mercy in horror: “I know I was wrong!

I must change, I must change, give me a chance! ”

“It’s fine if you know your mistakes and you can correct them.

In the next life, make good changes. ”

The voice fell.

In the horrified gaze of Deva of the Four Tribulations, a huge punch swept over!


With him as the center, a big hole with a diameter of tens of meters appeared!

In the center of Tai Hang.

The Four Tribulations of the Yan Emperor Domain Deva’s seven orifices bleeds, his internal organs are shattered, and he is already dead and can no longer die.

There was still an expression of horror on his face!

Seeing the corpse of Deva of the Four Tribulations, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into cheers!

“Dead! He is dead!”

“We Xuantian Sacred Land can finally recover!”

“Brother Su, Brother Su is too good!!”

“Long live Brother Su!”

“Shhh! Don’t talk nonsense!

I heard that Deva has a ten-thousand-year-old birthday!

We should say “Brother Su Hundred Thousand Years Old”! ”

“Senior Brother Su is 100,000 live!”

“Senior Brother Su is 100,000 live!”

One after another was full of shock and moving, and fortunately for the rest of my life, all kinds of complex emotional and inconsistent voices resounded through Youtian Peak!

After a few minutes, those people calmed down a bit.

Su Zhancai asked: “By the way, do you know why the Yandi Region suddenly found a spatial passage to the Eastern Wasteland Region?”

“I know a little bit…”

Tang Wujian opened the mouth and said, “If I didn’t expect it to be wrong, this matter should be related to Su Zhaoyue?”

“It has something to do with Su Zhaoyue?”

Su Zhan raised his brows: “Master, tell me in detail.”

“I don’t know too much, but I heard that the royal family of the Yandi Region has accidentally found some Flame Goddess, and has already fixed the marriage between the Flame Goddess and their Yan Haneda, the first arrogant of the Yan Dynasty.

And this flame goddess, I guess, should be Su Zhaoyue!

Because when the Three Domains invaded, I went to Skyfire Sacred Land and learned that Su Zhaoyue hadn’t appeared for a while!

That spatial channel was probably also obtained from Su Zhaoyue! ”

“The flame goddess… make a marriage appointment?”

Su Zhan frowned, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes, which was extremely rare.

As a good person with a pure heart and willing to help others.

In my whole life, my greatest wish is to be able to easily fall in love, travel, eat all over the world, and occasionally go to outer space to see the scenery or something.


It’s so ordinary!

Ordinary wishes can no longer be ordinary, there will always be someone who will not let me come true!

Someone will stop me!

It was okay before.

All are only for me personally.

Now, even my first love is going to be grabbed!

Under the world, I am afraid that there is no more sinister, vicious, cruel, and terrible person like Yan Haneda!

And the reason why he dared to act so recklessly.

It is because the entire Yan Emperor Domain will support him again!

I am an ordinary person with no power and influence, even if I want to reason with them, I am afraid that no one will listen!

It seems that I only have to go to Yandi Domain.

Use my only, meager, and poor little strength to fight against them!

Only in this way can my vision be realized, and I can live up to my pure good Dao heart of eradicating evil and promoting good!


Su Zhan took a deep breath, and then took a deep breath.

At this moment, he felt that the goal of his trip had suddenly become very clear.

Yan Emperor Domain!

Yan Haneda!

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