Chapter 883 Heavenly Soldier Rune, Three Thousand Holy Realm! (Third more)


This person finally left…”

Watching Su Zhan leave, Huo Yunzong deputy Sect Leader heaved a sigh of relief, and sat on the ground, feeling a little frustrated.

I knew that Su Zhan was so perverted.

He should have told him the location of Goddess Peak from the beginning!

it’s good now.

Not only had to take out 100 billion sacred stones, even the Sect Leader of the Seven Tribulations was dead!

Sect Leader died.

The Fire Cloud Sect will never be able to keep the position of the three Sects in the Yan Emperor Domain…

The turf laid down over the years will inevitably shrink significantly.

And all this is just because he didn’t believe Su Zhan’s words at first…

Huoyunzong deputy Sect Leader felt bitter and annoyed.

But then again.

Before I saw it with my own eyes.

Who would believe it.

A Three Tribulations Deva really possesses the terrifying power to kill Six Tribulations, and even Seven Tribulations Supreme!

This person Su Zhan… is too ridiculous, too terrible!

Recalling the power of Su Zhan’s sword, Huo Yunzong deputy Sect Leader’s body trembled again.

“Vice Zhao, Sect Leader, are we really going to chop 100 billion sacred stones for Na Su?”

“Nasu killed our Sect Leader, Elder!

We also want to thank him and compensate him?

How can there be such a truth in the world! ! ”

“What can we do if we don’t pay?

You have seen Su Zhan’s kendo, so we can’t stop it at all! ”

“Yes, it is better to pay 100 billion sacred stones than our Fire Cloud Sect is wiped out!”

“Oh! I shouldn’t have let Thirteen Elder go to the Eastern Wasteland domain in the first place!

This time it’s all right, the good fart hasn’t been caught, and it has attracted such a terrifying existence! ”

Elder sighed.

“In fact, we may not necessarily give him 100 billion sacred stones.”

At this moment, Huo Yunzong’s deputy Sect Leader remembered something and looked in the direction Su Zhan had left, saying: “This person is so eager to find Goddess Peak, and he is from the Eastern Wasteland domain.

If I didn’t guess wrong, he must have come for the flame goddess!

The flame goddess is now the treasure used by the Huo Family to marry the Yan Dynasty!

Can they agree to take the flame goddess away with the surname Su? ”

“What if you don’t agree? The three seven calamities of the Huo Family can really stop Su Zhan?”

“One by one, of course not an opponent!

But if so, how about they use the Burning Sword Array? ”

Huoyunzong deputy Sect Leader sneered: “The Burning Sword Formation of the Huo Family is the most lethal sword formation in the Yan Emperor Domain!

It is said that if they really fall into their sword formation, even the Eight Tribulations Supreme will be hard-fought to death by them!

Su Zhan is indeed powerful, but if he falls into the Burning Sword Formation, I don’t think he can come out alive!

If he died, we would naturally not have to give this one hundred billion sacred stone! ”

“Vice Zhao, Sect Leader is right!”

An Elder’s eyes lit up: “Then should we inform the Huo family now, lest they underestimate the enemy and get beaten before they can use the sword formation?”


Huo Yunzong’s deputy Sect Leader pondered for a while, and shook his head slightly: “I don’t want it anymore. The speed of that person is too fast, we may not be able to call the Huo family before him.

Moreover, there is a case for everything.

What if this kid can really get out of the Burning Sword Array, knowing that we are telling the news, will you and I survive?

Leaving a way back is the surefire way!

We just need to sit here and wait for news from Shennv Peak! ”


The crowds of Elder nodded.

After a little half a day.

In Su Zhan’s sight, a fiery red mountain appeared.

It looks like a big mountain made of red stones.

On the top of the big mountain, there is a huge flame palace.

Lingqing’s eyes were urged to the extreme, and Su Zhan could vaguely see that in the palace, a young girl was drinking a small bowl of porridge under the supervision of several women.

Su Zhaoyue!

Su Zhan’s eyes gleamed slightly.

After a few months, seeing Su Zhaoyue again made him feel a little excited.

However, as the distance gets closer.

He also felt that outside this sacred mountain of flames, there was a huge formation guarding it.

formation halo, open!

Su Zhan opened the formation aura and sensed the rune on the faint golden, translucent formation barrier.

After a while, he frowned.

This is a big array.

He has also seen it in the Zhendao Scrolls.

Named Sifang Vajra Dazhen.

There is no other function in this formation, it is outrageously strong in defense!

And when one place is attacked, the energy from other places will gather to resist this attack as much as possible.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the Sifang Vajra Array has a very strong defense against a single attack!

Thinking back to the introduction of the Sifang Vajra Grand Formation in his mind, Su Zhan had a headache.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to crack this array.

However, it takes at least a few days!

And now, Su Zhaoyue is in that palace, he doesn’t want to wait for a moment, let alone a few days!


I can’t be alone, but I have so many people!

Remembering that he still had a Heavenly Weapon Talisman given to him by Cui Tianshu, Su Zhan’s eyes lit up, his palms turned over, and he took out a Heavenly Weapon Talisman.

Holy Yuan perfusion of heavenly soldiers amulet.

The light of that heavenly soldier talisman skyrocketed!

Soon, suddenly burst into pieces!

Turned into three thousand golden light spots!

Those golden light spots increased rapidly and turned into three thousand golden armors!

Su Zhan glanced over the heavenly soldiers, and found that these heavenly soldiers actually had the strength of the holy realm!

A magic rune transforms three thousand holy realms!

Cui Tianshu really deserves to be the first person in the world!

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and immediately said: “Listen to my orders and break through this formation!”


The eyes of the three thousand heavenly soldiers flashed with golden light, as if they had received the order, one by one they blasted towards the Vajra in a big array!

Su Zhan also directly urged the divine body, holding the Dahi Star sword in his hand, and bombarding the Sifang Vajra formation with the sword of slashing the sky!

Since it takes a few days to crack, let’s just crack it!

With such a powerful offensive, in just ten minutes, the Sifang Vajra formation has been weakened by a half!

The momentum caused by Su Zhan’s bombardment of the large formation also alarmed the guards of the Huo Family nearby.

However, those fire deacons, after seeing the terrifying power of Su Zhantian Swordsmanship, did not dare to step forward to stop them, but hurriedly left to report to the Huo Family Patriarch who was not far away!

Not far from Goddess Peak, in a Great Hall.

The Patriarch of the Huo Family heard the report from the person below who was in charge of maintaining the Sifang Vajra formation, his face suddenly changed.


Actually dare to attack Goddess Peak in an open manner!

Did he treat me as the Patriarch of the Huo Family and not exist! ! ! ”

“Patriarch calm down!”

Below, the Huo Family Elder said in deep thought, “According to the report of Huoxu’s principal, that person has great magical powers!

It can be transformed into three thousand heavenly soldiers attacking the Quartet Vajra formation!

Moreover, its own strength is extremely strong!

Judging from the general feedback of the Sifang Vajra’s kendo power… this person’s strength is probably infinitely close to the Eight Tribulations!

With such a terrifying existence, no one in our Huo family is an opponent! ”

“It’s close to the Eight Tribulations… so what!”

In the Great Hall, the third Elder of the Seven Tribulations sneered: “Our Huo Family’s Burning Sword Array is invincible, let alone he is close to the Eight Tribulations!

Even the Great Emperor of Yan Dynasty, he did not dare to fall into the super-burning sword formation of our 3,600 fire family members!

Burn out the sword formation, the world is invincible! ”

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