Chapter 885


Void Sword Ray burst out from the Void Sword Box!

“Master, I can’t hold it anymore!”

Little Star cried out in pain.

“No need to hold on any longer, come back!”

Su Zhan’s heart moved, and the little star’s Kunpeng was annihilated and turned into a little starlight to return to his Purple Mansion for warmth.

And those Void Sword Rays suddenly revolved around his body!

Thirty-six Void Excalibur Swords form a peculiar sword formation where only Sword Ray can be seen, but the Excalibur entity can’t be seen at all!

Where the sword formation passed, cracks appeared in the space!

Even give birth to a space storm!

In front of the Void Sword Array, the Sword intent of the Burning Sword Array couldn’t attack at all, and it was all annihilated!

“It’s the Void Sword Box! This is the treasure of the Void Demon Emperor back then!!”

The Huo Family Patriarch’s pupils shrank, knowing that even if he ran now, he would not be able to chase and kill the Void God Sword, so he shouted sharply: “The Void Sword Box is powerful, but it is definitely not enough to make a mere Three Tribulations Deva contend with the Burning Sword Array!

Burn the sword array, burn the sword! ”

With the surging power of the Huo Family Patriarch.

The power of three thousand six hundred people gather!


A huge black vortex suddenly appeared in the sky!

In that whirlpool.

The tip of a black-red great sword that flows like magma protrudes!

Penetrate the clouds and fall from the sky!

That is the sword of destruction that implies destruction!

It was also the strongest blow of the Burning Sword Array!

Su Zhan still sat awkwardly, a swarm of void Sword Ray suddenly burst into the space!


The sword of burning slammed into the void sword formation!

After a brief stalemate, that terrifying sword of destruction, under the cutting of 36 Void Sword Rays, began to crumble every inch!

“Void Sword Array, Zhang!”

Su cut his mouth lightly.

The Void Sword Array that smashed the Sword of Destruction suddenly expanded!

Directly defeat the Burning Sword Array!

Even, there is a supreme who, just a step back, was pierced by dozens of holes in the void sword formation, and died directly!

The sword formation was broken, and 3,600 members of the Huo family, no matter how strong or weak the Cultivation Base is, all vomited a mouthful of blood!

Frightened to look at the Void Sword Formation that is still expanding!

“Run away! This person is the descendant of Void Sword Emperor Zhang Yaoxu!”

“Damn! He just said that he is not a descendant of the Martial Dao myth!”

“This kid doesn’t speak martial ethics, so he actually carried a sword formation on his back!”

“Run! His sword formation is too strong, we are not opponents!”

“I knew this guy was so perverted, so I won’t come!”

Frightened and annoyed voices sounded one after another.

Everyone fled in panic.

But within a few seconds, they suddenly discovered that Su Zhan hadn’t chased them down.

Moreover, the Void Sword Array actually started to disperse!

The Void Sword Ray returned to the Void Sword Box one by one, and stopped one by one hesitantly.

The killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Huo Family, and he sneered: “Hahaha! This kid is exhausted!

I should have thought of it!

What kind of treasure is the Void Sword Box?

He is a small three-knack Deva, no matter how powerful, but the number of holy elements in his body is limited, how long can he sustain it?

Now that he is at the end of the crossbow, we still run away! ”

“The Patriarch is right, Su Zhan is now exhausted, and he no longer has the power to resist!”

“Sheng Yuan is exhausted? Isn’t that the fish on the cutting board, let our Huo family kill it?”

“Void sword box, what a treasure it is!

It’s a pity to give Su Zhan a little Mistress Deva to use, hehe! ”

“Huh? What is he doing, actually swallowing a lot of Medicine Pill?

He wouldn’t think that the Medicine Pill who restored the Saint Yuan could really allow him to restore the Saint Yuan now, right? ”

“Ignorant child, who swallowed so many Medicine Pills at once, isn’t this looking for death?

Maybe he had already exploded before we killed him!

Hahaha! ”

Voices sounded one after another.

After discovering that Su Zhan’s Saint Yuan was exhausted, those who had fled before turned back, wanting to kill Su Zhan, and share some benefits.

And this time.

Su Zhan put away the Void Sword Box and watched those people come back, not too surprised.

In fact, he had already expected this scene.

After all, the Void Sword Box was once a god handed down.

Although he can mobilize thirty-six Sword Rays, he almost tried his best.

The holy yuan is exhausted, as expected.

This is also the reason why he used only twelve Void Sword Rays to kill the Water Dragon King when he was already in the second tribulation.

How much can be used represents the limit, and it cannot be done with ease.

However, this is also good.

He also saved them one by one!

His eyes fell on the Huo Family Patriarch who rushed towards him first.

A little starlight flew from the center of Su Zhan’s eyebrows.

The Dahi Star sword fell into his hand.

Divine body, blood of demon god, divine vein… all kinds of power burst out in an instant!


The power of the law of heaven and earth was madly infused, and with Su Zhan’s sword, it broke out in an instant!

“No, he still has Saint Yuan!”

The Huo Patriarch’s pupils shrank, and the flame sword in his hand blocked!


The next moment, his body was cut off directly!

It smashed a mountain before stopping.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, feeling that Su Zhan’s Saint Yuan power was rapidly rising and recovering, and the Huo Family Patriarch looked at Su Zhan in disbelief.

Those Medicine Pills actually took effect!

Finally, when Su Zhan Shengyuan is exhausted, Medicine Pill will be full again!

This f*ck!

Is that human being? ? ?

The Patriarch of the Huo family broke down in his heart, and he did not dare to stay anymore, he turned his body, and flew away without hesitation into a flame of fire!

But he just started.

Su Zhan’s body flashed, the law of speed and space urging to the extreme, appeared above him again, and fell with a sword!


The Patriarch of the Huo Family spit out another bite of blood, and was slashed down by this sword.

“No, don’t kill me, I can give you whatever you want, whatever you want!”

Realizing that it was impossible for him to escape, the Patriarch of the Huo Family screamed in horror.

“I don’t want anything except your life.”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, his left hand turned, and the meteor dragon Lei Yanshan flew out!

Turned into a thousand-meter high peak, falling from the sky!

A golden dragon appears!


Meteoron Leiyan Mountain is down!

Crush the mountain below directly into powder!

Su Zhan thought, and Meteorite Leiyanshan returned to his hand, and in the huge depression below, the Huo Family Patriarch’s body was fragmented, he was already dead and could no longer die!

With the death of the Patriarch of the Huo Family, the others flee in panic again!

“Run away! Even the Patriarch is dead, we are definitely not rivals!”

“This person, this person is terrifying!”

“Eight Tribulations, this is definitely the power of the Eight Tribulations Supreme!”

“The Burning Sword Array was broken, and we are no longer able to resist!”

The sound of horror kept ringing.

Su Zhan glanced over those people, and didn’t mean to let them go.

In fact, if these people ran away at the beginning.

Except for the heinous Huo Family Patriarch, he really didn’t bother to chase the other supreme, Deva.

but now……

All these people ran away, and they had to turn back to kill him!

So cruel and vicious!

It is more than deadly!

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